C308–anybody with hands on time


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Ok I know it’s a Century and maybe that’s the answer right there but one came in the shop today and I can get it for $300 so I’m tempted. The C308 is a sorta HK91 with some CETME parts tossed in (sights). From what I can tell the rest of the parts at least look 91 rather than CETME.

I really only want it because I miss my real HK 91s

I’ve seen reviews that are kinda meh. Some say they ok others aren’t flattering. That’s why I’m asking if anyone has actually fired one.
Yea they arent bad. If you have had HKs before then I would check the bolt gap on it if you can. If it's off a little then it can be fixed with a new locking piece or rollers +/-. I've seen one that couldnt be fixed, too much gap. It had to have the barrel pulled and pushed back thru to headspace.

But they are not bad for what they are. At $300, bolt gap checks out, sights not crooked, welds look good, grab it.

Yea this would probably be better posted in semi autos... I saw it so figured I would answer ya.
Thanks for the information and confirmation of my thoughts. Worse case I figure I can sell it for at least what it costs. Its on consignment, in a shop in Maryland; but its NOT legal for Marylanders to own so the dealer has to sell it to folks who live outside Maryland. I live in Pa, so its a good deal.

I have a Browning Auto 5(clone) that's been painted to look like a Rhodesian field camo job. IF the C308 shoots Im thinking Ill paint it the same way. Its Landrover green and yellow (sorta looks like baby poop and puke smeared on the gun). Apparently some were done well and some look like they were done with an old sock... Im not sure I could bring myself to paint a real HK like that???