bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Killswitch Engage

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 23, 2008

i have a 24" heavy barrel ar i am thinking of chopping down to 18 or 16". it is a 1/9 twist barrel and i currently shoot 69smk out of it at .5 to .75moa.

if i chop it do you think i can still run that bullet with a re-tune of the load or should i cahnge barrels to a faster twist rate. i am trying to do this on the cheap.

Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Well, you've identified yourself as cheap so we'll assume you don't use premium handloading components and prefer using inexpensive 55gr stuff.

If that's true, then keep the 1/9 and have someone cut it down and re-crown. Barrels are cheap, why not just get a new carbine barrel and swap 'er out?

In fact, I'd not opt for a 1/8 unless I was keeping that 24 inches or barrel.

I shoot 80 and 82gr stuff to 1K and get better results with a 1/8 over a 1/7 twist.

Let the milspec monkeys chime in in 3...2...1
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killshot44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well, you've identified yourself as cheap so we'll assume you don't use premium handloading components and prefer using inexpensive 55gr stuff.

If that's true, then keep the 1/9 and have someone cut it down and re-crown. Barrels are cheap, why not just get a new carbine barrel and swap 'er out?

In fact, I'd not opt for a 1/8 unless I was keeping that 24 inches or barrel.

I shoot 80 and 82gr stuff to 1K and get better results with a 1/8 over a 1/7 twist.

Let the milspec monkeys chime in in 3...2...1 </div></div>
What part of your "your cheap", "milspec monkeys" and "here's what I shoot" paragraph answered one single part of his question? All you said is if you shoot crap 55s keep the 1:9.

I don't know if you read the same post I did. . But he said plain as day he shoots 69smks, so that whole "your cheap" paragraph is uncalled for. Just because someone doesn't want to spend hundreds to swap a barrel if the one he has will work fine doesn't mean he's a cheap ass. It means he doesn't want to needlessly throw money away.

Now, needless snide comments aside to answer your question, yes, you will of course sacrifice velocity that you might not be able to completely make up without pressure issues, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't still fire 69s just fine.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

You will be fine with the 1:9 twist if you cut it down to 18". 16" would be workable too, but try and stay with 18" to maintain more pressure and velocity.

You won't have to worry about higher twist until you move up to 75gr or 77gr rounds, in which case a 1:8 would be desirable.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

i would wonder how much money is saved chopping and recrowning vs. just buying a new barrel but either way 1 in 9 will work with 69 grainers from a 16"-18" tube probably stable to 700ish but muzzle velocity is your friend.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

They teach you boys in 'Bama how to read?

How about his <span style="font-weight: bold">" I am trying to do this on the cheap"</span>?

I just think it's funny someone wants to chop a barrel in half when they're so cheap to replace.

Barrels are consumables, like gun-powder and potato chips.

Sorry to offend your sensibilities, Nancy!
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Okay, my first question is this:
Do you have a full length gas system?
If so, going below 20" will be problematic.

Do you have an AR competent gunsmith in your area?
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killshot44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They teach you boys in 'Bama how to read?

How about his <span style="font-weight: bold">" I am trying to do this on the cheap"</span>?

I just think it's funny someone wants to chop a barrel in half when they're so cheap to replace.

Barrels are consumables, like gun-powder and potato chips.

Sorry to offend your sensibilities, Nancy! </div></div>

OP: "I currently shoot 69SMKs"
You: "let's assume your shooting inexpensive 55s"

Yeah smart guy, let's talk about reading. Go troll somewhere else. And I'm not from bama anyway. Just tired of people on here who seem to try to be smart asses just for the sake of doing it. Only the part where you failed is the "smart" so what part does that leave for you?
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Since White Oak sells an 18 inch barrel with a rifle length gas system, I would assume 18 inches is OK.

Check our their SPECIAL PURPOSE RIFLE (SPR) Match Barrel at the following link:


But on cost - OK you want to minimize cost - I get that. I suggest that you compare the cost of shortening your existing barrel vs buying a new barrel at 18 inches and selling the old barrel.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killshot44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They teach you boys in 'Bama how to read? </div></div>

Yep, we hillbilly's can read an cipher. Even read between the lines too. How's all your leadership, gun, Tax laws, and give away programs, working out for you'll? FYI Last year we even had our Damn-o-crat controlled houses repeal our SBS/SBR laws. You guys need help knowing how to do that, Na you'll be smarter than us billy's, I should have never ask,... sorry.

We are so far behind in your way of thinking/doing do to being so Dumn we'll never catch up, but we are trying oh so hard.

OBTW, Many states have already said they will not allow you'll, a bail out again, wonder how that's going to effect your eats. You'll can come to dumn ass Bama and we might teach you how to table fish an hunt. That way you can learn to do for yourself first hand, instead of relying on others.

Nice we could help you'll along with your up bringing on how to use Microwave for commo/video links. Wonder why, NASA set up shop in Huntsville Alabama, Oh that's right, something about the first rockets to the moon or something along those lines.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

They teach us first how to put a boot in your ASS,reading is optional..

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Killshot44</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They teach you boys in 'Bama how to read?

How about his <span style="font-weight: bold">" I am trying to do this on the cheap"</span>?

I just think it's funny someone wants to chop a barrel in half when they're so cheap to replace.

Barrels are consumables, like gun-powder and potato chips.

Sorry to offend your sensibilities, Nancy! </div></div>
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

LOL... A Cali hippie wanting to bust on Bama...

