
what we need is to invade, set up a buffer zone and make Mexico pay for it or we install a puppet gov't!
I’m against invasion, but I would be all for us spending money and eradicating it here. Seems like a better use of funds than investigating June 6th....

I think it would be extremely hard to make a dent down there. It would be another Afghanistan all over again.
I’m against invasion, but I would be all for us spending money and eradicating it here. Seems like a better use of funds than investigating June 6th....

I think it would be extremely hard to make a dent down there. It would be another Afghanistan all over again.
I'm just saying create a buffer zone or at least pull mex prez in behind closed doors and tell him this is next unless he fixes this $Hit
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Multi billion dollar business will never end because everyone who is smart is addicted to money the dumb are addicted to the drugs. We help the drug addicts with needles and safe areas to use the drugs and passing laws to legalize drugs.
Why do you think the left wants the border opened wide open with limited staff, to not impede the flow of money.

We have installed puppet regimes in every country that had oil and few that didn't, and we are unable to do anything with Mexico thats funny.
Its always been bad, now its getting worse.

I came across the victims of their handiwork twice. One splayed out on a garbage dump washing machine, eviscerated. We found him the next day and purification had already started.

The other was 2 guys hung in a barn. Arms tied behind their backs. In both cases they wanted the locals to see what they had done.

A friend is a firefighter, they put out a fire at.a weed grow house. By the time they got back to their station, every personal vehicle had been broken into with only the vehicle registration taken.

Now they leave all Identifying documents inside the station at the start of their shifts.

Holy fuck.
I have a better idea. All these tons of drugs we seize.....don't destroy it. Spike it will Cyanide and send it right back out there. Those who don't care eventually get dead. Those who do, maybe reconsider rehab.
This right here. Society will be a lot better off when all that's left is productive people that don't spend money to indulge in useless temporary alternate realities.
Multi billion dollar business will never end because everyone who is smart is addicted to money the dumb are addicted to the drugs. We help the drug addicts with needles and safe areas to use the drugs and passing laws to legalize drugs.
Why do you think the left wants the border opened wide open with limited staff, to not impede the flow of money.

We have installed puppet regimes in every country that had oil and few that didn't, and we are unable to do anything with Mexico thats funny.
This! They’ll never get rid of the cartels, it’s way to lucrative for the politicians, left and right, if you don’t think that a SF team couldn’t get rid of every cartel leader in about 8 minutes, you’re fuckin crazy. The sheer amounts of cash injected into the economy because of drugs is insane, you think this “virus” fucked up the economy, image taking the trillions of drug money out of the picture......
This right here. Society will be a lot better off when all that's left is productive people that don't spend money to indulge in useless temporary alternate realities.

The government did this with alcohol during prohibition and murdered 10,000 Americans.

Between 1926 and 1933 the US federal government pushed manufacturers to use stronger poisons to discourage bootleggers from turning alcohol into moonshine.[3] At least 10% of industrial alcohol formulas had to contain methyl alcohol, a poisonous substance. Additional noxious ingredients were also included such as kerosene, gasoline, chloroform, formaldehyde and acetone.[4] By the end of Prohibition, more than 10,000 Americans had been killed by tainted booze.”

If you don’t like drugs, don’t do drugs, folks need to stay in their own lane.
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There’s a much easier and less messy way to combat this. End the drug war, drugs have obviously gone undefeated in this shit show. Legalize all drugs and make it easier for private rehab centers and charities to start establishing care
There’s a much easier and less messy way to combat this. End the drug war, drugs have obviously gone undefeated in this shit show. Legalize all drugs and make it easier for private rehab centers and charities to start establishing care
We can't end the drug war without putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work, 3.4 billion spent annually we passed the trillion mark back in 2015.
Here's an image taken yesterday of illegals crossing the Rio Grande near Del Rio:

View attachment 7634319
Smart people they listened to Biden that he was going to take your money and give to them if they crossed our border. The administration thanks you for your generosity and will reward you with a tax increase this year to set up college funds for these future democratic voters.
We can't end the drug war without putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work, 3.4 billion spent annually we passed the trillion mark back in 2015.
Is this a sarcastic response? I’m really tired right now and my sarcasm radar may not be operating properly
Is this a sarcastic response? I’m really tired right now and my sarcasm radar may not be operating properly
No its true the repercussions of stopping the war on drugs. You want to end the war on drugs this is the best possible solution trade our drug addicts for Mexican people who don't use drugs.This would stop the flow of drugs across our border because the users would be in Mexico.
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I have a friend who's dad owns a factory a few hundred yards north of the border.

