did a quick ammo test in feb. before the 22 ammo went dry. shot 5 rnd groups out of a clean bbl, savage mark II fvsr. Please take note that 22s are unique and just because i get these results doesnt mean you will. -"your milage may vary". I highly encourage you to do an ammo test on your rifle as well.
here are my results, (S= Suppressed [22sparrow], U = unsuppressed). *I only shot 1 group of each so this test isnt 100% vaild or fair*
RGB = S-1.11", U=0.64
Aguila SSS 60g? = S-N/A, U = approx 1ft of keyholes
cci green tag = S-0.54", U= 0.35
Aguila Gold eagle Target = S-0.44, U-0.75
CCI SS HP = S-0.43, U-0.61
CCI mini mag (hv) = s-1.23, u-0.71
Rem Yellow jacket (hv) =s-1.16, u-1.5
cci standard= S-0.96, U-1.44
Aguila Gold eagle Match = S-0.73, U-0.87
Sk Standard + = S-0.66, u- 1.07
cci stingers (hv) = S-1.23, 1.35
Like i said this is with clean bbl. Ive seen the RGB do WAY better with a "seasoned bbl".