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Hunting & Fishing Caliber for Red Fox

Re: Caliber for Red Fox

150yds or less, 17HMR. 150 yards plus, 17rem, or 17fireball. The centerfire 17's are the perfect fox gun. Usually just a 17 caliber entrance hole, and dead where it stands.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">150yds or less, 17HMR. 150 yards plus, 17rem, or 17fireball. The centerfire 17's are the perfect fox gun. Usually just a 17 caliber entrance hole, and dead where it stands. </div></div>

Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">150yds or less, 17HMR. 150 yards plus, 17rem, or 17fireball. The centerfire 17's are the perfect fox gun. Usually just a 17 caliber entrance hole, and dead where it stands. </div></div>


.17 Rem may be the best fox round there is.

I think a .204 would be good too. My opinion of it after seeing it in action on coyotes is that its a bit small for that, but I think it would make a dynamite fox gun.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

220 swift gets my vote for red fox, nice flat trajectory. dont use ballistic tips or you will need a shovel to pick up the mess.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

I started my predator hunting career using my 220 Swift. It was great when the occasional coyote came in but it was pure hell on the fox pelts. I then moved over to the 17 HMR which was great for the pelts but even questionable on the fox when the shots started to stretch out there at all. I tried the 204 and it seemed to be the best of both worlds - not nearly the pelt damage and plenty of punch for the longer or iffier shots. I have been very happy with the 204 for predator calling and that is about all I use now unless I am in tight cover and carry the shotgun.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

22 WMR will do the job without destroying the pelt. 17 HMR will also do the job, but a little more gore I think. I have used my 12 gauge winchester 1300 and it works great almost without any pelt damage at all. Recomended!
Good luck with the foxhunt!
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kill_goose</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">150yds or less, 17HMR. 150 yards plus, 17rem, or 17fireball. The centerfire 17's are the perfect fox gun. Usually just a 17 caliber entrance hole, and dead where it stands. </div></div>


.17 Rem may be the best fox round there is.

I think a .204 would be good too. My opinion of it after seeing it in action on coyotes is that its a bit small for that, but I think it would make a dynamite fox gun. </div></div>

+1 on the statement about the .17 cals,

about the 204, I have only seen to foxes shot with it, however they were ruined as far as pelts go,

so I would stay clear of that cal, the 17HRM is a great round btw.

Re: Caliber for Red Fox

223 is fine, loaded properly. I’ve used 55g FMJ's in a 22 hornet & 223 with great success. I’ve also used 168smks on coyotes and ground hogs and as long as no major bone is struck there is little damage to the pelt. Not that I’m skinning ground hogs...
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

I've used a 17g vmax and the 20g hp in the 17HMR on fox and they both do the job nicely. The 20g hp works a bit better for those longer 150yd shots. anything past that and you'd better be grabbing a centerfire.

A 22mag wouldn't be to bad either.

Re: Caliber for Red Fox

as long as you can get them within 150 yards, i'd rather use the 22WMR. I've hit a couple fox with mine and depending on the bullet used, pelt damage is minimal. last one was a 30gr vmax in the ear, the skull busted and swelled and his eyes popped out, but here was only the entry hole. the other shot was boiler room with remington 33gr and it was classic lung soup with no exit wound. bullet heavily fragmented in the body cavity with one larger piece making its way to the far side hid.

If not the 22mag, then i'd go with a 204. it's a FANTASTIC fox gun. :rolleyes: just kidding. the 204 is pretty hot, and the fox pelt though not rabbit skin is pretty tender. if all else fails, magnum loads of 4 shot with a turkey choke in the 12ga - and make sure you have at least 20 yards between you and the fox. the furrier won't care about 20 little flecks in the hide, but if you have a 4" entrance wound...yeah, that's not easy to stitch.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

17 Rem can be ruff on red fox, I've ruined a few with it. Never used A 17 fireball ,but would think it would work well. I've used 17 hmr, 17 rem, .223 rem with mixed results.Shotgun is my prefered weapon on foxes.

Here is a few .....
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oldgrayone</div><div class="ubbcode-body">a 17 rem with a 25gn v-max is a great fox round </div></div>
I use the v max 25's also.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

Man I miss the fox. We used to have a LOT. Than the mange came in, than the coyotes. Now we dont have no more fox.

You guys that are saying the .204 is hard on fox. What bullets are you using that you saw this?

I would imagine one of the BTip style bullets could be hard on them (hell, a 50 grain Nosler BT can be real hard on coyotes with the right hit), but perhaps a HP may be better????

Ive noticed with BT's on coyotes, that grazing hits, shallow hits, and guts can be absolutely horrendous for fur damage. But good, square hits to the chest yield pelts that need little/no sewing.

My opinion of the .204 on coyotes is real low, but I always said id like to try one out if the fox ever come back.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shotgun holes are a bitch when fleshing, won't do it anymore. .204 was too much for foxes, better for yotes in my opinion. </div></div>

I've not had much trouble when fleshing, but then again ones got to be careful on fox anyway.

I would think .204 would be hell on reds.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

My 204 only shot 32grain bullets accurately. All were tipped hollow points and out of 5 foxes shot with it, only one didn't require sewing. If you even hit the thin shoulder blade, they blow up. One head shot at 220 yards removed the head completely.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My 204 only shot 32grain bullets accurately. All were tipped hollow points and out of 5 foxes shot with it, only one didn't require sewing. If you even hit the thin shoulder blade, they blow up. One head shot at 220 yards removed the head completely. </div></div>

Kinda what I figured.

Good info from the field.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

I've shot fox with a lot of different calibers. 17HMR is good during the day when you can see the fox but if your hunting at night, you need a good shot. I had a couple of body shot fox run from me...one was even laying on the ground and when I went to pick it up, it got up and ran. Scared the crap out of me. .223Rem is too heavy unless you are a handloader and can do reduced loads. 220 and 22-250 make big holes. 17Rem...never tried it but have heard great things. .308 oddly enough sometimes works good. Fox don't have enough mass to expand some bullets so they seem to sometimes punch small holes however it is not consistant. Killed them this winter with a .22lr with 40gr bullets. All shots were inside 100yds. 22Mag works well also.

As far as a shotgun, we use turkey loads out of a 3.5 inch 12ga. Never worried about the holes and fleshing them because, at least in Pa, you don't flesh fox for selling or tanning.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

grandfather started me out on an old savage, 22mag/20ga over under. great for where im at. nothing is a very long shot. still use the 22mag if im going to keep pelts, but the 17 class gets things done on just about anything coyote and under.
Re: Caliber for Red Fox

17HMR and reduced 223 loads. I shot a trapped fox last week in the head from about 10yds with the CCI 20gr. Gamepoints and had almost no visable entry or exit. The bullet entered the bridge of the nose (forgot to aim high that close) and remained in the neck. I've shot 2 coons and 7 skunks with the same bullets and had the same results. I've shot a couple with my 223 reduced loads using Blue dot powder and Berger 30gr. MEF hollow points. No expansion and they just poke a hole through like a FMJ which are illegal to hunt with in some states. The reduced loads are quieter than my 17HMR and run about the same speed. Just want to make a good shot with the reduced loads since you aren't disrupting much tissue with the 30gr. MEF. I have some Barnes Varmint Grenades I'm getting ready to experiment with as well. On a spoiled piece of turkey breast they had great results and expanded about 1.5" in and had no pass through using the same blue dot load.