So a few buddies and family I've had conversation with on expertise . One aquaintence with no gag reflex who was Airborne managed to get assigned to Army helicopters for SF . A buddy that was Ranger and Mr. Trigget Finger , CQB and all around M4 Dialed and a family member , Recon Marine and Sniper . So as for the Airborne guy , yes he did this . The biggest ball washing , cock gobbling career climber I've ever met . More to the point . Do you believe it possible to be really Dialed/proficient in all three .
I know without a doubt that if I run AR , up drills , reset drills , discipline/speed drills , it fucks up my pistol trigger manipulation . Precision rifle is an animal unto itself and I am not affected by either . What are your thoughts or experience . Trigger discipline is all the same is bullshit .
I know without a doubt that if I run AR , up drills , reset drills , discipline/speed drills , it fucks up my pistol trigger manipulation . Precision rifle is an animal unto itself and I am not affected by either . What are your thoughts or experience . Trigger discipline is all the same is bullshit .