cci subsonic hp

Not sure with the CCI brand but I run Remington Subsonics and out of my MKII they shoot almost as well as FGGM (922a) ammo. If I could get the three or four fliers out of the box it'd be my go to match ammo but it'll have to stay may go to cost/ammo. Not sure on the mushrooming affect but they'll kill small game dead. If you need to see the mushrooming effect just fire a few straight down into a five gallon bucket full of water.
dfoosking how do they treat you as far as accuracy goes?? I have a 77/22 with a shilen barrel that loves CCI SV's. I know each rifle is differnt but wondering if they are in the same league normally.
did a quick ammo test in feb. before the 22 ammo went dry. shot 5 rnd groups out of a clean bbl, savage mark II fvsr. Please take note that 22s are unique and just because i get these results doesnt mean you will. -"your milage may vary". I highly encourage you to do an ammo test on your rifle as well.
here are my results, (S= Suppressed [22sparrow], U = unsuppressed). *I only shot 1 group of each so this test isnt 100% vaild or fair*

RGB = S-1.11", U=0.64
Aguila SSS 60g? = S-N/A, U = approx 1ft of keyholes
cci green tag = S-0.54", U= 0.35
Aguila Gold eagle Target = S-0.44, U-0.75
CCI SS HP = S-0.43, U-0.61
CCI mini mag (hv) = s-1.23, u-0.71
Rem Yellow jacket (hv) =s-1.16, u-1.5
cci standard= S-0.96, U-1.44
Aguila Gold eagle Match = S-0.73, U-0.87
Sk Standard + = S-0.66, u- 1.07
cci stingers (hv) = S-1.23, 1.35

Like i said this is with clean bbl. Ive seen the RGB do WAY better with a "seasoned bbl".
If they ever got any in stock midsouth has the ss hp's for about the same as sv's they aren't segmented but hopefully will do the trick!! And nope the only reason to punch paper is to make sure your shooting iron is dead on!!