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Cabelas Decline


Feb 22, 2019
I like many of you do not purchase all items from Cabelas do to limited selection and high pricing but I have kept their credit card for many years due to the point awards and periodic specials. Everyone know that Dicks has been letting anything gun related decline from an inventory standpoint as they are steadily leaving this part of the business. What is troubling is I see Cabelas doing what is apparently something similar. I've been watching for a long time since Bass Pro took them over and they are also dropping inventory. For example they still do not carry the Nightforce NX8 even though it's all over other retailers. I shoot 270 WSM and factory loads and they have dropped in the past year from 13 plus choices to 9 as of this morning. Does anyone have any incite from an industry perspective as to why this is? It is a real disappointment to see this once major outdoor retailer move in this direction. I've called quite a few times and asked Cabelas and they never really respond.
My hunch is that Bass Pro is assimilating them to carry the same inventory to save time and money from a logistical perspective. Bass Pro has always favored the fishing side of outfitting so I expect Cabelas to take on that same bias...it is sad. Luckily I have a Scheels near me and have transitioned to them for my hunting and shooting supplies.
I haven't ordered from Cabelas in years. Last evening I was looking for the best price on plated .45 bullets and Cabelas popped up in a search. Their price was about average, but free shipping so less expensive overall.
My hunch is that Bass Pro is assimilating them to carry the same inventory to save time and money from a logistical perspective. Bass Pro has always favored the fishing side of outfitting so I expect Cabelas to take on that same bias...it is sad. Luckily I have a Scheels near me and have transitioned to them for my hunting and shooting supplies.
I 'thought' the same thing but yesterday I went on Cabelas and Bass Pro. Cabelas had 9 270 WSM loads and Bass Pro 11. Bass Pro is destroying Cabelas. 3 years ago you could actually get one of the Cabelas brothers on the phone and today the 'outfitter' that answers the phone doesn't know the difference between #7.5 and #8 shot! Not sure they even know what a shotgun is. I received a shooting catalog from Cabelas about 6 weeks ago and it had Hornady A Tips. To this day it's not findable on their site.
I don't shop in our Cabelas "Lite" and since BPS took over I just laugh at the pricing of things. Used to be, many, many years ago when Johnny Morris started BPS, tackle was cheap there. Now, hell, I'd be scared to throw out something like a Zara Spook whislt fishing for fear 8 bucks is going to vanish instantly. Locally in my city, Academy seems to be the place and they're still sometimes high on things.

Same with ammo, scopes, gun vault, etc. Just pathetic now. When it was Cabelas the vault had good stuff in it, all the way to the unobtanium shotguns...now, just crap.

I wish Scheels would expand down south. My time in Iowa taught me Scheels is like Cabelas used to be, but much better.

Also, back in the day, Sportsman's Warehouse was awesome, but their idiot board tried to expand too fast, like 10+ stores a year fast. Shortly thereafter they were, for the most part, finished.
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I 'thought' the same thing but yesterday I went on Cabelas and Bass Pro. Cabelas had 9 270 WSM loads and Bass Pro 11. Bass Pro is destroying Cabelas. 3 years ago you could actually get one of the Cabelas brothers on the phone and today the 'outfitter' that answers the phone doesn't know the difference between #7.5 and #8 shot! Not sure they even know what a shotgun is. I received a shooting catalog from Cabelas about 6 weeks ago and it had Hornady A Tips. To this day it's not findable on their site.

