Rifle Scopes Center dot vs cross type reticle?


Mediocre Marksman
Full Member
May 6, 2017
For those that have used both, how do you like them?

Im about to order my 300wm scope (TT5-25) that only comes with the Gen2xr, but the more i look at center dot reticles (MR4, Mil-C) the more I think I'd really enjoy it.

any issues like losing the dot, hard to see, etc? Worth the upgrade over the cross style? Discuss!
Depends on the application to a point. While the Vortex EBR 2C with the open center is good for just about everything, I've come to really appreciate the center dot for ELR work. The 1/4 Moa dot is especially nice but you will lose it at the lower powers.
I wondered the same thing because I have an AMG with the floating cross that I love, but after shooting my tt525 for a little while I got used to it. With the gen2xr, because the reticle is so thin in the first place, it will still work great at distance.

Better to have it and not need it, than to not have it and say oh shit.....
For my eyes I prefer a centre dot. I find them fractionally faster to use as my eye appears to be able to centre the dot on a target quicker than a cross or open centre. I have a Minox ZP5 with the MR4 reticle and while ideal for ELR type shooting the dot is really too small to use at anything under about 15x.

Personally I think Sightron's MOA 2 SFP reticle is perfect with it's centre dot size. Obviously being SFP is doesn't have the issue with the dot becoming harder to see as the mag is reduced.
You will adapt to whatever you get, but center dot for me. At closer range, you can "bracket" your target for quick engagements or focus on the dot for precision fire. I used the SKMR to shoot black birds at 230 yards and never felt like i lost the dot or felt like i had to focus more.
Ok, that settles it, more scope manufacturers need to start offering the center dot. SOMEONE NEEDS TO START A PETITION.....!;)
This is what im thinking. I'd like to see a gen 2 xr, with the center portion taken out and replaced with a dot. You could call it the Gen 3 xr :).

if only TT offered more than the Gen 2... does anyone know if you can call for other options?
I actually prefer cross hairs to a center dot. I'm kinda strange in the way I sight in a rifle when I'm looking for precision. Think a 9 o'clock hold as my norm. I have problems with getting a dot centered so I look for that 9 o'clock edge and adjust my windage. I just find it easier to lock elevation that way and it makes spotting the windage portion dead simple with some contrast on the target. Now, I'm basically just a paper puncher these days, I'm almost too old to hunt and seriously too old to fight and look for any edge I can get to make me consistent.
Just personal preference. I have a scope with a dot, an open center and a full crosshair. All work. Just comes down to what you like. After using all I really like the small open center of the Vortex 2C for matches. That said I have used standard crosshair to hit to 2500 yards on an moa sized target so having it doesn't mean you can't shoot accurately. Again comes down to personal preference and the reticle design as a whole.
The quality of the TT stands alone and makes up a bit for the older Gen 2XR design. The Gen 2XR is a perfectly acceptable reticle however, and still works. I have 2 of them in Premiers, and love the fine crosshair.

On that note, my favorite reticle I have ever used is the SKMR in my Kahles K624i. The .036MIL floating center dot is awesome for refined work, and the .2MIL subtensions are awesome for wind holds.
I liked center dot until I started using a "floating" center cross ( + ) reticle. I have grown to like this over all others I've used before [full-cross, floating dot, open center] because it's easy for me to use holds for wind. The tip of the + is a known at 0.2-mils from center. The gap is 0.2-mils, so the other side is my 0.4-mil hold, etc. For PRS type shooting, it works best for me.
I liked center dot until I started using a "floating" center cross ( + ) reticle. I have grown to like this over all others I've used before [full-cross, floating dot, open center] because it's easy for me to use holds for wind. The tip of the + is a known at 0.2-mils from center. The gap is 0.2-mils, so the other side is my 0.4-mil hold, etc. For PRS type shooting, it works best for me.

Same here, really like the floating center cross on the Nightforce MOAR and SCR reticles.
So the general consensus seems to be that it's a good setup. Unfortunately the other features of the TT are gonna draw me to it, but a center dot is definitely on the list for the AR10.
Tangent Theta needs to offer a different reticle. They should look at the Minox MR4 or Vortex EBR-2C or Kahles SKMR-3. If TT had the MR4 reticle I would own one already. As for the center dot, I don't think it's important unless you're dialing for wind without deviating from that wind call. Personally, I hold wind, so I care about the horizontal stadia line more than anything.
Have used, tested, and owned many scopes from different manufacturers. For me, I prefer a floating center dot over standard crosshairs by a considerable margin.

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