Butler Creek covers

Rancid Coolaid

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Aug 10, 2007
    Houston, TX.
    Is it just me, or have their covers gone to shit lately?

    I've broken more covers in the past 6 months than in the previous 10 years, without any real change in the way I handle or use.

    Maybe it's me. Figured I'd ask.

    It wouldn't be the first time I am the exception rather than the rule.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    RC, no its not just you. The ones I got this year have all broken so easily I wont use them again until the fix what ever they are doing wrong. I was complaining about this the other day to a friend and was showing him how flimsy they have become when I snapped a lense cover in half between two fingers seeing if it flexed. It did not flex more than .25 inch before it snapped under maybe three pounds of finger pressure.

    The old ones where gtg. What a shame
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    They suck and I am done using them as well. i would rather scratch my lenses then waste my money on them!!
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NOMAD</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They suck and I am done using them as well. i would rather scratch my lenses then waste my money on them!!


    Nomad, they dont offer any protection anyway as they wont stay shut.

    Better to use Bikini type and have lenses protected or in the case of Leupold use, Leupolds scope covers which are metal flip ups and work very well
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I won't DISAGREE cause I don't doubt they are of lesser quality now, but I took a pretty nasty tumble down a 15' cliff onto limestone rocks this winter coyote hunting.
    It ended up being funny cause I didn't break anything on my gun and I didn't get hurt, but the Butler Creek scope caps saved my NXS from some pretty serious surface blemishes and they didn't pop open.
    There is some hard core road rash on my covers but the objective is still flawless and the sun shade still threads on smooth so it's obviously not oblong.

    I agree they are pretty flimsy, but in my case...I'm glad I had em. A used Nightforce is worth a lot more without a big fekin scar on the objective, even if its purely cosmetic.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    YES, they seem to be made of a material that is more brittle than it used to be. I have broken a bunch in the last year or so. Seems like they need the flex put back into them and maybe beefed up a little.

    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I've got some older sets that have been around for years [decades]. I'm glad to see this report since I'm in need of 2-3 more sets and was just looking at them the other day.

    Are there any alternatives to Butler Creek other than the bikini type?

    BTW, I've never had any problems with the Alumina caps on my Loopys but they are sure expensive. And of course they won't fit anything else.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    The Buttler Creeks I got this year are the problem. I have some 10-15 years old that still work great. The new ones are brittle and wont stay shut.

    I use the ones NXS puts in box for my NXS scopes and just plain bikini covers but hope someone else has a better idea
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    Seems like a huge opportunity exists in the market.

    Yet another example of building up a loyal following, then taking them to the woodshed for a good beating.

    I'm done with Butler Creek, looking for another good alternative. Bikinis is it for now.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    Agree this is a HUGE opportunity for some aspiring machinist to make some real lens caps. I think a Butler Creek type design in aluminum with O-rings on the diameters to slip fit them on the scope.
    If someone figures out how to make them I am in for about 10 sets.

    Re: Butler Creek covers

    every pair i owned 5-6 sets all broke!! they broke right where the hinge is a attached to the cap. I actually tried to contact Butler Creek and their web site has no contact info! pretty poor way to do business. I certianly will not replace them!!
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rancid Coolaid</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Yet another example of building up a loyal following, then taking them to the woodshed for a good beating. </div></div>

    Ain't that the truth? Did BC get bought out recently? That seems to be the usual pattern - a corporation comes in and tries to squeeze every cent out of a company that someone else built, destroying the company in the process.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: madd0c</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Agree this is a HUGE opportunity for some aspiring machinist to make some real lens caps. I think a Butler Creek type design in aluminum with O-rings on the diameters to slip fit them on the scope.
    If someone figures out how to make them I am in for about 10 sets.

    madd0c </div></div>
    No joke. I'd buy the shit out of some quality ones.. I want mine threaded for my 56mm Nightforce with magnet latches and I'll pay damn good money. Somebody has the skills to make these. Seekins? C.Dixon, Hooper, Badger, Nightforce, Hello??
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hooper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What colors do you guys want? Black OD and khaki? </div></div>

    Black, please, I'll take 6 sets.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I have broken 3 this year but everytime it was when I did something stupid. Never had any problems with them coming open at all. I get them for $6 each so no biggie. I despise having to keep up with the bikini covers.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SASSdriver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">every pair i owned 5-6 sets all broke!! they broke right where the hinge is a attached to the cap. I actually tried to contact Butler Creek and their web site has no contact info! pretty poor way to do business. I certianly will not replace them!!</div></div> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SASSdriver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">every pair i owned 5-6 sets all broke!! they broke right where the hinge is a attached to the cap. I actually tried to contact Butler Creek and their web site has no contact info! pretty poor way to do business. I certianly will not replace them!!</div></div>