Yeah Bass Pro does not offer that real outfitters approach, it is basically a box store. My step father cut wheat for the Cabelas many years back and said they were always down to earth people that was east to work for and fair. It is a shame that Bass Pro has ruined so quickly what they worked so hard to build.
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I talk regularly to a guy who works at the gun counter in our local Cabela’s. He openly stated to me that he has seen a difference in everything since Bass Pro took over. He even said the employee training and hiring process has suffered and the customer service was getting bad.
It's really bad. Look at their site and there is nothing new ever and the sales have become non-existent except for Herters stuff. What a shame. I live 120 miles from the nearest Cabelas and used to love to take the ride. The Northeast has a huge gap that I cannot believe someone doesn't fill. Whenever a 'board' of professional managers takes over it goes to the crapper. I have the Cabela brothers are enjoying the loot as their legacy becomes history. Next thing you know Bloomberg will be on the board at Bass Pro / Cabelas and they will stop everything not fishing. Cabelas sucks.
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At one time, prior to BP buyout, the slide had already started.
They offered many name brands/top choices instead of Cabelas branded BS.
That died.
BP is only an extention of this practice.
A sign is jerky and other "gunshow" circus wares.

Sportsman's Warehouse in Boise is what cabelas could be.

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My hunch is that Bass Pro is assimilating them to carry the same inventory to save time and money from a logistical perspective. Bass Pro has always favored the fishing side of outfitting so I expect Cabelas to take on that same bias...it is sad. Luckily I have a Scheels near me and have transitioned to them for my hunting and shooting supplies.

Scheels is awesome!

Glad to have one within 100 miles.
Cabelas has been on the decline for years. BPS didn’t do that. The Cabeas family (second or third generation by now) wanted to cash out. This was just opportunistic by BPS to buy them out and buy the Cabelas brands. Smart business move, but as others have said, this hasn’t helped the consumer. My local Cabelas has been rebranded into a BPS store. Essentially the BPS side is fishing and the Cabelas side is hunting. None of it is LR shooting related.
I got a Bass Pro card shortly after the merger since I wanted a second Capital One card that accrued points. Primarily I only shop at Bass Pro and Cabela’s online selectively for sale items and things that the manufacturer sets the selling price.

Optics are one such as the 5-25x Gen 2 PST I bought my brother last year, it was listed at the standard $999 and due to sales and their promotions I got it 10% off and added $200 in club points to my card. Or reloading supplies, they had a running sale of Hornady brass and bullets last year for cheaper than I could find anywhere else.

That being said if Midway or Brownells offered a credit card I’d probably pick up one of those as I shop there way more.
We have both BPS and Cabelas here in Houston. It is still jarring to see Cabelas branded stock in BPS, and Redhead gear in Cabelas. I shop in both, occasionally, only because I prefer to look and touch, and walk out with an item that day. Neither carry an amazing reloading selection, but they generally have what I need THAT DAY.

Like someone said above, I really used to enjoy making the trip down to the Cabelas in Buda when I lived in Austin, just to wander around for an hour or so, look at the taxidermy, walk through the aquarium exhibit, and see if there was something on SALE in the Bargain Cave.

I've never had a bad experience with Cabela's Branded gear, though Redhead gear just looks and feels like crap. And, Cabela's used to have the best return policy in retail.

The Cabela's in League City feels more like walking into a hunting and fishing based Academy Sports than into a true Cabela's. The whole "Outpost" thing just doesn't work for me.

The loss of the Bargain Cave was pretty big, both the wife and I like looking for a deal there. I found a NIB Manfrotto Carbon Fiber Tripod there for a steal, and picked up a Vortex Viper PST for several $100 off as well.

Video killed the radio star, and online shopping is killing brick and mortar stores. I think that The Cabelas family saw the writing on the wall and got out when the time was right. I'll not fault them for taking the money and walking away. I never missed an opportunity to see if there was a Siren singing a song just for me in the Bargain Cave.

That said, Cabelas and BPS really with lost their luster many years ago for me- except for the gawking at taxidermy- when I realized that I could get better gear more inexpensively- and nearly as quickly- by shopping smaller vendors on line.

I do have a Cabelas Credit card that I use for business travel. I travel for work and that allows me to rack up plenty of points without spending my own money. It is nice to walk into the store and pick up a "free" toy every once in a while.

