It's been over 2 years since I posted on this site due to some things going on in my life that took priority over shooting. At any rate, I am starting to get back at it and was finally getting round to loading up some ammo tonight. I powered up the Chargemaster 1500, calibrated it and poured some Varget into the hopper. I plug in my charge weight and the keypad numbers are all out of whack... This happened on the 1st unit too! So my second unit died, and it's out of warranty... CRAP! As I was asked to do with the first unit, I checked the Power transformer with a votage meter, and it should be 9V... I was getting over 14Volts!! I can remember when I spoke to RCBS with the 1st unit, that this is a problem. Seems like it hosed the circuitry in the dispenser. As a test, I used my Garmin GPS charger transformer with an adaptor as this was showing 9.3V. Powered it up again, calibrated it, and the dispenser is f*****d. So this thing is about 18 months out of warranty, and less than 1000 rounds have been loaded on this thing. I'm wondering if anyone has tried the new Hornady set up yet??
For now, I am back to the uniflow powder dispenser. :-( oh and Hi again...
For now, I am back to the uniflow powder dispenser. :-( oh and Hi again...