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New Mexico Governor Bans Open and Concealed Carry

Hang on. Listen to that video again. There isn’t going to be some street sweeping action to remove felons with guns. An emergency has been declared to acknowledge the parents’ loss and to have “a debate” about gun safety.

If that’s all it takes to suspend the Constitution, we are all screwed. Conservative, liberal, doesn’t matter. What happens when another elected official tries something similar with religion or free speech?
Elephant in the room.

If they can't arrest and incarcerate the majority of criminals shooting up the place, then how about firing the lot of them and replacing them with people that can?
Does seem really fucked up don’t it ? Mass murders walking around and NM police were making arrests for no masks in public buildings until May of 2023 . I guess we can laugh about it now !
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The problem with court is litigation costs. The other side literally has a limitless budget. The best we hope for is a quick jump to SCOTUS, as long as we have Clarence. Why its important to give what you can to GOA etc. Pay attention to the groups filling the actions now - its NOT the NRA!!
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The problem with court is litigation costs. The other side literally has a limitless budget. The best we hope for is a quick jump to SCOTUS, as long as we have Clarence. Why its important to give what you can to GOA etc. Pay attention to the groups filling the actions now - its NOT the NRA!!
Agreed, I'm a NM resident and just joined in support of the plaintiffs lawsuit filed in the case..... gave them both a one time and monthly subscription.

I also contacted NRA-ILA asking what their litigation plans were...... I'll let everyone now what they say.
Agreed, I'm a NM resident and just joined in support of the plaintiffs lawsuit filed in the case..... gave them both a one time and monthly subscription.

I also contacted NRA-ILA asking what their litigation plans were...... I'll let everyone now what they say.
Sounds like you are a gun rights activist.
What's the difference between a "gun rights activist" and "supporter/activist of the Constitution" by your definition? Aren't the courts/justice system the "preferable" way to address tyranny/authoritarianism that our founding fathers abhorred?
Courts are the preferable way. But the other team knows this as well. Which is why you get DC courts and the 9th circuit.
I would like to know exactly how much crime Conceal Carry holders are committing in New Mexico to cause them to be banned?
I really need to find the source stats i read about several years ago.. but Conceal Carry holders are probably the most law abiding group of all.
They have much better crime stats than even police (ha, I know..)
I would like to know exactly how much crime Conceal Carry holders are committing in New Mexico to cause them to be banned?
This would be an excellent question to ask her and see what BS comes forth. Some actual stats would probably cause a stutter and spitting session. Might also be useful in any civil suits against this edict.
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These are state laws over which she has jurisdiction? LOL!

Carrying openly is not addressed by state law in New Mexico. It is not illegal. There is no statute addressing it. It is as if making coffee at home is not illegal, because New Mexico has no statute declaring making coffee at home a crime. Would the Governor say. "Making coffee at home is a state law over which I have jurisdiction?"

Carrying concealed has a state law affecting it, a license, but that would be like the Governor saying no driving for 30 days, because that is a state law over which she has jurisdiction.

I think she misunderstands the meaning of the word jurisdiction.
These are state laws over which she has jurisdiction? LOL!

Carrying openly is not addressed by state law in New Mexico. It is not illegal. There is no statute addressing it. It is as if making coffee at home is not illegal, because New Mexico has no statute declaring making coffee at home a crime. Would the Governor say. "Making coffee at home is a state law over which I have jurisdiction?"

Carrying concealed has a state law affecting it, a license, but that would be like the Governor saying no driving for 30 days, because that is a state law over which she has jurisdiction.

I think she misunderstands the meaning of the word jurisdiction.
You watch: at some point they are going to defend it with State’s Rights arguments.
New Mexico Constitution -

Art. II, § 6: Right to Bear Arms
No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons.
The 13-year-old girl that Grisham mentioned, Amber Archuleta, was killed by a 14-year-old friend in Questa, a small town in Taos County, last July. The 5-year-old girl, Galilea Samaniego, was killed in a drive-by shooting in Albuquerque last month. The 11-year-old boy, Froylan Villegas, died after an enraged driver fired on the car in which he was riding as he and his family left an Albuquerque Isotopes baseball game last week.

One of the two mass shootings that Grisham mentioned was carried out by an 18-year-old high school student, who killed three people in Farmington, a city in San Juan County, on May 15. The other shooting, which killed three people in Red River, a town in Taos County, on May 28, "stemmed from a confrontation among gang members," according to the ABC affiliate in Albuquerque.

