Re: Can a flier be a sign of shooter error?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tim K</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I lost the recipe for the magic load for my rifle and am working it up again. (2nd firing of new brass shot much differently)
The rifle and I have shot numerous consecutive 3/8"-1/2" groups.
I was out load testing this morning and shot a 4 shot group into 3/8" with one about 3/4" away. With another load, I did almost exactly the same thing.
What I'm trying to understand is if the fliers are most likely me or if the load is to blame. I'm hoping it's me because I'm sick of load development.
I can post pics if that helps.</div></div>
What you really need to do here is start thinking, that's to say you need to start analyzing. Shooter/target analysis skill is essential to becoming the extraordinary shooter you're seeking to be. Trying to figure this stuff out after you've vacated your firing point is not going to get you anywhere fast.
First, get a data book, this is also known as a score book. Call every shot and plot it, as well as the strike. Is there a corollary? Are shots on or off call? Are groups directional? These and other comparisons/results regarding calls and strikes will help you to find the source/s of errors quickly; and, getting errors resolved quickly makes everything about good shooting more rewarding.
BTW, your load probably has absolutly nothing to do with your results, unless your "fliers" were from cartridges loaded with extremely defective components. It's possible, but from a shot call and strike analysis, you'd likely conclude trigger control or NPA was at fault. For example, let's say you call the shot at 3 o'clock and, indeed, the strike is at 3 o'clock, well, that pretty much confirms, one, that the rifle was zeroed for conditions and two, poor trigger control, and/or NPA not fully adjusted, disturbed consistent control of the rifle.
No doubt, shot group sizes and patterns can be the result of a multitude of problems, but, eventually, you'll be able to trouble-shoot and resolve these things all by yourself while still on the firing line.