Can someone smarter than me with vaccines come on in and debunk my random theory

You know, unfortunately, nothing you hear about nationally can be believed. Everything is spun by both sides. In our town of 60,000 (catchment area of 250,000 for our hospital) we do know what happened here. And we were hit hard. I'm not saying our experience applies universally, but I do trust our data.

1. Covid was much more transmissible than influenza, and roughly 10x as deadly. Part of this, of course, was that we have vaccines and treatments for flu but not for Covid. This was before monoclonal antibodies, hydroxychloroquine, etc., and the vaccine
2. Hit mostly > 65, but a number of 40s and 50s without underlying conditions died as well
3. N-95 masks, worn properly by hospital folks who were accustomed to them, and changed frequently, did work; hospital workers who got CV (and there were many), when contact tracing was done, were found to have been exposed in unmasked events
4. Masks made from your wife's panties, not so much
5. The Delta variant, while much more contagious, is much, much less deadly; exactly the pattern one sees in most viruses
6. And this is not based on personal experience, but I'm betting the lambda prime variant will be the most deadly yet and will peak...hmmm...around Nov 2022.
Why would the delta variant be less deadly but the lambda variant the most deadly?
Very qualified and articulate Dr. commenting on the covid vaccines. Good, clear explanation of the risks for different groups of people.

"We are a nation of metabolically deficient, vitamin D deficient, and chronically immunosuppressed people."

Bingo. No one talks about how we would have seen far fewer deaths had the people inflicted maintained even a semblance of a healthier lifestyle.
Now, I know a lot of conspiracy theory stuff has been proven fact over the last year. If you search for this show on putlocker it might shine some light onto what could be happening. There is a standard and a censored version of the BBC for 2 seasons that aired in 2013, and then in like 2019 or 20 Amazon had a one season series trying to copy it. I don't know what all was censored on the BBC one but I know the 1st episode if the 2 crazy guys don't gas a kid and they (other characters) don't later comment on it outside of the closed comic bookstore you're watching the censored version. I don't know if it was just censored for delicate stomachs or if it was censored for other things as well.

Either way if you know anything about the depopulation agenda the parallels are creepy

Utopia Channel 4 serie.png
Interesting theory. I'd even say plausible...

But then why push all the non vaxxed to get jabbed? Create more Delta? Obscure where it came from?

Here's my WTF pondering, what's with September? All the vaxx mandates are requiring people to get vaxxed by end of September...why?

What's so important/consequential about this September?!
It is the end of the fiscal year. Do not know if that is part of it.

Or that's when the aliens invade
It's not even the mortality of it that is the issue to me, it goes without saying that it is an issue but my point is this; here in MS we're leading the US in COVID cases per capita at the moment. I'm a dental student here at the med in Jackson. We have two field hospitals in garage A & B and no available beds. At the only level I trauma center in the entire state. In turn people who actually need those beds; trauma, critical care patients, immunocompromised, etc. now are at risk of dying due to not being seen, as we're already having to divert to out of state because we simply do not have the room.

I'm fully vaccinated, I did so partially because I knew my career would mandate it (striving for oral surgery). UMMC is now mandating all employees get it. Do I think it should be forced upon people? No I do not. I do however think there is so much misconception about the dang thing due to the political climate that it is ridiculous. I have friends and family physicians working ICU wards that are telling me they've never seen it like this, even during the height of the pandemic. The point most of the health care professionals are trying to make is that the vaccine doesn't necessarily prevent you from getting it or spreading it. It prevents you (in most cases) from becoming so symptomatic that you need to be hospitalized. This has been the concern from the get go, the virus isn't untreatable, we have vents, therapeutics, etc. It's when the healthcare system is overrun like we're seeing here, it becomes a severe issue.

FWIW my family is split. My brother has had it, he still got the vaccine recently. Mom and dad both have the first dose. Dad is getting his second, my mom thinks it's going to kill him :oops:
Spot on. My wife sees exactly what you're saying everyday when she goes to work. Beds are full of covid patients. Will they survive, likely, but that's not the issue. The issue is they are sucking up the resources that a trauma patient or someone that needs an outpatient surgery need. Right around 85% of their covid patients sucking up the beds are unvaccinated. That tells me the vaccinated are getting much milder symptoms.....
Because anyone who got the DNA altering Moderna vaccine, that also got sick from the virus yet may have not felt sick from it, had the virus in them being mutated by the MRNA. Basically, regular covid + vaccinated person with Moderna = Delta variant

In short, if you had that vaccine you were basically creating and spreading the new mutation to everyone.
As someone who got the vax, I have been pondering this very point for a couple weeks now. Are we the vaccinated, the cause of the Delta variant?

