Maggie’s Can you add to this?

Re: Can you add to this?

...grabbed a discarded B.A.R. and let 'er rip, strickly enforcing U.S. immigration policy. As the smoked cleared, I was left staring blankly off to the horizon, when suddenly...
Re: Can you add to this?

go to my "happy place" by thinking lewd thoughts of me with Hillary in a tub of warm pineapple-flavored jello wearing promasks and a light coat of FP10. Suddenly, I came back to the harsh reality and grabbed...
Re: Can you add to this?

...wondering why you used his range log for toilet paper." As he approached, Greg proclaimed, "I got your spin-drift right HERE!" It was just then that I remembered...
Re: Can you add to this?

Poping the Goodyear Blimp that was at 2k feet an moving to the west at an unknown speed, with that Damn Castro look a like doll, at the controls. About to pull the trigger on the Dancer he heard,......
Re: Can you add to this?

Was watching,the night sky, an caught a movement to this left. It was so small he almost missed it,but there was a faint smell of,........
Re: Can you add to this?

... video shoot, which really didn't belong to her, but belonged to the Gunbunny. She and Dr. Raoul had just come back from castrating the sheep, they were bringing the drops to...
Re: Can you add to this?

...get that pretty bald head of yours out from under that ghillie suit you have on that's just like mine and tell her we were just trying to catch that dang Fidel look alike who has been acting like the Chupacabra with her sheep. Bunny said "I'm not falling for that again" and she...