Nly, don't be a pussy... It doesn't matter that you originated in yankee-ville, you've been in Bama longer, so that pre-yankee existence is nothing but a distant bad memory...

I actually grew up in Cali, but thank God my momma moved me away out here to God's country, before I became infested with California situational retardation syndrome...


USACS gave you the info you crave, he be all up in da rightness....
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

They also teach us respect .... Man asked a simple question ... If you have the ability to change the barrel yourself I would change the barrel ... cutting 8" off the barrel will cost you 200 fps or more in velocity which will shorten your distance where you go subsonic greatly.... don't know how they charge for work in your area, but a chop and crown, with rethreading for flash suppressor would run you between 100 to 200 here ... Not sure what you are doing with rifle but I would check with a smith and see what they charge vs a new barrel ... My Bushmaster with 16" heavy barrel was a pretty good shooter but when prices got out of sight on them I traded it for a pretty nice new tactical 308 and a decent scope for my hunting rifle .... <span style="font-weight: bold">IF</span> you want to go cheap, I have cut and crowned a barrel on my own with decent results but not for everyone ... I took a tubing cutter and ran it around the barrel to give me a mark and put an O-ring on the barrel to help me guide my cut ... use different sandpaper to slick, then a round head brass bolt and valve grinding compound to make my crown ... finished it all off with a dremel and polishing compound ... didn't make a tact driver, but it did shoot better than it did before I started ... without a flash suppressor you need to cut barrel no shorter than 16 1/2" or someone will be knocking at your door ... but this ideal comes from a hillbilly so it might be over the head of some .... Terry

On another note only person I know from Cal here, came here in the 6th grade and was an honor student in eveyway ... when she stated to school here she was so far behind they held her back a year to catch her up .... met a few good people from there and was offered a substantial raise to stay and run their engineering department when there, but chose to return home where I could live just as well on only the raise they offered .... Also never ran into a woman here (or so I thought) in the mens room using a urinal ....

Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Just a few things to consider here guys.

He didnt say he was "cheap" as many of you keep saying. He said he was trying to do this "cheaply" Please dont assume that because an individual doesnt take the most expensive route that they are "cheap". There is also no reason to buy and have chambered an entirely new barrel if the one he already has will meet "his requirements" Please take note that I said his requirements and not yours. Too many people are too quick to the name calling without knowing anything about the individual or what they are wanting to accomplish.

Also, Im pretty sure I wouldnt call a guy who just built this cheap.

Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JRose</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just wait until Mike finds someone to read this thread to him..... </div></div>
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Enios</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Also never ran into a woman here (or so I thought) in the mens room using a urinal ....</div></div>
I found one in the womans once, after the wife screamed. Should have seen the look I got,...but then again guess he never seen a armed hillbilly bust a door to protect his wife.

He wanted the cops called, the store owner ask why? He explained, again the owner ask why? Took him twice but he got the message.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Oodin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Topic at hand: AR15barrels.com advertises $45 to shorten and rethread, I haven't seen many barrels going for $45. </div></div>

read this one first:


ADCO charges $65 to thread and crown, check and see how much they would add to shorten it.

OP my be extremely happy with the barrel performance and does not want to have another barrel. I have a 16" with a rifle length gas system, and it is the smoothest shooting DI upper I have.

Another option to consider.....how much would you get for your current barrel? then how much for a replacement barrel?
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

hey guys,

thanks for the input....some of you!

i just wanted to lighten the rifle without having to replace the barrel if possible. it only has a couple hundred rounds thru it.

i have a great smith to work with (short action customs) so i figured why not just cut it down/thread it. 6" off of a barrel like this should remove some condiderable weight. i realize i should have made a different choice in the beginning but it is what it is.

i am not a cheap bastard and i will definatley spend money where necessary. i really just planned to turn this thing into a night rifle with 2-300yd expectations. i also have another 16" barreled ar that i may just switch some shit around and use it.

Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

I can speak personally of Steve at ADCO's work, it is excellent. I recently sent in a 16" Wilson heavy barrel, he lightened the barrel up under the handguard and contoured for an Ops Inc brake. Turn around was three (3) weeks including shipping the barrel via UPS from Florida and the cost was $180.00, including the re-coat. It shoots like a champ, I put 200 rounds through Sunday in less than 2 hours and no discernable shift in POI.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: desertfox01</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Oodin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Topic at hand: AR15barrels.com advertises $45 to shorten and rethread, I haven't seen many barrels going for $45. </div></div>

read this one first:

[url="http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=201916&Number=2260737#Post2260737"]http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthre...737#Post2260737[/url</div></div>Thanks for the info, I think I'll take ar15barrels.com out of my bookmarks, for now.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

Go for it, my 14.5" barrel stabilizes 75 gr bullets fine. I've heard of some 1/9 barrels wouldn't shoot 75/77's, but if it doesn't shoot 69's then I'd think something is wrong.

Plenty of people shoot 17" rifles with rifle length gas systems, and there are some 16" ones too. It should be a soft shooting rifle when you're done.
Re: bullet weight w/ a 1/9 twist

I dont think you will have any issues at all. just get the work done by a quality smith . I know alot of people praise the work adco does. the 1/9 vs. 1/7 debate is way over thought . I have a 2 1/9 twist rifles and one 1/7 and for the most part betweeen 52 grain and 69 grain I cant tell any of them have issues and my 1/9 twist carbine shoots decent groups with 75 grain tap ammo.