This whole fucking thing is a shit-show and I am more than disgusted.

I put the likelihood this was released on purpose to get rid of Trump at about 90%. I was saying this last March. Fucking China......
As someone who got the vax, I have been pondering this very point for a couple weeks now. Are we the vaccinated, the cause of the Delta variant?

This whole fucking thing is a shit-show and I am more than disgusted.

I put the likelihood this was released on purpose to get rid of Trump at about 90%. I was saying this last March. Fucking China......
Who had the most to gain by the virus? The dems or China ? Or both?
It is no different than 911. There is one main goal with several others that help mask the true agenda. Everyone who contributes receives a part of the pie in the form of money, power, or future favors.
Spot on. My wife sees exactly what you're saying everyday when she goes to work. Beds are full of covid patients. Will they survive, likely, but that's not the issue. The issue is they are sucking up the resources that a trauma patient or someone that needs an outpatient surgery need. Right around 85% of their covid patients sucking up the beds are unvaccinated. That tells me the vaccinated are getting much milder symptoms.....

Thinking your wife might be stupid as you, and working on sick people, scares the fuck out of me.
Thinking your wife might be stupid as you, and working on sick people, scares the fuck out of me.
Calling someone's wife stupid that works in the hospital everyday dealing with this shit going on..... Classy.....i.hope no one close to you gets this stupid disease and dies from it. Please don't ever go to a hospital either since it's all made up...
Woof. Okay. I have a few hours of time so I'll wade in.

I'll state the first axiom with regards to conspiracies - the more people have to be lying to you, the less likely a conspiracy exists.

For example, the idea that Officer Sitnick was killed by capitol protesters - initially the lie started with 5-10 people who were all connected politically and then spread massively through media dog piling.

But the SECOND the 11th person (medical examiner) showed up, the thing collapsed.

If you think that 50 million medical professionals are lying to you, separately, in separate countries, with separate governments, and a large series of entirely different life experiences, then you may be addicted to conspiracy theories and have lost sight of any form of truth.




That "losing sight of truth" is a core goal of the overarching destruction of Western Civilization. A Republic cannot function when all forms of decision making support structures are thoroughly discredited.

You don't trust your politicians - because they have been roped into so much shady shit only a fool would trust them.

You don't trust your media - because they have finally tossed off the clown makeup and are just standing around in their serial killer garb waiting to kill your way of life, your traditions, and your children's minds.

You don't trust your pharmaceutical companies - because they will do anything to make money. If you made a drug that killed 50% of the kids that took it, and it was enormously profitable, and legal, very few companies would pass up marketing it. I'm looking at you right now, Purdue.

You don't trust your doctors - because they have been thoroughly compromised by the pharma companies. And because it IS possible to control a host of doctors through the actions of smaller and more politicized organizations like some of the medical journals.

You can't trust ANYONE - because of the things they have done as a group. So you don't. Trust. Anyone. And the forces of evil win.


This destruction of trust - and of trustworthiness - is intentional. Communist systems destroy trustworthy systems for decision making because they erode the power of the state.

The Western Democracy is founded on one core principal over all others. TRUST. We trust each other. We trust that our doctors won't kill us just for fun. We trust that our teachers aren't raping our kids. We trust that our police won't just shoot us because the McDonald's ran out of coffee.

As such, ANYTHING that reduces that trust will be hyper magnified.

For example, 600 people or so a year are killed OR injured in road rage incidents. Nationwide. There are 137 million cars on the roads in the us. A plausible number of times a car is driven on a road in the USA per year would thus be 41.1 billion times.

That means every 68,500,000 times someone gets in a car...someone is injured in a road rage incident.

Yet how many people here are shitting their pants over "road rage" and looking at everyone as if they are sketchy road-serial-killers?


So instead, don't necessarily view what is going on as a giant "conspiracy." What you are seeing instead is the operation of a Communist "cultural imperative."