Oh, and Gander Mountain/BPS/Cabela's stores are the LAST place I would buy ammunition. There's a hundred online vendors that can beat all of them on price and selection- even factoring in paying online sales tax and shipping.
I buy very little from Cabelas ad then only if it's <$10. Everything else is purchased online. The prices are better, you can find stores that don't collect sales tax, many offer free shpping over a certain amount, and I don't burn my gas to get there.
The big downer at Cabelas is their prices. I have seen items there selling for more than MSRP and certainly above online vendors.
I had a Cabelas credit card and cancelled it. Their cashiers can not understand why I don't want to open a 29% credit card.
There is a nice, large, fairly new Cabelas about 20 minutes north of where I live. I will run up there periodically to look around and pick up something small. I do not buy from Cabelas because their prices are almost always higher than from other vendors.
Before the BPS take over, I would get a weekly email from Cabelas with decent sales. Something that they would do is every other month, they'd put their Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf ammo on sale. I would buy a few hundred dollars each time along with anything else that would interest me. Since the BPS takeover, I've gotten ZERO emails from them.

I do not shop in their store because it's not convenient for me.

I know my sales mean squat to them, but they have lost a LOT of sales because many of my friends feel the same way as me.

So in the scheme they seem to have lost a ton of business. Good luck to them, but I won't go out of my way to buy anything from them any longer.
I have a Cabelas and a BPS within 30 minutes of me. I haven’t noticed a huge drop off at Cabela’s it’s still far better than BPS.
At least Cabela’s still has used guns and some higher end gear. Their reloading stuff is better but the bullet selection is very hunting oriented.
The biggest issue I’ve had there is parts missing from whatever I bought, or 1” rings being in 30mm package, etc.
I have to open everything to make sure it’s correct and all there.
I live about 40 miles S of Sidney, NE and the Cabelas there is but a fraction of what it used to be. Always easy to find a parking spot close to the door. The BassPro buyout has decimated that area as to employment. I know many people from here that used to work there but no more. The real estate market in that area is in the shitter. You can buy nice houses cheap there and a lot of retirees are taking advantage of it.
They have a BIG office complex not that many years old that for the most part is empty of employees now and they have all but closed down the big warehouse complex N of town too.

There is also a new Scheels about 110 miles W of me near Loveland. Nice store but there is a hook in that bait too.
I went there to get 8 lbs. of powder a while back. Price seemed about right on the shelf but when I checked out it was a little over $20 more , including taxes, than I figured it would be.
Turns out they add in the Johnstown commercial area improvement "fee" with the taxes, or some such title close to that.
I noticed it on the sales tape and asked about it then got my money back.
I then went West about 2 miles and got the same 8lb. jug of powder at Sportsmans Warehouse for $22 less.

Most people don't check their sales slip and just pay the price thinking it is just sales tax but on a sizable purchase that "fee" adds up quick. That is a lot of money to let the kiddos ride the ferris wheel and look at the fish while you shop and their shit ain't cheap.
We used to have S.I.R. (Sidney I. Robinson) here in this town years ago, which was a local chain that sold nationwide. Then Wholesale Sports (Edmonton chain) opened up here and S.I.R. disappeared. Then Cabela's opened here, and Wholesale Sports (Nationwide) closed.

All we have here now is Cabela's, in this city. But, Wolverine Supply is 3 hours West of us, and it is WORTH the trip when one has a need. Most definitely.
Speaking as a long time customer of Cabelas... Many of us saw (and commented) during their shift to trendy clothes and shoes from China. Cabelas research team was young and they focused on a different customer base. This was a poor business decision. Bass Pro simply watched the down fall and bought Cabelas for a nickle on the dollar. The market can not support two large retailers like Cabelas and Bass Pro. This splitting of customer's has allowed Dick's, Academy and other's to continue to exist. The customer's have grown tired of high priced Chinese products and this has allowed some American start up companies to bring some very high quality products to the market. No complaints about the so called "High Prices" for American made products. The American dollar is so de-valued that it simply takes more USD to buy a product now than it did in 1971 when Nixon did away with the "Gold Standard".....

