What I want to know is how a group of skinny jean wearing pansies takes over an entire section of a city and an armed precinct with real cops, as I understand it, without firing a shot? Like why did the police just desert the place? Makes no sense to me. Why these fuckers are allowed to continue this charade is beyond me. They have been labeled terrorist, real enemies of the state and yet the US isn’t doing a fucking thing. That tells me some people have morals because the message that their silence to this activity suggests is that anyone can do anything and nobody is going to do anything about it. Think about it, we have real enemies at this point in our borders, they aren’t hiding and your own country isn’t doing a damn thing about it. Lmao. Yeah get the popcorn. America is toast if this is allowed to continue. Someone I know that lives there verified that it’s legit but I’m having a real hard time believing this is real.
Someone please please pretty please form a group and go take over some politicians houses and claim it as an autonomous zone!!!