This mechanism is distinctly separate from a conspiracy, and if you have to have a frame of reference back to a conspiracy to wrap your mind around it, its a distributed form of conspiracy-like operations that could best be summed up as a culture war.

It is intentional, hence the reason it has the feel of a conspiracy. But its vastly more dangerous because its adaptive, distributed, and has no central actors to neutralize to eliminate the threat.


I came within sight of death with my bout with COVID. I could clearly see it, I knew for a fact that this sickness I had was different than any others in my life. I firmly believe in COVID as a real disease, with a low mortality rate, but still solidly real.

Right now deaths during the COVID timeframes seem to be up about 500k per annum, and that number usually stays pretty static year over year. Some of those deaths are under-treatment deaths, and some are added stress deaths due to employment situation/etc. But not all.


I won't be getting the vaccine. I won't be getting it because I value the independent and free nature of our nation, individualism, and a willingness to embrace freedom even when paired with danger.

I met the woman last week who gave me COVID with a certainty of 90%. She was on oxygen still. 75 years old. She was almost in tears when she asked if I had gotten COVID yet and I told her I had gotten COVID from her most likely - and I told her flat out that I wasn't in any way upset with her and that she was exercising her American freedom to assemble when it happened. And so was I.

I also won't be getting it because its the first model year car right now - a vaccine like no other we have ever seen. One that had only ever failed in dangerous ways before being rushed to deal with COVID. I feel that an honest doctor would answer "things look very promising but we don't know for sure yet" not "FUCK YEAH GET THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW NOTHING BAD COULD HAPPEN EVER!"

If this vaccine shared a similar situation with Smallpox and its vaccine, I would have gotten it. Well established technology, a very static disease, an excellent chance at herd immunity, and a high fatality disease on the other end of the phone? Sign me up now. Even though the smallpox vaccine isn't without risk either.
The emergency authorization for this experimental vaccine cannot continue if there is an effective treatment for the virus and its symptoms. Pg 3 of the Emergency authorization. There is and it's cheap/effective.

We are coercing people to take an experimental vaccine that was designed for the original covid 19. The Delta strain is what is trending now and that vaccine wasn't designed for it. It makes no sense.

Well, that explains a few things . . .

Thank you, Dr. Cole.

Watch the video.
Spot on. My wife sees exactly what you're saying everyday when she goes to work. Beds are full of covid patients. Will they survive, likely, but that's not the issue. The issue is they are sucking up the resources that a trauma patient or someone that needs an outpatient surgery need. Right around 85% of their covid patients sucking up the beds are unvaccinated. That tells me the vaccinated are getting much milder symptoms.....
How much of that hospital was closed, when they weren't making money not doing elective procedures, how many staff were laid off? How many staff and how many beds, in 2018 vs 2021? A fully staffed hospital should have the capacity to make lots of extra beds. I have seen pictures from 1920, where the Gym at the old school was filled 100s of beds and sick people. They wore the masks, they closed public spaces, and It still happened all over the county. Where has it happened so far since 2019? This year we are supposed to believe bullshit cotton masks stopped the flu.
Calling someone's wife stupid that works in the hospital everyday dealing with this shit going on..... Classy.....i.hope no one close to you gets this stupid disease and dies from it. Please don't ever go to a hospital either since it's all made up...

So...I see your reading comprehension has a serious flaw.

Your previous posts along with this one makes things crystal clear you are a sociopath.

I have never said this shitshow of fuckery was all made up. But you know that.
We know who you are.
Woof. Okay. I have a few hours of time so I'll wade in.

I'll state the first axiom with regards to conspiracies - the more people have to be lying to you, the less likely a conspiracy exists.

For example, the idea that Officer Sitnick was killed by capitol protesters - initially the lie started with 5-10 people who were all connected politically and then spread massively through media dog piling.

But the SECOND the 11th person (medical examiner) showed up, the thing collapsed.

If you think that 50 million medical professionals are lying to you, separately, in separate countries, with separate governments, and a large series of entirely different life experiences, then you may be addicted to conspiracy theories and have lost sight of any form of truth.




That "losing sight of truth" is a core goal of the overarching destruction of Western Civilization. A Republic cannot function when all forms of decision making support structures are thoroughly discredited.

