Just FYI, one of the significant limitations of the way that cloudflare works today is that it doesn't presently allow for caching of what it believes to be dynamic content.
What this means in effective terms is that if the reason you are using cloudflare has more to do with availability, the ONLY page on this site which cloudflare's availability feature will be effective for... is the homepage.
And setting the caching level to "aggressive" has the downside that there may be pages here that update more frequently than cloudflare is going back to get native copies, so I can understand why that's not optimal.
Don't get me wrong, you still get the reporting, and the CDN features for site content, etc, but not the availability bit. Oh, and realize that going through cloudflare, part of their revenue stream is also getting all of that information behind the scenes on how users use your site as well.
Just a few things to know as you use the service.
What this means in effective terms is that if the reason you are using cloudflare has more to do with availability, the ONLY page on this site which cloudflare's availability feature will be effective for... is the homepage.
And setting the caching level to "aggressive" has the downside that there may be pages here that update more frequently than cloudflare is going back to get native copies, so I can understand why that's not optimal.
Don't get me wrong, you still get the reporting, and the CDN features for site content, etc, but not the availability bit. Oh, and realize that going through cloudflare, part of their revenue stream is also getting all of that information behind the scenes on how users use your site as well.
Just a few things to know as you use the service.