Get ready, it's going to get a lot worse.

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Basspro overpriced? Cabela's decent priced? My brothers both lived in sidney , ne and both wives worked for cabela's . one for 10 yrs. one for 30 yrs. If i had my brother purchase something for me, ( against the rules, but did it anyway) a $100 item was usually around $30. Their cloths and footware was marked up 3-4X cost. $30 item became $120. etc. Sometimes even more. Cabela's got to big for their britch's. They wanted to rival basspro. Problem was , they tried to do it to fast. The day the went public, i had a chance to buy stock. I said forget it, only a matter of time till they went broke and sold. Told both my brothers that. Told them then they were in money trouble, that's why they went public. If they would have went slow growth of additional stores, everything probably would have worked out. Building multi stores per year at millions of dollars each, was to much. Brothers got older and the rest of the family didn't want it. Shoulda bought some stock though, that worked out good for my sister-in-laws. Also , their return jpolicy was stupid. At their sidewalk sale every year, their would b literally 100's of pairs of shoes and boots folks had returned completely worn out. Other things they would sell for pennies. no one can absorb that kind of lose. I personally like basspro. Cabella's will be shut down eventually. The one in Sidney for sure i guess. Still have a brother that lives there and works for the city electric department. Hardly go there though, nothing to buy, hardly any ammo. I take off and drive to denver, only 240 miles to Basspro. Can run up and back in an afternoon
Speaking as a long time customer of Cabelas... Many of us saw (and commented) during their shift to trendy clothes and shoes from China. Cabelas research team was young and they focused on a different customer base. This was a poor business decision. Bass Pro simply watched the down fall and bought Cabelas for a nickle on the dollar. The market can not support two large retailers like Cabelas and Bass Pro. This splitting of customer's has allowed Dick's, Academy and other's to continue to exist. The customer's have grown tired of high priced Chinese products and this has allowed some American start up companies to bring some very high quality products to the market. No complaints about the so called "High Prices" for American made products. The American dollar is so de-valued that it simply takes more USD to buy a product now than it did in 1971 when Nixon did away with the "Gold Standard".....

Get ready, it's going to get a lot worse.

spot on
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Our local Cabelas here has a decent gun/ammo section that seems to be the only part of the store that's ever busy. Especially during hunting season. I only visit during their big sales events like 4th of July. I've gotten decent deals on guns and ammo during their sales. Buying a gun at Cabelas requires 10 people to sign off on it and quadruple check everything. Not worth the hassle for me unless it's a really good deal. Otherwise not worth setting foot in the place as they sell everything at full retail price.
I don't know about the other two Cabelas' in MT, but the Billings' Cabelas pretty much sucks. Scheels and Shipton's Big R tend to have better deals.

The Billings store is tiny...
I use to like the atmosphere/ambiance of Cabela's, until the wife and I went into BPS in Las Vegas, a couple of summers ago. I could have spent 3-4 hrs. there, that place was huge. Their archery/firearm departments were stocked to the hilt, and in my thinking, if you couldn't find it there, you didn't need it. I wonder what's it like now? I have a Cabela's in G.B. and I do shop there every once and awhile, when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. I think they're losing a lot of firearm inventory. They do have crap loads of clothing and that seems to be overtaking firearm/archery shelves, even the camping side is starting to shrink. Time will tell, but I think the writing is on the wall, also. The quality of their items, are starting to go to the chicoms and will hurt their/any business in the long run. Mac ?
I have always hated shopping at Cabelas or Bass Pro because of the prices. I don’t want to pay for their store outdoor scenes

TBH, that's what I liked about Sportsman's Warehouse (San Antonion, TX, Bozeman, MT or the St. George, UT stores), they just had plain shelves with stuff stacked on them. I remember when Wal-Mart used to be that way...
Cabelas tried to id me to buy ammo. I have nut hairs older than the girl Telling me she can’t sell me. Manager finally shows up and acts like he will do me a “favor this time” I walked out despite it being a 3 hour drive to get there. The day I can no longer buy ammo without id is the day I stop buying it and start using what I got to get more.
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TBH I dont mind paying a LITTLE more if I can finger fk an item before purchase or have the convenience of pay now take home now...and of course support a business that treats its people well...