Note that only two of these crimes happened in Bernalillo County, where Grisham's order applies. And only one of them—the road rage incident—might have been affected by the ban on public carry. That's assuming the perpetrator, who is still at large, would have obeyed Grisham's order had it been in place at the time.

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That challenge arrived on Saturday when the National Association for Gun Rights said it would file a lawsuit in federal court against the governor, citing 2021’s Bruen US supreme court ruling easing gun restrictions.

The president of the pro-gun group, Dudley Brown, accused the governor of “throwing up a middle finger to the constitution and the supreme court”.

“Her executive order is in blatant disregard for Bruen. She needs to be held accountable for stripping the God-given rights of millions away with the stroke of a pen,” Brown said in a statement.

Lujan Graham said she issued the order to open up more resources to help New Mexico get the gun violence issue under control and called on the federal government for help.
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Does seem really fucked up don’t it ? Mass murders walking around and NM police were making arrests for no masks in public buildings until May of 2023 . I guess we can laugh about it now !

Criminals fight back, cops don't want to make the effort or take the risk. Much easier to haul off normal citizens for face diaper violations.
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This woman is power mad. It is state law that she can suspend some state laws for a health crisis for 30 days. She has no power to suspend any part of our state constitution. If this were possible the part that says NM can not have a budget with a deficit would have been suspended back in Bill Richardson's day. Also her power for health issues is his doing and also the fact that the only way to get rid of our governor is for the legislature to impeach her. Gee, thanks, Bill. Oh, I forgot, since you died last week you can't receive them. Since the majority of legislature is made up of democrats there is no chance for impeachment at all. Their idea of bipartismanship is to tell the republican members to sit down and shut up. We are stuck with her until her term is up.

If anyone wants to see how this little troll, apologies to trolls everywhere for the comparison, works just took up her Covid response. Every time the order expired she just issued another until we were almost the last state to return to normal.

She is perfectly aware that her executive order will have no affect on the ones doing the shooting and nothing else either. The feds are already monitoring the Albuquerque police department and that seems to be doing nothing according to the news I receive about crime there. I have no idea what her ultimate aim is with this latest power grab. Maybe to line up votes for a Senate run against Maryland Marty that doesn't even live in this state anymore. The other's last name is Luhan so I doubt he is her target.

I’m glad he has rethought his stance since being quoted by Fox a few days ago. I get that his first reaction was to obey and follow orders , but he won’t enforce , nor will the chief of Albuquerque police . But the rub is they are not being asked to - according to the governors order enforcement will be up to state law enforcement.
I do love the part at the end of the clip though where the sheriff vowed to arrest the governor for sedition and for Section 242 of Title 18 that makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege ...

Well I just watched the clip again and the part about arresting the governor wasn’t in there .

As of yesterday the Governor stated that the NM state police will enforce her carry ban. Since yesterday I’ve not heard the state police say that they would not enforce said decree.
If anyone knows differently please let us know .

As of yesterday the Governor stated that the NM state police will enforce her carry ban. Since yesterday I’ve not heard the state police say that they would not enforce said decree.
If anyone knows differently please let us know .
I'm sure the troopers will. That's how they roll.
Their salary and pensions are state fed, as in feed.
From an article.

Handguns, assault rifles and even a few muskets were fully on display on Sunday in Old Town Albuquerque by about 150 or so people defying the recent New Mexico public health order issued late Friday by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham banning the carrying of firearms in public spaces.

What wasn’t obvious, was an attempt at enforcement. Police were not present, save for an Albuquerque Police Department surveillance device parked at the corner of Old Town Plaza that is often there during weekend events. It’s unclear if any plain clothes officers were in attendance. No police in uniforms were seen throughout the event.

Even without that physical presence, the governor’s office intends to act.

“The order is being enforced, and citations will be forthcoming from the State Police,” said Caroline Sweeny, a spokesperson for Lujan Grisham’s office. ”To ensure officer safety, we will not be providing additional details at this time.”

Looked, I can't find any direct statement from the Stateies.

Current Chief was appointed by her. Troy Weisler, haven't found any comments from him.
Remember Obama stated he wanted a "policee force" equal in power, number and authority (if not more) than each of the armed branches of our military. You are seeing that being fulfilled. Backed in my mom's day, they called them "brownshirts" or something like that.
The Origional brown shirts originated from the Nazi party.
And its gone.

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