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Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

The man should be afforded a National Hero's Funeral. The Nation needs more selfless, competent, and inteligent people like Chris. I wish our Nation would celebrate the life of men like Chris; but alas most did not even know the name, much less the man. We are diminished.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Don'tTaseMeBro</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why isn't this on the major new outlets websites? RIP Brother.</div></div>

It's on the front page of the World section here in NZ.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

I watched his segment on BookTV when he was interviewed about "American Sniper" and if memory serves, he stated a good portion if not all of his (would-be) profit from book sales was to be donated to his non profit http://fitcocares.org/ . I got his book that day.

If I am correct and I believe I am, that might help those who dont know, what a selfless, caring, and good man he was.

He was a true inspiration in my eyes, as a Texan, as an American, and as a man. His family along with the other mans family are in my prayers.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Wife told me as I stepped out of the shower this morning. Made me sick to my stomach.

RIP Chris and thanks for ALL that you did.

I still think that a fund or something could be set up for his family by us folks here. I don't believe his family will see much/enough of the book money.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

My wife and I lost our 17 year old son five years ago on Jan. 30th, just last week. We have never been the same. I know the pain his family is feeling right now and I also know that the Lord is with them. My son would have loved to have met Mr Kyle, perhaps now, he will. God Bless all.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

RIP. You were a huge inspiration Chris. If anyone hears of any way to help the family, not some bullshit way but where to send money to the family or something please post. We need to find an active way to keep his legacy alive.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

It's because of truly honorable men like Mr. Kyle that ordinary Americans like myself can enjoy the freedoms we do. To all those that serve and served like Mr Kyle, I never forget this and thank you all.

Mr. Kyle's actions impacted a generation, but through his foundation and family, his spirit will continue to touch the lives of many more.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Saw this early this morning.

Terrible for a hero to be a victim of a crime, especially after all he's done post service.

RIP, sir.

The families of those involved are in mine and my family's prayers
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

This was the first thing I heard about upon waking this morning, I have been in a bad head-space all day. We have lost yet another exemplary warrior and this nation is diminished. My prayers go out to Taya and their children. I hope they will find the peace and comfort they need during this time of loss.
I believe due process is necessary regardless of the crime or criminal involved. It protects citizens from abuses of the justice system. However, as soon as a guilty verdict is given by a jury of peers, there should be a van waiting behind the courthouse where the murderer should be handed over to Kyle's teammates, and let justice take it's course.

Godspeed Sailor.

Semper Fidelis
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

This popped up on Yahoo..... Let the spinning begin

Semi Auto used to kill Ex Navy SEAL
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

RIP chris kyle. a true tragedy. i just found out that eddie routh was one year ahead of my son in high school. my son wasnt a personal friend of his but he says he remembers him clearly and in his words.."seemed like a cool guy in high school...a tall, skinny guy who always kept his head shaved". i have to wonder what happened to him to make him kill a fellow soldier. my sons best friend was in routh's graduating class and im trying to get in touch with him to see what he knows or remembers about the guy.

Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Prayers to all involved.

Will do my part to support the family by buying the book. The least I can do.

RIP Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

This sucks. I saw this earlier and I was just shocked. I hope the family finds peace and comfort among themselves, as he left a wife and two kids. Imagine, after all they've been through during his service, and now this. They were probably hoping for a peaceful life together. I have no idea who the other fellow was, but my heart goes out to him and his as well.

I didn't know Chris Kyle personally or anything, but what I did know of him was that not only was he a badass American hero, he was also a really cool, kind hearted dude. He was on that shit show "Sons of Guns" where he did a little "demo" for them, and signed a rifle to auction for charity (for soldiers I think, no less). And he died trying to help some soldier by befriending him and taking him shooting. So sad.

I bet when we find out more about the shooter, we'll find out he was on an SSRI, probably Prozac. It seems like all these shooters about his age are.

At some point we should start connecting the dots. If this guy turns out to be on an SSRI, maybe it isn't the so much the shooter's fault as it is the drug companies peddling a substance that causes such chaos and grief. Mr. Noveske found that most all of the recent shooters over like 15 years were on SSRI's and he had posted it online somewhere.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

RIP Chris and Chad.......My heart hangs heavy with this very sad news

God's speed soldiers.....My prayers to your family and friends
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

R.I.P. Mr.Kyle, may your spirit live on. God bless and bring peace to the families in their time of loss.
Ride on Cowboy.
After reading his book, I thought I'd like to shake that guys hand. It is a damn shame for a man such as this to be taken in this way.

Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gasitman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If this does not make you want to puke, I do not know what will. I cannot take this liberal bullshit anymore!!!!

http://www.examiner.com/article/liberals-on-twitter-celebrate-murder-of-navy-seal-chris-kyle </div></div>. This shit makes me want to puke too!!! I wish a very slow and painfull death to the ones that put that shit on there!!!
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Howdy, I'm new here today, found you guys after reading about this terrible tragedy. I just ordered his book a few minutes ago. Can't wait to get it. Will post more in the future.

Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

I too,with heavy heart, offer my condolences to the families of both of Chris and Chad.Why these things happen are incomprehensible yet the legends will live on.

RIP mighty warriors
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

I woke up this morning and couldn't believe what i was reading. I bought his book not long ago and am most of the way through it. It's absolutely sickening that an American hero would meet his end in that manner....my heart goes out to his wife and children and all those close to him.

God bless a true hero. Mr Kyle you will be missed by many.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tempest 455</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Liberals are the F'ing scum of this earth.</div></div>

Actually, ignorant racist inbred rednecks are.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

RIP Chris Kyle. We lost a true American warrior. It makes me sick to my stomach, shocked beyond belief why another service member would commit such a horrendous senseless act on a man trying to help him out no less. My prayers are with both families.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

Bought his book after reading an excerpt in Soldier of Fortune, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Maybe it's time I put aside the political and economic stuff for awhile and read Chris' book.

Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

And he died like he lived, trying to help a vet. I met him after I got his book. Great guy and will be sorely missed. Incredibly sad. RIP Chris and Chad.
Re: Chris Kyle former seal murdered

I can't believe this happened, this is event is so tragic. I really feel for his family, my condolences go out to them.

RIP Chris. You devoted your life to serve for others, may the pearly gates treat you well!

Maybe a rifle raffle or some sort of donation fund should be setup to assist Mr. Kyle's family. I would definitely contribute to something like that.