There is nothing more frightening than a sniper, his rifle, and his spotter working as one. It is a masterful dance of mathematics, science, meteorology, engineering, and violence. Hearing that dull thud followed by the crack takes the breath, will to fight, soul away from the most highly trained warriors on the planet. Knowing a bullet terminated into it’s designed target at great distance is indescribable.
The sniper was the first person to weaponize math. Taking a trad...ecraft of skillfully disappearing into the surroundings that he is completely observant of and capable to disrupt at his chosen moment. Generations of combatants have tried to explain the psychological effect a sniper has. It is the things nightmares are made of. A creature that can see you but you can’t see it. It can hurt you and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no running or hiding. There is just hoping it doesn’t choose you.
Golf is considered to be one of the most precision finesse sports on earth. Long-range shooting has significant commonality: calculations for spindrift, wind speed, distance, and temperature. For me this is where the similarities end and the remarkable differences begin most notably that one is lethal.
Unlike most combat rolls a sniper is often eerily familiar with his target. They have seen it with great clarity. Perhaps followed and watched it for days. It is killing from far away but uncomfortably personal.
One sniper team can change the course of a battle. One has rearranged the momentum of a war. The United States has more “snipers” than the rest of the world combined. With that in mind, may God bless our troops especially our SNIPERS!
I fucking despise plagiarism. I looked up the first sentence of your post because I know stringing such words together to be a bit beyond you.
Originally, it was here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVjuqJ-AY62/?taken-by=timkennedymma&hl=en
If you're gonna put something like this up, at least give the man who wrote it credit and include a link. Otherwise, you come off like a jock-sniffer.
Just sayin', Mark ...