Burris XTR Pro 🇺🇸

Received my new Pro today. Bought from Neil at Cameraland. Unlike a lot of the early shipments, mine came with the nice throw lever, lens hood, battery and lens cloth, etc. First look compared against my XTRIII, which I like as well as my Mark5, finds better turret feel, easier but still firm mag ring movement and I no longer need gloves to change magnification if the throw lever is removed. The optics are a couple of steps ahead of the XTRIII.
The SCR2 reticle is nice. I like the green reticle👍
Do they sell the throw levers as an aftermarket? I ordered a throw from Burris (I was on my phone screen) and wasn't paying attention. The throw lever fits the XTRIII perfect, PRO...not so much.
You can make it work for the Pro if you want. Just grind off two of the ridges inside the ring and it will then fit the Pro.
I got my first XTR Pro Tremor 5 this week. Today was my first day shooting it. Easy to say it’s amazing. I have Razor Gen 3 and Gen2, Mark 8, XTR3 3-18 and 5.5-30. This thing straight rocks. I will be buying another to sit on my other Seekins 6.5 PRC.


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I got my first XTR Pro Tremor 5 this week. Today was my first day shooting it. Easy to say it’s amazing. I have Razor Gen 3 and Gen2, Mark 8, XTR3 3-18 and 5.5-30. This thing straight rocks. I will be buying another to sit on my other Seekins 6.5 PRC.
Good luck with it i wish they would put the TREMOR 3 in it.looking for a cheaper option with the T3 in it but just cant find one and no way will i buy that Horus vision scope.
I'm a match director for the Parma Precision Rifle Rumble. We're a PRS Pro Series Qualifier in our 5th year, we just had our match this past weekend.

Burris has been our match sponsor all five years, and I have to say it was fantastic to see so many shooters with Burris scopes this year. There were 6 or 7 guys running Pros. They're easy to spot. And I saw a handful of XTRIIIs. It's taken a minute for Burris to break into this price point. But they did it the old fashioned way. A great product at a fair price.

I know they have some cool new ideas coming. I hope to see one of them at least hit the market by hunting season. Fingers crossed, because folks are gonna like it.
I'm a match director for the Parma Precision Rifle Rumble. We're a PRS Pro Series Qualifier in our 5th year, we just had our match this past weekend.

Burris has been our match sponsor all five years, and I have to say it was fantastic to see so many shooters with Burris scopes this year. There were 6 or 7 guys running Pros. They're easy to spot. And I saw a handful of XTRIIIs. It's taken a minute for Burris to break into this price point. But they did it the old fashioned way. A great product at a fair price.

I know they have some cool new ideas coming. I hope to see one of them at least hit the market by hunting season. Fingers crossed, because folks are gonna like it.
wish they would put the T3 in the burris
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Shot a match in a rather steady rain over the weekend. The whiteboard turret was pretty much useless. It was much nicer the next day and it works pretty good, but if your hands are sweaty you can rub it off. Clear scotch tape and permanent marker might be the ticket, but that sounds like one more thing to forget...

Also, and I should have thought of this myself, vertical split rings are not a good application for this setup. I set the scope in an ARC M-Brace one piece and you have to break your cheek weld to peek over the top of the ring to see your indicator marks for your dial values.
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Shot a match in a rather steady rain over the weekend. The whiteboard turret was pretty much useless. It was much nicer the next day and it works pretty good, but if your hands are sweaty you can rub it off. Clear scotch tape and permanent marker might be the ticket, but that sounds like one more thing to forget...
Just use permanent marker straight on the turret. Then write over it with whiteboard marker to remove
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Shot a match in a rather steady rain over the weekend. The whiteboard turret was pretty much useless. It was much nicer the next day and it works pretty good, but if your hands are sweaty you can rub it off. Clear scotch tape and permanent marker might be the ticket, but that sounds like one more thing to forget...
Scotch tape and a perm sharpie. (matt finish (purple package) style which is easier to write on)
If you skip the tape and use a perm marker on the turret, use an alcohol base hand sanitizer to remove. Little dab on a cloth and you're gtg.
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Shot a match in a rather steady rain over the weekend. The whiteboard turret was pretty much useless. It was much nicer the next day and it works pretty good, but if your hands are sweaty you can rub it off. Clear scotch tape and permanent marker might be the ticket, but that sounds like one more thing to forget...

Also, and I should have thought of this myself, vertical split rings are not a good application for this setup. I set the scope in an ARC M-Brace one piece and you have to break your cheek weld to peek over the top of the ring to see your indicator marks for your dial values.

I have only had to shoot in rainy conditions one time so far. But I used a wax pencil and it worked great. No runs, no drips, no errors.

For the other 99% of the time I just use a wet erase marker and a damp cloth I keep in my dump pouch to wipe it clean after every stage.
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I went from a .2 mil to a 1/4 mil reticle for a less cluttered viewspace. I don't know how you guys can see through the tremor.
I only have the tremor after a night of heavy drinking, otherwise it’s pretty much okay…


But seriously, if you practice with a Tremor, or any other tree style reticle, your brain can see things pretty well. On the other hand, I really like the 1/4 mil reticle too.
For the other 99% of the time I just use a wet erase marker and a damp cloth I keep in my dump pouch to wipe it clean after every stage.
I covered the whiteboard part with Scotch tape and experimented with a permanent marker and a rag dipped in alcohol. That seemed to provide the clearest delineation and wiped off really clean. I just have to remember to pack that shit with me when I shoot matches. I figured the Scotch tape was cheap insurance anyways since the chance of me using a permanent marker on the turret without it are nearly 100%
Am I the only guy that marks the dial in yardage, put dots in 25 yard intervals in a different color, then tape over the markings. If conditions change then it's a easy change. Write each stage yardage on a card, hand or whatever.
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Thanks, tracking that. I know they cleaned up the reticle a little in the 5 but I am partial to the 3. Still a great reticle IMO.
The T5 has the same functionality as the T3 just missing the quick ranging things above the main stadia.

