Posted this in "Bolt action rifles" as well, just thought I'd share it here as well.
Competing in our 3rd 600yd BR Comp of the year, my first group of the day produced this outstanding 1.74" group, then a few minutes later I shot this 3.374" group, 4 of those go 1.344", isn't that enough to piss a guy off, but shit happens in the shooting world, I'll get over it, maybe, LOL. My cartridge of choice is the 6 Creedmoor loaded with 41.6grs H4350, tula primers, and BN coated DTACs, 002" off the lands. Freebore is 183 I believe, perfect for the DTACs. So a big THANKS go out to the crew at Longrifles Inc., Bartlein barrels and Tom Myers who built the action and CG trigger. Hope to do better next time out, like win 'A' class or the best Agg. Shown is both my 6 Creeds, the alpine camo rifle did the trick this time.
Competing in our 3rd 600yd BR Comp of the year, my first group of the day produced this outstanding 1.74" group, then a few minutes later I shot this 3.374" group, 4 of those go 1.344", isn't that enough to piss a guy off, but shit happens in the shooting world, I'll get over it, maybe, LOL. My cartridge of choice is the 6 Creedmoor loaded with 41.6grs H4350, tula primers, and BN coated DTACs, 002" off the lands. Freebore is 183 I believe, perfect for the DTACs. So a big THANKS go out to the crew at Longrifles Inc., Bartlein barrels and Tom Myers who built the action and CG trigger. Hope to do better next time out, like win 'A' class or the best Agg. Shown is both my 6 Creeds, the alpine camo rifle did the trick this time.