(Full details limited at this moment as case is still under investigation. Identity of the minor may also have been concealed to protect them.) Two armed men broke into a Manchester home with the intention of stealing more firearms when a juvenile who was home alone at the time saw them entering, retrieves a handgun and opened fire on the home invaders, fatally wounding both. The juvenile then fled the house through a bedroom window and presumably alerted a neighbor who called the police. Kentucky State Police detectives arrived on scene to find both would-be home invaders, 44 year old Roger D. Smith and 51 year old Jeffrey M. Allen, deceased on the property.
Some takeaways:
First of all, AWESOME shooting by this juvenile. They have been trained well and knew what they were doing and how to handle such a situation which would make many grown adults freeze in their tracks.
Second, if mandatory "Safe Firearms Storage" laws that are active in many Democrat cities had been in place here, the chances of this child not being able to retrieve his/her own gun and ending up being a casualty of the violent criminals is extremely high. Armed home invaders who are specifically after drugs, weapons, or drug money have a track record of being especially ruthless when confronted or spotted during their crimes.
(Full details limited at this moment as case is still under investigation. Identity of the minor may also have been concealed to protect them.) Two armed men broke into a Manchester home with the intention of stealing more firearms when a juvenile who was home alone at the time saw them entering, retrieves a handgun and opened fire on the home invaders, fatally wounding both. The juvenile then fled the house through a bedroom window and presumably alerted a neighbor who called the police. Kentucky State Police detectives arrived on scene to find both would-be home invaders, 44 year old Roger D. Smith and 51 year old Jeffrey M. Allen, deceased on the property.

Kentucky child fatally shoots two home intruders in self-defense, police say
Kentucky State Police say two men died after being shot by a juvenile in a home invasion early Saturday morning.
Some takeaways:
First of all, AWESOME shooting by this juvenile. They have been trained well and knew what they were doing and how to handle such a situation which would make many grown adults freeze in their tracks.
Second, if mandatory "Safe Firearms Storage" laws that are active in many Democrat cities had been in place here, the chances of this child not being able to retrieve his/her own gun and ending up being a casualty of the violent criminals is extremely high. Armed home invaders who are specifically after drugs, weapons, or drug money have a track record of being especially ruthless when confronted or spotted during their crimes.
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