The BPS takeover and susequent misdealings have left a bad taste for many with me included. There is a Cabelas about 30 min from me that I now drive past to do my business with Scheels which is 45 miles further away. Most of the people I know round these parts feel the same. Cabelas is in big trouble IYAM.
i spent a lot of time out in reno, back when the scheels opened there. it was def better than cabelas in price and selection. but that cabelas was way better, at least in selection, to the recent one that they opened near me at home, a lot smaller store, not the same big experience.
I spent a large portion of my career dealing with Cabela's on an every day basis. I can even remember Jim and Dick Cabela frequenting meetings from time to time. Really, it all changed when Cabela's became a publicly traded company. The rather rapid demise from that point on has been eye opening to say the least. Had some close friends lose their jobs, and it literally decimated an entire town.

Back in the day they experienced such rapid growth I think that the whole going public thing seemed like a good option. In retrospect, a few people got REALLY rich, and a family business that started in a garage on some pretty simple principles was run right into the ground.

Sad to see.
It is a real shame how many people around the Sidney,NE area lost good paying jobs and have had to move on because they lost their jobs of many years.
Lots of them had many loyal years with Cabelas, decades, and gone basically overnight.
The waste of all of their facilities is amazing.
Big buildings that were alive 24/7 ,Big New Office Building not too old for Big $$$$$ and warehouses N of town all running on skeleton crews.

Trickle down into the local economy has been more than rough.
My local Cabelas was nice until last year, then around September they started to shrink more and more the guns, ammo and hunting section and to add more general clothing, dog and children toys. Inventory went way low.
Well, if I want children toys I go to a children store. I want adult toys!
My local Cabelas was nice until last year, then around September they started to shrink more and more the guns, ammo and hunting section and to add more general clothing, dog and children toys. Inventory went way low.
Well, if I want children toys I go to a children store. I want adult toys!
For everyone that has mentioned shrinking inventory, what was the business in those sections like? My understanding is that part of a store manager's job is to manage the inventory, and to make sure they are carrying what sells. Maybe you are in a market where guns and ammunition didn't sell as well in a Cabelas as camping and outdoor cooking, or clothing in general...

Walmarts in my area don't carry guns. Walmarts just a couple hours from here, where my dad lives, do. Different markets.
Really, it all changed when Cabela's became a publicly traded company.
unfortunately, that's not uncommon. public companies have to make their numbers every quarter or their stock price gets slammed. sometimes they will sacrifice their future (ie cut short on R&D and marketing etc) to make those numbers. instead of managing for 5-10 years down the road, they're managing for 3-12 months.
They abruptly closed the Cabelas in our area today. We had both Bass Pro and Cabelas within 2 miles of each other. It sounds like the Cabelas employees had no notice that the store was closing. They are saying that almost all employees were given job offers at Bass Pro.
For everyone that has mentioned shrinking inventory, what was the business in those sections like? My understanding is that part of a store manager's job is to manage the inventory, and to make sure they are carrying what sells. Maybe you are in a market where guns and ammunition didn't sell as well in a Cabelas as camping and outdoor cooking, or clothing in general...

Walmarts in my area don't carry guns. Walmarts just a couple hours from here, where my dad lives, do. Different markets.

As I understand it, no Walmarts sell firearms and many have stopped selling ammo.
As I understand it, no Walmarts sell firearms and many have stopped selling ammo.
Walmart store managers still have some latitude based on their local market. The Walmart in Halletsville Texas had firearms in it 2 weeks ago. My local Super Walmart(s) both carry ammunition, though they do not carry firearms. And, this is in a pretty “blue” part of the state.