The cartels dug a tunnel that ended on his property.

He found out because his security alarms kept getting tripped.

Also the hills have eyes, they use spotters.
No its true the repercussions of stopping the war on drugs. You want to end the war on drugs this is the best possible solution trade our drug addicts for Mexican people who don't use drugs.This would stop the flow of drugs across our border because the users would be in Mexico.

Fuck that.

That is what was promised by politicians in California, then they taxed legal weed so the cartels just kept their prices lower than the state.

In places where they were curtailed they just moved into other crimes like human trafficking and smuggling in opiates. They also have the ability to synthesize opiates now, like fentanyl. Its one reason for the death rates we have been seeing.
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I'm just saying create a buffer zone or at least pull mex prez in behind closed doors and tell him this is next unless he fixes this $Hit
The cartels are far more powerful than the government.
They are controlling our side of the border now and there isn't much our government can or will do about it, you talk to anyone from any state or fed agency there now and they will tell you so. Orange man did best by telling them they had to wait in Mexico.
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That was heavy. I seen some of Ed's stuff before but that was just... I feel like I watched a documentary.

Did you like the part about the little old ladies driving around with burner guns in their cars trunk?

Everyone is in on it down there. Its organic and never going away there.
After watching both of those videos I don’t think the Mexican President can stop them...
I didnt watch the videos but agree. El Presidente is doing what he can but corruption is even more pervasive there than here, and they dont have the resources that we do.

Its coming to a city near you. Detroit isnt far from Mogadishu now.
Here's an image taken yesterday of illegals crossing the Rio Grande near Del Rio:

View attachment 7634319
Gators, we need big gators.
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I didnt watch the videos but agree. El Presidente is doing what he can but corruption is even more pervasive there than here, and they dont have the resources that we do.

Its coming to a city near you. Detroit isnt far from Mogadishu now.

Gators, we need big gators.
Oh they are here, there is no doubt about that. In the videos he talks about how they took advantage of the riots in the major cities to move drugs and guns.
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So should my Plan B if I ever need to leave the United States NOT be that I go to Mexico and work for a cartel showing them how to actually get shit done at night?
You'll be late to that party. He discussed that exact thing. Were talking billionaire budgets and and ongoing guerilla warfare. With american training, arms, and equipment dealers next door.

They'll make you look like the poor.
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It basically came down to China is working with Mexican cartels to fuel the drug trade and destabilize the US. The US needs to recognize this and label Cartels a terrorist organization and treat them as such.

You wonder why the Democrats want open borders.

They are complicit.
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Yep, legalized drugs and socialized medicine. Now there's an idea that will ruin a country in 2 easy steps.

How are you conflating free market with socialism?

One has nothing to do with the other

Per stopping illegals, don’t need a wall, just make it impossible to buy a car, get a license, open a bank account, cash a check, go to school, any benefits etc without citizenship, furthermore make it illegal for any government agency or tax funded entity to offer anything in any language other than English, and make not being able to speak English reason to hold someone until they can show proof of citizenship or a tourist visa.

That right there would make a major dent in the illegal problem.

The other would be using the national guard at the border, kinda is even in their name, just a little chain link fence, buffer zone and warning that it’s a live fire area (that sign can be in Spanish and English), don’t provide the guard with cuffs or jail cells, just extra mags.

Want to come here do it legally
How are you conflating free market with socialism?

One has nothing to do with the other

Per stopping illegals, don’t need a wall, just make it impossible to buy a car, get a license, open a bank account, cash a check, go to school, any benefits etc without citizenship, furthermore make it illegal for any government agency or tax funded entity to offer anything in any language other than English, and make not being able to speak English reason to hold someone until they can show proof of citizenship or a tourist visa.

That right there would make a major dent in the illegal problem.

The other would be using the national guard at the border, kinda is even in their name, just a little chain link fence, buffer zone and warning that it’s a live fire area (that sign can be in Spanish and English), don’t provide the guard with cuffs or jail cells, just extra mags.

Want to come here do it legally

I'm saying this is the direction this country is going and it's not my ideal.