Rifle Scopes Click value Lyman All American PermaCenter Target?

Casey Simpson

Full Member
Jan 2, 2008
The title asks the question, but to be sure, <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">what is the click value of a Lyman All American PermaCenter Target scope</span>? </span>

Of course Lyman no longer makes scopes - has not in a long time, and I know all I have to do is fire, move it one click, fire, and measure the poi change but I like instant gratification and I want to know now if possible. Curiously, the numbers skip, like 30 ^ 32 ^ 34 for example.
Re: Click value Lyman All American PermaCenter Target?

I believe on my 20x it is 1/8'. The numbers skip because there is not enough room for them all on that small turret. My marks run from 0-40, so I would assume 5min per turn? It has been years since I have had it on a rifle, so I am just guessing here. It sounds like I need a new rifle, so I can use it to figure all this out!
Re: Click value Lyman All American PermaCenter Target?

Thanks, Jeff. I shot it to figure it out. Its' half minute click values, and 20 minutes in a revolution.

Yeah, mine is left over from my Metallic Silhouette days in the 1980's. Low light? Forget it, but otherwise it works fine. And its American made. Makes me feel all valid inside.
Re: Click value Lyman All American PermaCenter Target?

I've got a couple 25x LWBRs and they're definitely 1/8" clicks. Here's a scan of the back page of the instruction sheet that came with my LWBR. Maybe it will help...
Re: Click value Lyman All American PermaCenter Target?

Hmmm. This means I'm going to stick a yardstick on my target board, fix the rifle steady, and track the scope. Shooting seemed suggested .5MOA, but the model is 10SL and your specs reflect 3/10" unless Lyman changed erectors from the time your spec sheet was printed and my scope was made and those dates were different.

Thank you, Talon and Jeff.