You don't trust your politicians - because they have been roped into so much shady shit only a fool would trust them.

You don't trust your media - because they have finally tossed off the clown makeup and are just standing around in their serial killer garb waiting to kill your way of life, your traditions, and your children's minds.

You don't trust your pharmaceutical companies - because they will do anything to make money. If you made a drug that killed 50% of the kids that took it, and it was enormously profitable, and legal, very few companies would pass up marketing it. I'm looking at you right now, Purdue.

You don't trust your doctors - because they have been thoroughly compromised by the pharma companies. And because it IS possible to control a host of doctors through the actions of smaller and more politicized organizations like some of the medical journals.

You can't trust ANYONE - because of the things they have done as a group. So you don't. Trust. Anyone. And the forces of evil win.


This destruction of trust - and of trustworthiness - is intentional. Communist systems destroy trustworthy systems for decision making because they erode the power of the state.

The Western Democracy is founded on one core principal over all others. TRUST. We trust each other. We trust that our doctors won't kill us just for fun. We trust that our teachers aren't raping our kids. We trust that our police won't just shoot us because the McDonald's ran out of coffee.

As such, ANYTHING that reduces that trust will be hyper magnified.

For example, 600 people or so a year are killed OR injured in road rage incidents. Nationwide. There are 137 million cars on the roads in the us. A plausible number of times a car is driven on a road in the USA per year would thus be 41.1 billion times.

That means every 68,500,000 times someone gets in a car...someone is injured in a road rage incident.

Yet how many people here are shitting their pants over "road rage" and looking at everyone as if they are sketchy road-serial-killers?


So instead, don't necessarily view what is going on as a giant "conspiracy." What you are seeing instead is the operation of a Communist "cultural imperative."

This mechanism is distinctly separate from a conspiracy, and if you have to have a frame of reference back to a conspiracy to wrap your mind around it, its a distributed form of conspiracy-like operations that could best be summed up as a culture war.

It is intentional, hence the reason it has the feel of a conspiracy. But its vastly more dangerous because its adaptive, distributed, and has no central actors to neutralize to eliminate the threat.


I came within sight of death with my bout with COVID. I could clearly see it, I knew for a fact that this sickness I had was different than any others in my life. I firmly believe in COVID as a real disease, with a low mortality rate, but still solidly real.

Right now deaths during the COVID timeframes seem to be up about 500k per annum, and that number usually stays pretty static year over year. Some of those deaths are under-treatment deaths, and some are added stress deaths due to employment situation/etc. But not all.


I won't be getting the vaccine. I won't be getting it because I value the independent and free nature of our nation, individualism, and a willingness to embrace freedom even when paired with danger.

I met the woman last week who gave me COVID with a certainty of 90%. She was on oxygen still. 75 years old. She was almost in tears when she asked if I had gotten COVID yet and I told her I had gotten COVID from her most likely - and I told her flat out that I wasn't in any way upset with her and that she was exercising her American freedom to assemble when it happened. And so was I.

I also won't be getting it because its the first model year car right now - a vaccine like no other we have ever seen. One that had only ever failed in dangerous ways before being rushed to deal with COVID. I feel that an honest doctor would answer "things look very promising but we don't know for sure yet" not "FUCK YEAH GET THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW NOTHING BAD COULD HAPPEN EVER!"

If this vaccine shared a similar situation with Smallpox and its vaccine, I would have gotten it. Well established technology, a very static disease, an excellent chance at herd immunity, and a high fatality disease on the other end of the phone? Sign me up now. Even though the smallpox vaccine isn't without risk either.

There's a lot here.

There are lots of voices with facts, unfortunately, they aren't in charge of the narrative.
Everyone doesn't have to be in on it for there to be a giant conspiracy. Enough are in on it to control the narrative, and still there is lots of whistle-blower out there.

I had the shit. Yes I thought I would die.
We know for a fact that effective meds were suppressed...again, even the MSM has admitted the treatments were there.
I could have died, along with dozens of folks I personally know who had it.

When I say all this shit is a hoax and a conspiracy of massive order, I'm not even insinuating Covid didn't run around the globe.

Where'd dat flu go huh?
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they wouldn't just bribe them, would they?


