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CMP has sniper rifle up for auction

It's better odds than not that all those used Unertls were teabagged at one point or another three dozen.

Soooo, that’s the “patina” that collectors pay so much for. Noted.
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why do i want to @ you? i don't know you, we aren't friends. are you my pal?

thats some bullshit you do in threads to try and boost your ego like you're important and you know so many people.
I'm the egomaniac (according to you), but yall are the ones who think it's perfectly normal to buy $20,000 Remington 700's ("XM3") that came off some random armorer rack where it's been sitting collecting dust for the last 20 years, just because it has some CMP/DARPA docs, just to show off to people, and occasionally pull it out of the safe and fondle it. Because you'll probably never shoot the damn thing, because you don't want to "diminish the value of it by putting a lot of rounds down the barrel"... 😂
I know this is the vintage section.

I know this is not the bear pit.

Don't come in here and ruin this place with bullshit rambling.

Is it worth 20k?

Or is it worth the sum of the parts?

If I could find my m24 I would go into debt to buy it back.

I can respect the history and providence that comes with it. I also can't afford it. I'm also not emotionally invested.

That rifle with stir emotions. This thread is proof of that.
Lest we forget, some rich flaunt their wealth by buying garbage (mistakenly passed off as) "art" sold by a gallery or some auction house. If they donate it to their family foundation or their charity, they receive a tax writeoff and "favorable" public image. The only other time I'm aware of rubbish "art" being purchased is the disguised bribes to the son of the Pretendent (current occupant of the Weiss Haus).

What makes one rifle more valuable than another is its provenance. A Colt Peacemaker owned by Bufffalo Bill will be worth more than one carried by an unknown cowboy. You're paying for provenance and bragging rights.

(This is the opinion of a poor boy)
I'm the egomaniac (according to you), but yall are the ones who think it's perfectly normal to buy $20,000 Remington 700's ("XM3") that came off some random armorer rack where it's been sitting collecting dust for the last 20 years, just because it has some CMP/DARPA docs, just to show off to people, and occasionally pull it out of the safe and fondle it. Because you'll probably never shoot the damn thing, because you don't want to "diminish the value of it by putting a lot of rounds down the barrel"... 😂
Knock it off. This is your last warning.
Provenance… When I was in highschool, my sister fancied herself a burgeoning barrel racer. We had horses, but we needed a barrel horse. We found one that was as a beauty. Powerful. Fast. And, believe it or not, not bat shit crazy. Anyway, talking to the seller, he didn’t have papers for the horse. His belief was that the original owner used the papers from this horse to sell another. Well, we bought that mare on her merits and she was money well spent, even though my sister never really did much as a racer. That was a good horse. But, if the seller’s story was correct, someone bought a nag with papers. Official “provenance” from the American Quarterhorse Association. Totally authentic, and wholly fabricated, all at the same time.

“Buy the knife. Not the story…”
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I think pedigree papers is a better term for the critters (dogs, horses, mebbe even cattle).

I have three degrees: HKU (Hard Knock University) and State Pen (not to be confused with Penn State). My most important one is 98.6 b/c if you don't have that, you could be sick.
Provenance… When I was in highschool, my sister fancied herself a burgeoning barrel racer. We had horses, but we needed a barrel horse. We found one that was as a beauty. Powerful. Fast. And, believe it or not, not bat shit crazy. Anyway, talking to the seller, he didn’t have papers for the horse. His belief was that the original owner used the papers from this horse to sell another. Well, we bought that mare on her merits and she was money well spent, even though my sister never really did much as a racer. That was a good horse. But, if the seller’s story was correct, someone bought a nag with papers. Official “provenance” from the American Quarterhorse Association. Totally authentic, and wholly fabricated, all at the same time.

“Buy the knife. Not the story…”
Didn't they just match the serial number on the horse to the ones on the papers and see it was a scam? Oh, wait...
Didn't they just match the serial number on the horse to the ones on the papers and see it was a scam? Oh, wait...
Technically a horse's whorl is like a unique fingerprint or serial number. Paperwork for high-end horses will come with photos and measurements of the horse's whorl, so that the buyer can compare the photos/paperwork to the actual animal. I have no idea how someone could switch paperwork around like what happened in the story in this thread, but anything is possible these days and maybe the paperwork was missing the information about that horse's whorl. Serial numbers, fingerprints, whorls, etc. all help with verifying things.
Rifles up to almost $15k now.
This XM3 will for sure sell for over $20k, and possibly over $25k! I know 2 very wealthy gentlemen who are contemplating throwing bids in to win this rifle. If these guys start bidding, then one of them will win the gun. I have no idea if they will be bidding, and but I'll definitely hear from them right after the auction is over if either of them wins the rifle! Hell, maybe this XM3 will sell for over $30k, especially with a round count book showing over 500 rounds fired! That could be documentation of some serious combat use, be we won't know for sure until we get to see the pages where the shots are recorded.
Technically a horse's whorl is like a unique fingerprint or serial number. Paperwork for high-end horses will come with photos and measurements of the horse's whorl, so that the buyer can compare the photos/paperwork to the actual animal. I have no idea how someone could switch paperwork around like what happened in the story in this thread, but anything is possible these days and maybe the paperwork was missing the information about that horse's whorl. Serial numbers, fingerprints, whorls, etc. all help with verifying things.
We’re getting pretty far afield. However, no photos are required for AQHA registration. Just color and description of markings. Genetic testing may be required is certain circumstances, but mostly not. Two red mares, with no markings, and of generally the same age are indistinguishable “on paper.” And, horse traders are less scrupulous than used car salesmen.

A BARREL horse???
The hell you say…

I KNOW! But, one of my sister’s idiot friends did make a valiant attempt to “barn-sour” the mare, and was promptly booted with a “and don’t come back, ya hear.”

When the barrel racer phase passed, the mare was able to live out her life as my mom’s trail ride horse, and as a machine to turn fertilized grass into horse shit.

But, this all a very large tangent. Is the rifle “worth” what it will bring at auction? Absolutely yes, and heartily no. By definition, anything is worth what the next buyer is willing to pay for it. But, as a sum of parts intended to put a bullet within a specific area at some range, you can do better for a lot less.

And, provenance is attested to by people. We all know that people are the least reliable form of evidence. Museums and private collections are full of items with provenance that an autistic 5th grader with access to google could tear down.
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Everyone has something they attach a premium to. Whether they would pay a premium for a sports car, or a fancy watch, or an expensive trip. We all have something.

As a Marine, I will 100% attach a hefty premium to any weapon I can confirm as serving in the Marine Corps.

I don't think I would ever have to explain this to another Marine as why I feel that way. Now if you didn't serve in the Marines, I could understand why you think we are crazy for paying that much. But I guarantee there is stuff in your life that you pay a premium for, that to me would be ridiculous.

It just comes down to "different strokes for different folks," but because it doesn't mean anything to you that doesn't make it any less valuable.

Any documented XM3 will always bring a substantial premium. That will never change as long as there are Marines and Marine Collectors.