    Same problem here on both bc and aimpoint covers. I'm almost sure the aimpoint covers are made by bc.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    It's not you. Earlier this year of late last year was the first I started having problems. Have a bunch of sets that work fine-never a problem. Went to buy an exit objective for my 4-16 S&B never stays closed, total piece of shit. Tested multiples all the same problem.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    get an inner tube from a tyre, cut a loop of it, use that as a 'bikini' type cover instead

    cheap, waterproof so your lenses stay dry, doesn't break

    just not as fast as the BC covers but fuck it, I'm sick of breaking them
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I'm glad I'm not the only one to have problems with them breaking. I'm like you guys, the older sets I have are great but the new ones are shit. All the ones I've had break are the eyepiece cover. There's no doubt they've changed the formula of their plastic, it's way too brittle. I'm sure Bushnell or whoever owns em now has had something to do with them turning from a good usable product into a sorry piece of shit! Corporate america at it's best!!
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I have a box of broke BC covers. Seems..the older ones, hold-up
    The older ones I have, are still going!
    I run Night Force "bikinis" on the rest!

    LOBO 151
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I have broken a half dozen in the last year or two....

    I have old ones going strong.

    Butler Creek will not get anymore of my money until the get their house in order....like tactical mine will not stay shut for shit. If they stayed shut, they probably not break all the f'ing time!!!
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I've gone through three caps out of the five I've bought this year. The rear push buttons ones seems to be the worst. I thought I was just being too hard on them but it looks like they have gone to crap this year.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    The scope cover on the scope I recently bought arrived broken. This is the contact info I found.

    Bushnell Outdoor Products
    9200 Cody
    Overland Park, KS 66214-1734
    In Kansas City area - (913) 752-3400
    Consumers - (800) 423-3537
    Dealers - (800) 221-9035
    Fax - (913) 752-3550
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I got a set yesterday for my 6-24 vortex PST and they are total crap. The front cover won't even stay closed. Since they are only $16 it's not worth returning them because of the shipping cost.
    I will never touch a butler creek anything ever again.....
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    if any of our handy SH engineers, concoct a rock solid alternative, im in for a few sets. BC has fooled me entirely too many times, with crap quality. im using the bikini cover for my NXS at the moment, but ive always loved the concept, and ease of use(in theory)of the flip-up covers.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hooper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What colors do you guys want? Black OD and khaki? </div></div>
    Please Hooper make some thread on ones! Black for me and make em as nice as your bottom metal.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    These new ones are pieces of shit. I bought a set for my wife's scope and we hit a local match a couple of days later. On the first stage she had the objective cap flipped open while shooting and on the 3rd shot out of the rifle the cap literally broke and fell off the gun.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I just broke mine this weekend. I threw a dragbag over the rifle to keep the sun off of it and it snapped the cap off where the hinge attaches to the lens cap. I was thinking that if they just made it a little more flexible, there wouldn't have been an issue. This seems like it would be really easy to fix.

    It could be that their plastic supplier added the wrong additive or the wrong amount of additive or maybe they switched vendors to save a few bucks. I used to work for a plastics manufacturer and these type of things used to crop up. If they weren't testing, I could see how they could make 6 months of these before receiving a boatload of customer complaints. Let's hope that is the situation.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    I haven't had any snap off, but I've ordered at least 4 caps recently for larger objectives lenses (50mm or 56mm), and each time the bigger ones always seem really loose. I have experienced a bunch of unintended pop opens while in bags, etc. On the "flip" side, the smaller eyepiece covers were tight and snug.
    Re: Butler Creek covers

    Butler Creek, Uncle Mikes and a bunch of others were bought out somewhere around 2006/2007. From the time the companies were founded until the buy out all products were made in the U.S. and were excellent quality.

    This is a fact.

    Upon completion of the buy out, the new owners almost immediately stopped domestic production and went overseas for their manufacturing.

    A.T.I. (Adaptive Technologies Inc.)in Idaho used to injection mold all of the B.C. caps. The new owners of Butler Creek stripped 100% of their production away from A.T.I. and sent it off shore.

    GrovTec USA in Oregon used to machine all of Uncle Mikes sling studs, loops and adapters. The new owners of Uncle Mikes stripped 100% of their production away from GrovTec and sent it off shore.

    Thankfully, both A.T.I. and GrovTec are owned and operated by some of the best in the world. They have both gone through much tough times when large portions of their production was sent overseas but due to very hard work and extremely sharp minds they both are doing well making products for other companies.

    In 2007, I received a box of 100 heavy duty push button sling loops in which about 20% came apart during shipment. The replacement order was about the same. Much hell raising and fussing later I permanently stopped any business with U.M.

    Butler Creek caps are pure shit now. Not because they are made in China but because they are made in China with shit material. Butler Creek is aware of the quality but is making a ton of money. You say yeesh, $6.00 apiece. . I will just buy another when this one breaks. They say yeesh, at a cost of 90 cents each. I will just keep my margins way high and put up with some complaints.

    They are taking no steps to change anything at this point.

    The really stupid thing is Uncle Mikes and Butler Creek really had no competition or challengers when they were bought out. The new owners could have left things alone and still made money while keeping domestic, high quality production. Instead they chose to keep the selling price the same while they triple profits.

    Profit is always good. Shit products are never good.

    Rant, rant, rant. Sorry.

    Everybody have a safe and happy Labor Day Holiday.