Photos Cerakote Kimber 1911 SIS Pro

Re: Cerakote Kimber 1911 SIS Pro

The colors are Burnt Bronze and Graphite Black. I'll post pics of some other guns I've done. The 1911 is classic and good two tones really make them look great. The standard Kimber finish is anything but durable and I wish I had before pics to post. The safety and magazine release both were worn through to bare metal, as were a few other parts.
Re: Cerakote Kimber 1911 SIS Pro

Looks almost as good as your avatar
Re: Cerakote Kimber 1911 SIS Pro

Looks good. I have the custom SIS and found out that they are not makeing them anymore. To bad cause there nice guns. Your right about the finish, I carry mine everyday and, it's lookin beat up but it's not
Re: Cerakote Kimber 1911 SIS Pro

I will have to keep this finish in mind. I just purchased two Kimber SIS (1) Ultra and (1) Pro both NIB never fired. Oh the cool part wait for it wait for out the the door $2100.00; So if any of you have any ideas for me and my new toys let me know. Thank you