Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

I'm not being complacent - you have no idea how involved I've been personally in fighting CA gun laws. I'm just trying to make a correction about the actual bill in question, to avoid spreading FUD (like the anti-gunners do). It's no news flash that there are some reps in Sacramento who are against all guns - we already know this. But the OP makes it appear that SB249 is going after all detachable mag weapons - which is NOT the case.

Mike, the mag lock issue was never officially sanctioned by CA DOJ because they were against it (they see it as a loophole), even though it complied with the legal definition of a fixed mag. CA DOJ spread all kinds of FUD about mag locks like the Bullet Button for years, saying they were going to prosecute people but ultimately they didn't have a case. Sadly, that FUD made it into gun stores and worse, law enforcement. So we've had a number of legal fights/lawsuits over people who had their rifles in a legal configuration but were arrested because the cops didn't know it was legal.

SB249 is attempting to redefine what constitutes a fixed mag, essentially turning law abiding citizens instantly into criminals for non-compliance. It applies to semi-autos only and specifically to those with "evil features" like pistol grips. So M14 pattern rifles are unaffected AS ARE BOLT ACTION RIFLES.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mingaling</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a new SH member, a CalGunner, NRA supporter, tatical firearms Instructor and this impacts all of us. Other states could follow.... I have sent my letters, posted on Facebook, sent to all of my contacts and that is all we can do until our elected officials are out in November. As one said, it is to late, I hope not because I'm not moving again. Everyone out there, tell your friends in CA to vote this down, b/c it could be something you need help with very soon. </div></div>

I'm right there with ya. I've lived here all my life and have been hunting and shooting for about 42 years, got my licenses at eight, I do not want to be run out of my state. Unfortunately as the elephant goes they are taking us down one bite at a time.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm not being complacent - you have no idea how involved I've been personally in fighting CA gun laws. I'm just trying to make a correction about the actual bill in question, to avoid spreading FUD (like the anti-gunners do). It's no news flash that there are some reps in Sacramento who are against all guns - we already know this. But the OP makes it appear that SB249 is going after all detachable mag weapons - which is NOT the case.

Mike, the mag lock issue was never officially sanctioned by CA DOJ because they were against it (they see it as a loophole), even though it complied with the legal definition of a fixed mag. CA DOJ spread all kinds of FUD about mag locks like the Bullet Button for years, saying they were going to prosecute people but ultimately they didn't have a case. Sadly, that FUD made it into gun stores and worse, law enforcement. So we've had a number of legal fights/lawsuits over people who had their rifles in a legal configuration but were arrested because the cops didn't know it was legal.

SB249 is attempting to redefine what constitutes a fixed mag, essentially turning law abiding citizens instantly into criminals for non-compliance. It applies to semi-autos only and specifically to those with "evil features" like pistol grips. So M14 pattern rifles are unaffected AS ARE BOLT ACTION RIFLES. </div></div>

+1. You are spot on here as you have been with each of your prior posts. I've already corrected many shooting buddies who had misconceptions about this law. In former DRAFTS of the law only rifles that had fixed magazines were to be affected. My buddies misread the pro-gun hype saying the bill would essentially ban ARs in CA. The bill is still actively being revised so we won't know the full scope for a bit longer.

Some pretty informed members on calguns and some member lawyers believe the law is already dead in its tracks since it amounts to an uncompensated "gun grab" and are planning to fight it to the SCOTUS as required. Some are even looking at it as a positive thing since the nearly guaranteed legal backlash will be very powerful and might even provide an opportunity to roll back other possible unconstitutional parts of the CA firearms laws.

Those in the know are being very strategic even advising against demonstrations as anti-gunners have been known to grab or plant extremists from such events to make all of us look bad. They say this fight is a well orchestrated game of chess NOT CHECKERS.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm not being complacent - you have no idea how involved I've been personally in fighting CA gun laws. I'm just trying to make a correction about the actual bill in question, to avoid spreading FUD (like the anti-gunners do). It's no news flash that there are some reps in Sacramento who are against all guns - we already know this. But the OP makes it appear that SB249 is going after all detachable mag weapons - which is NOT the case.

Mike, the mag lock issue was never officially sanctioned by CA DOJ because they were against it (they see it as a loophole), even though it complied with the legal definition of a fixed mag. CA DOJ spread all kinds of FUD about mag locks like the Bullet Button for years, saying they were going to prosecute people but ultimately they didn't have a case. Sadly, that FUD made it into gun stores and worse, law enforcement. So we've had a number of legal fights/lawsuits over people who had their rifles in a legal configuration but were arrested because the cops didn't know it was legal.

SB249 is attempting to redefine what constitutes a fixed mag, essentially turning law abiding citizens instantly into criminals for non-compliance. It applies to semi-autos only and specifically to those with "evil features" like pistol grips. So M14 pattern rifles are unaffected AS ARE BOLT ACTION RIFLES. </div></div>

thanks for clearing that up. i think the gun owners of Cali should just move to Texas. Texas is more than happy to let you keep your weapons and defend your property.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

Unfortunately it's not that simple for many folks. There are many things that keep people in CA (family, business, work, climate, etc). If your life is all about firearms, then it's a much easier decision.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dogtown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately it's not that simple for many folks. There are many things that keep people in CA (family, business, work, climate, etc). If your life is all about firearms, then it's a much easier decision. </div></div>

Girls mate, that should be #1........ I saw a flyer on it today at a gun shop. He has a point about the lawyers. All I wana say if take 5 min and make a call. The more people that call they will soon realize just how un populare these little BS things are.
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

To clear up any misunderstandings about my heading, I know 249 is not targeting bolt action rifles and has more to do with semi-autos with detachable magazines. The point of the title was directed to the Senators statement that “even hunting rifles should be banned” and that most definitely includes bolt actions. Like a lot have said, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. I think this bill affects all firearms owners in one way or another, if not today, in the not so distant future.

Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

Looks like we dodged the bullit for the time being, they say the bill died in committy! Thanks to all those that lent their support!

Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: diego-ted</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Looks like we dodged the bullit for the time being, they say the bill died in committy! Thanks to all those that lent their support!

Diego </div></div>

As many on here think that Ca has already lost the battle, we beat this one for another year. I am fearful for future actions against our rights though. I know the forums helped in getting the word out to defeat this crap. Thanks for all who emailed and signed petitions to protect our rights. There will always be rivalries between states and common ideas, but we all need to band together to help each other out in times of crisis. God bless America and the fore site of our founding fathers who really deserve the credit in making this country. Our country's direction may be turning to shit, but it's core values remain to hopefully protect us as long as our flag flies high and we stand up for what we believe in!
Re: Cali Bolt gun owners, they are coming after YOU!

As a Californian, I say we keep buying these so called "evil black rifles". Some estimates that there are at least 400,000 of bullet buttoned semi-auto center-fire rifles purchased since 2006. Let's double that before the next legislative session starts, and see how the politicians going to deal with the mess they've created.