I'd imagine you could use both reticles interchangeably if you don't use that ranging feature.
Got mine in yesterday.

Initial fondling of it has me smiling. I can now turn the magnification ring (comparing to my US made XTR III) without having to grab ahold of sharp corners and using so much force that it is uncomfortable. The throw lever is a must on my old XTR III, it was provided on the Pro, but not necessary.

I like the multiple elevation turrets, and the feel is a step up too. Probably won't use the race dial much for my shooting, but maybe if I tried hunting with it.

The glass is a hair better to my eye, but I was a big fan of the glass on the XTR III. Even at 15x in low light, I can see into shadows better than my naked eye can, but you'll need the illumination to make out the crosshairs (not that many guys will be using this for hunting). The center crosshair on the Pro is definitely smaller, so I'm going to like that better for load development and paper shooting...I don't think it'll matter on steel.
Is the pro reticle more useful at lower mag range than the XTR III? Meaning, thicker reticle?
I remember when the illuminated reticles came out, they were thicker than the previous non illum ones on the XTR line. I remember buying a non-illum XTR and sent it back because reticle was too thin.

Both current XTRIII and PRO in the 5.5x30 illuminated SCR2 appear to have the same reticle specs according to Burris website diagrams. The 3.3-18 XTRIII shows a thicker reticle. Someone more knowledgeable correct me if I'm wrong.

A little info for newer shooters:
For me, when using the lower power settings on FFP scopes, its mostly for scanning to find the targets. For example, I 'could' engage a target at low power, but I'm not going to use holdovers at 6X. Once target is acquired, time permitting, I can zoom up to my 12x to 18x sweet spot, to be able to use the reticle features. The higher power settings I'm only commonly using to spot for someone or look at holes in paper. I also use higher power settings more frequently on rimfires.
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Is the pro reticle more useful at lower mag range than the XTR III? Meaning, thicker reticle?

Not really. I would venture to say that the crosshairs (especially the center) are a touch thinner on my Pro Than my old XTR III (non-illuminated, US made). However, I think the current SCR2 is equal now in both models with the Pro giving you the option of .2 or .25 mil hashmarks.

Both of mine are 5.5 - 30, but I don't own a current production XTR III to give a modern comparison with.
Is the pro reticle more useful at lower mag range than the XTR III? Meaning, thicker reticle?

No FFP is overly useful for anything but a duplex reticle aiming point at lower powers but the Pro and Illuminated XTRIII reticle is a little thicker than the older non illuminated versions. Been written about here many times. If you need the reticle at that low power just turn on the illumination and it will help but for the most part you don;t buy a 5-30x scope to use the 5x area. ;)
  • Haha
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No FFP is overly useful for anything but a duplex reticle aiming point at lower powers but the Pro and Illuminated XTRIII reticle is a little thicker than the older non illuminated versions. Been written about here many times. If you need the reticle at that low power just turn on the illumination and it will help but for the most part you don;t buy a 5-30x scope to use the 5x area. ;)
Oh yes, 15-20X I was thinking as lower mag. I used my XTR III for ELR at 25-30X. Now I am back shooting more practical distances to 300-1000. Eyes getting old and 12-20x is a strain to keep the reticle sharp. Contrast to the HDMR when I once thought the reticle too thick, but now I'm appreciating it!
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Is the pro reticle more useful at lower mag range than the XTR III? Meaning, thicker reticle?
I got rid of a XTR III illuminated because of the thin reticle. I’m about to do the same with a few Gen 3 Razors. I don’t like these .02 - .03mil thick reticles at all. Now I’m certain of it. I think NF tends to be on the thicker side of at least .04 mil with many of their scopes. I may go this direction. I would live a XTR III Pro with the 1/4 mil reticle but at least a .04 mil thick.
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I think NF tends to be on the thicker side of at least .04 mil with many of their scopes.
This is the info I have after calling and talking to NF about the MIL-R and MIL-XT:

.036 mil ATACR 7-35

Main line thickness
4-16 ATACR0.043 mil
2.5-20 NX80.041 mil
4-20 ATACR0.040 mil
4-32 NX80.036 mil
5-25 ATACR0.033 mil
7-35 ATACR0.033 mi
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If UPS doesn't fumble at the goal line, my XTR Pro and ARC rings should be here on Thursday, in time for my Friday range trip! Pretty stoked.
Received my XTR Pro and ARC MBrace last night and when I mounted it, I couldn’t see the turret marks without coming completely off of the gun. Probably back to the Razor Gen III for me. Just not impressed with the Burris.

Received my XTR Pro and ARC MBrace last night and when I mounted it, I couldn’t see the turret marks without coming completely off of the gun. Probably back to the Razor Gen III for me. Just not impressed with the Burris.

View attachment 8242263

That’s more of a mount issue than the scope as I can see it fine with my MDT mounts.

That’s more of a mount issue than the scope as I can see it fine with my MDT mounts.

View attachment 8242266
I agree that it’s not the scopes fault. I just don’t care for it enough to give up my ARC mount. I found the reticle hard to see below 16x and just didn’t like it that much overall. I much preferred my Gen III Razors although I did have to return a couple to Vortex and the NF 7x35 ATACR. I guess variety is why they make different models. Sucks too because I had high hopes for the Pro.
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