You just get so tired of it. This White Privilege crap is beyond me. I grew up dirt poor. We had nothing after losing everything. Through hard work, my father brought us through the tough times. When it got really tough, my mother went to work at night (11p-7a) to make ends meet.
All this while having 4 kids of school age.
Never went on on any assistance, even though we probably qualified for it. This generation doesn't know what hard work is.
I seem to agree with most of your posts.
I myself don't understand how we can legislate equality.
I personally think there are certain demographics that were never taught, or failed to understand what The American Dream meant. Finish school, higher education or not, work hard, pay your bills on time so you can get credit if needed, put your kids through school, stay on the favorable side of the law, later when your house is paid off and you become debt free, maybe you can retire comfortably with what you have saved and SS. Maybe you were not at the top of the food chain position wise, but your slice was there for the taking, you accepted it and lived within your means, or tried harder.
Do I want what bill gates has, sure I do, do I deserve it, fuck no, I did not have the education, nor the initiative and countless other factors.
Yeah, I retired early, sure as the fuck wasn't because of white privilege, or family connections. I am sure some morning this year I will wake up with another part of my body that hurts, and I won't be able to decipher if it was from neglect from 30 yrs ago when it first surfaced and continued to work, or new.
There are many different tiers of life between gang banging and lebron james, figure it out.
Seems like every time some group feels they need to be equal, it costs me money, many aspects to that one.
On my radar now is student loan debt forgiveness. The more squawking you hear about it, the more the reasons surface, not all about kids choosing fields that were really not possible to prosper in. Whoa, ok, like the financial institutions are going to take this hit, we may come out ok on this one, we most likely are done borrowing money. But prices will still rise because of business's affected.
So, I don't see how calling me a racist or privileged is championing your cause, whether I am or not, it is one big turn off. I am one that can turn off the switch, been boycotting professional sports for 35 yrs, entertainment industry the same, music industry almost as long. bruce, and bono r, thanks for helping me get through the 80's shitty music, but fuck you today.
I love a coke, or did, after a nap, now a cup of coffee will suffice.