  • Wow
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How much of that hospital was closed, when they weren't making money not doing elective procedures, how many staff were laid off? How many staff and how many beds, in 2018 vs 2021? A fully staffed hospital should have the capacity to make lots of extra beds. I have seen pictures from 1920, where the Gym at the old school was filled 100s of beds and sick people. They wore the masks, they closed public spaces, and It still happened all over the county. Where has it happened so far since 2019? This year we are supposed to believe bullshit cotton masks stopped the flu.
Closed outpatient because they had no room. No layoffs in the 10 years she has been working there. Flu never got close to the issues on bed space this is doing. This is her hospitals numbers this morning.


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  • Haha
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Spot on. My wife sees exactly what you're saying everyday when she goes to work. Beds are full of covid patients. Will they survive, likely, but that's not the issue. The issue is they are sucking up the resources that a trauma patient or someone that needs an outpatient surgery need. Right around 85% of their covid patients sucking up the beds are unvaccinated. That tells me the vaccinated are getting much milder symptoms.....
Yes, we get it...take a breath. Go to the range, it'll make you feel better.
They don’t treat people who go positive. They tell them go home and call us when your so sick we can’t help you.

Why is that? When everything I read says early treatment is the thing that saves you. There is more here than meets the eye.

Do hospitals still get Big bucks from the Govt. for Covid admissions?
Closed outpatient because they had no room. No layoffs in the 10 years she has been working there. Flu never got close to the issues on bed space this is doing. This is her hospitals numbers this morning.
Flu got way way way worse than this but i assume neither you or your wife were around in 1920. Flu got this bad during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic, and then we didn't even have this bullshit guidance not to seek early treatment. Lets also not forget the outright fraud to cover up safe viable treatments, and changes in death reporting.

You kind of dodged that question didn't you. Layoffs, furloughs, people told to stay home, or people moved to work else where. The pertinent point was, are they running at pre-2020 capacity, most are not. The reaction to COVID has caused hospitals all over the country to lay off or furlough employees. Even if one hospital isn't, they are catching overflow from hospitals that are.

Whats that mean at the bottom of this one? "300 shifts covered by 200 employees"

How many times have we heard your story, and its turned out to be total bullshit. I am understandably skeptical about numbers coming out of Oregon. Is the National Guard building tent hospitals there again yet? Maybe NY can send that hospital ship over for you guys?
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That's what YOUR Wife said.
You see, people in the south have a cutting wit. They will find ways to insult in a way that you will think is compliment. You thought she was commenting on your anatomy. I am sure you hear this one a lot too. "Well, aren't you precious." i would tell you what they mean, but then you would have to go to your safe space for while. We need you out in the sun, making the vitamin D to protect you from the COVID. Put your two masks on, go up stairs, and tell your mom your are going outside today. Give her a chance to clean the basement. I am sure it smells like a ferret cage.
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Flu got way way way worse than this but i assume neither you or your wife were around in 1920. Flu got this bad during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic, and then we didn't even have this bullshit guidance not to seek early treatment. Lets also not forget the outright fraud to cover up safe viable treatments, and changes in death reporting.

You kind of dodged that question didn't you. Layoffs, furloughs, people told to stay home, or people moved to work else where. The pertinent point was, are they running at pre-2020 capacity, most are not. The reaction to COVID has caused hospitals all over the country to lay off or furlough employees. Even if one hospital isn't, they are catching overflow from hospitals that are.

Whats that mean at the bottom of this one? "300 shifts covered by 200 employees"

How many times have we heard your story, and its turned out to be total bullshit. I am understandably skeptical about numbers coming out of Oregon. Is the National Guard building tent hospitals there again yet? Maybe NY can send that hospital ship over for you guys?

