
I'm saying this is the direction this country is going and it's not my ideal.

What’s wrong with a adult deciding to use drugs? Freedom?

Also pretty much all drugs are legal, just need to buy the prescription version from big pharma, I’m not a fan of gov forced monopoly, and even though crack is illegal, seems crackheads have zero issue finding it, so not sure who’s still falling for any of this “war on drugs” doing anything other than making jobs for feds and the jail industry.
What’s wrong with a adult deciding to use drugs? Freedom?

Also pretty much all drugs are legal, just need to buy the prescription version from big pharma, I’m not a fan of gov forced monopoly, and even though crack is illegal, seems crackheads have zero issue finding it, so not sure who’s still falling for any of this “war on drugs” doing anything other than making jobs for feds and the jail industry.

Have you seen Portland, LA or most major metropolitan areas on the West Coast? How's that working out there? You really think this country can survive a society that can buy any and all drugs regardless of consequences? Talk about Anarchy.
Have you seen Portland, LA or most major metropolitan areas on the West Coast? How's that working out there? You really think this country can survive a society that can buy any and all drugs regardless of consequences? Talk about Anarchy.

Society would be fine if there was no hand outs, no excusing your bad behaviour and no letting them slide on important laws and nuisance laws.

The problem is since we all that in abundance for the drug users you get the problem.
Otherwise it's a pretty short feedback loop, don't work, don't eat, rob somebody, get shot by the intended victim, camp out on the sidewalk blocking people, you get carted off to get Larry giving you the hose.
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I have yet to see a locale improve when drugs are legalized in it. They all go to shit.

LOLbertarians act like drugs are the ultimate freedom in the same way feminists do when regarding abortion. Society has the ability to proscribe certain behaviors. Whether it is always wise is a question, but being able to stick a needle in your arm is not exactly that fundamental liberty your high roommate in college told you about.
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Have you seen Portland, LA or most major metropolitan areas on the West Coast? How's that working out there? You really think this country can survive a society that can buy any and all drugs regardless of consequences? Talk about Anarchy.

You already can

Look much better if we treated it like a health issue and not a legal issue.

Lots of those bums don’t have drug issues but major alcohol issues, maybe a new prohibition would fix everything like the last time the puritanical morons tried it?
I like the food there and the beer (the Tecate girls are awesome, partied with them in Mulege). Why not just make Mexico the 51st State? Great food, lots of nice land, its a win win :unsure: ;);)😁😁😁
I like the food there and the beer (the Tecate girls are awesome, partied with them in Mulege). Why not just make Mexico the 51st State? Great food, lots of nice land, its a win win :unsure: ;);)😁😁😁

Just give the cartels DEA badges, basically same same

Problem would be they couldn’t make stuff for us as cheap since they’d have our labor and environmental laws.
Also oddly they recently lost their IACO standing in aviation, so they’d can’t add new routes servicing the US.

I always liked Mexico, good times, good people and damn good food. Think Mexico would be less fun if we hampered them with all our endless rules
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US Army has been planning since 2010 for whole lawless, infrastructure less areas around major metropolitan centers where they will be called in to operate under certain circumstances. Think of Escape From New York, Snake Pliskin type stuff... Timeline 2030
Sad Shit.
US Army has been planning since 2010 for whole lawless, infrastructure less areas around major metropolitan centers where they will be called in to operate under certain circumstances. Think of Escape From New York, Snake Pliskin type stuff... Timeline 2030
Sad Shit.

Don’t threaten me with a good time