Cleaning rod recommendations Vudoo

I thought the same thing hopefully someone will explain this

plenty of these things are cut so the rod clearance is a bit big. Any flex in the rod will scrape on the ejector.
if you are using a one piece guide without a tight fitting rod, you are flirting with a barrel damaging setup. If you can insert a jag with a patch in from behind, again, too much clearance for a match level, soft, SS barrel.
Does the bore guide not go all the way to the chamber?

lots of them do although you might want to cut them back 1” or so. If that’s done, you can watch, and make sure the rod stays centered going down the bbl without rubbing on the beginning of the rifling.
one of the biggest advantages of a 2pc system is that it keeps the rod centered much better, it takes little flex over time to ruin a barrel.