Were in a county with some of the lowest vaccination rates in the state and now one of the biggest breakout areas. Even the idiots in Portland are doing better than us. And yes, the guard were on every floor today at the hospital helping staff and supposedly preparing the tent hospital. We don't want your ship you'll didn't use anyways. As a matter of fact, Oregon gave a shit ton of ventilators to NY and we would like them back.
Were in a county with some of the lowest vaccination rates in the state and now one of the biggest breakout areas. Even the idiots in Portland are doing better than us. And yes, the guard were on every floor today at the hospital helping staff and supposedly preparing the tent hospital. We don't want your ship you'll didn't use anyways. As a matter of fact, Oregon gave a shit ton of ventilators to NY and we would like them back.
Still didn't answer, but takes the chance to push a different agenda. No answer about early treatment for the hospitalized. No matter. I think you are full of shit.
Still didn't answer, but takes the chance to push a different agenda. No answer about early treatment for the hospitalized. No matter. I think you are full of shit.
OK, go put your tin hat back on and think this is a giant govt conspiracy. Your God Trump even told people to get the vaccine a few days back not to mention he pushed for getting the vaccine out in record time, but its still a conspiracy.....
I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.
they wouldn't just bribe them, would they?


Colleges are bribing students to take the shot. Offering $250...
Closed outpatient because they had no room. No layoffs in the 10 years she has been working there. Flu never got close to the issues on bed space this is doing. This is her hospitals numbers this morning.

What determines the patient is a covid case?

Big numbers there, but are they taking up a bed due to covid or are they there for something else and are tagged as covid so the hospital gets extra $$$?

Any group of numbers can be manipulated. Just change the parameters to meet the end goal...
I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.
Classy. Typical response of the ignorant. No shot you should die.
OK, go put your tin hat back on and think this is a giant govt conspiracy. Your God Trump even told people to get the vaccine a few days back not to mention he pushed for getting the vaccine out in record time, but its still a conspiracy.....
Tin foil hat. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: We all remember the hand ringing in Oregon, and the tent hospitals that were never used.

I do not base my medical decisions on advice from politicians.

When you sky line yourself like this, we can easily see your commie flag flying.
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Tin foil hat. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: We all remember the hand ringing in Oregon, and the tent hospitals that were never used.

I do not base my medical decisions on advice from politicians.

When you sky line yourself like this, we can easily see your commie flag flying.
I also remember all the tents set up in NY that were never used.

I also remember the Hospital ship that never had a single patient put on it due to Cuomo the homo wanting to spite trump...

  • Like
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I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.
So if your vaccinated and you get sick, would your advise be to die at home..." to let somebody who needs the respirator in ICU " have it? And what about obesity.? smokers? individuals who use drugs, adrenalin junkies etc.? I'm curious where you would draw the line? In your world, the world where you are the pinnacle of moral goodness... how do you organize who lives?
I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.
Another sociopath.
I also remember all the tents set up in NY that were never used.

I also remember the Hospital ship that never had a single patient put on it due to Cuomo the homo wanting to spite trump...

There was also a large convention center in Chicago that was turned in to an emergency hospital. Zero patients treated. Millions spent.
I read on a Q post that Trump died after getting COVID last Fall and was replaced by an imposter who was a week loser. The minute he drank the Regeneron cocktail of aborted fetuses from the '70s he was struck dead by God. But just hold your horses before August is through he and JFK JR will be resurrected and installed as our undead overlords.
That was right after the post that said Frederick 77 was the love child of a gay transsexual space monkey and Nancy Pelosi.
I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.
It would seem you should be more worried about your local events than then to tell the locals
how to live their lives half a world away.

I've had both shots of Pfizer, didn't even get an ouchey arm.
I survived "Gulf War Syndrome" after all those shots, I'll survive this too.
Take the vaccine, don't take it.
Meh, your choice.
If you do get it bad, and due to your own choice haven't been vaccinated, don't go to the hospital.
Die at home surrounded by your family, friends, and guns.
Let someone who needs the respirator in ICU, crash victim, heart patient, sick child etc.
Don't compound your error by denying someone else a chance to live.

Who are you to judge others decisions?

First you say your choice on the vaccine... Then you state "compound your error" !

WTF business is it of yours what others decide to do.

The shots are experimental, they do not prevent you from getting Chyna virus, they do not prevent you from passing the virus,
AND require periodic booster shots it seems ad infinatum. What am I missing here?

Yeah, lets all run out and get the needle with who knows what is in it... because Pfizer has been "approved" by the corrupt FDA with two years more of additional testing yet to be completed. Follow the money....
Fauxchi couldn't remember which arm he got the jab in. The very next morning!! He claimed it was a little sore while rubbing the wrong arm.
How many of the Hollywood needles were caught being used for the camera.
I think they caught another one just a day or so ago.
Really? Do you have a link to the pics/ video proving this?