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Colorado shooting at batman premire

Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Muddled details; but other media sources claim: Shooter used a rifle, pistol, gas mask, bullet proof vest, and a "gas canister device". He popped said gas caniter and them began to open fire. The shooter is said to be in police custody
15 killed 50 injured
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Dems have been waiting for this to happen, be prepared for more gun control BS.</div></div>
Major shooting events always happen just prior to a vote, wonder why that is? Teflon Wolves wear suites, more than any other rag.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Dems have been waiting for this to happen, be prepared for more gun control BS.

God Bless those who lost there lives.</div></div>

I'm a democrat and I can't say that I have been waiting for this. Would it offend you if I said all republicans were waiting for another Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing?

Knee jerk reactions just add fuel to the opposition flames.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Damn, that's pretty close to me. They arrested a legit middle east terrorist about two years ago right in this same neighborhood around the same age. Maybe it's the same dude or part of the same cell.

On a side note: Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...

EDIT: Looks like it was a white 24yr old and his mom had no-doubt it was her son. <-- Weird.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

On the news they were using a swat team to get into his apartment through the window because he mentioned an explosive device and they were worried that he rigged his front door. Any news of this I've heard have said 12 dead 38 injured for a total of 50 victims. A 3 month old was reported as the youngest victim and as reported by a witness, was shot point blank in the back. But this is all coming out within hours so there hadn't been enough time to verify and sort through the true stores and people looking to get their 15 minutes from this upsetting event.

Edit: just before I walked into work I heard 12 killed and 50 injured, but like I said, everyone is trying to claim "you heard it here first" so I say nothing is certain until the next few days pass. Then we'll get some real answers.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

People are dead and others are injured. That much is known; that much is more than enough to take this seriously, and to offer prayers and help to those involved.

More is sure to follow, and we need to take that seriously too. Speculation and demagoguery are not appropriate, either now or leter. That needs to end.

There is a problem here, guns being used for violence. We need to make certain that what we do in response to it is responsible and productive.

Where this problem is concerned, we need to be on the side of its solution, and not its becoming a matter of contention. Nobody would benefit from further contention concerning these matters. There's been far more than enough of that already.

Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Shooter identified as a 24-year old. Reportedly not terrorism, but a horrific crime.

I can't imagine what could possibly lead someone to do something so evil.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">People are dead and others are injured. That much is known; that much is more than enough to take this seriously, and to offer prayers and help to those involved.

More is sure to follow, and we need to take that seriously too. Speculation and demagoguery are not appropriate, either now or leter. That needs to end.

There is a problem here, guns being used for violence. We need to make certain that what we do in response to it is responsible and productive.

Where this problem is concerned, we need to be on the side of its solution, and not its becoming a matter of contention. Nobody would benefit from further contention concerning these matters. There's been far more than enough of that already.


Well said Greg.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

At this point, I am going to save my comments until more details arise, specifically his motive. All I can say is that this is a great tragedy, and truly a horrific crime.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">People are dead and others are injured. That much is known; that much is more than enough to take this seriously, and to offer prayers and help to those involved.

More is sure to follow, and we need to take that seriously too. Speculation and demagoguery are not appropriate, either now or leter. That needs to end.

There is a problem here, guns being used for violence. We need to make certain that what we do in response to it is responsible and productive.

Where this problem is concerned, we need to be on the side of its solution, and not its becoming a matter of contention. Nobody would benefit from further contention concerning these matters. There's been far more than enough of that already.

Greg </div></div>
Very well put sir, you are absolutely correct.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

High Binder said:
On a side note: Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...

Is this confirmed?

If yes, other than my prayers for all of those affected by this idiot, this follows the logic that these mass shootings all take place where good citizens and patriots would have likely prevented some or most of the devastation to human life.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...</div></div>

If that's the case, and if I had a family member involved I'd sue the shit out of the theather. Don't know if it would fly but others who don't allow legal CWs would take notice.

The NO CCW rule sure didn't prevent the bandit from carrying guns into the theater.

I never pay attention to those signs anyway. Concealed is concealed and (excluding federal buildings 'n such) all they can to if they find out you have a CW is ask you to leave. Which I would.

One of the victoms was reported to be a little baby. Can you imagine how you would feel if that was your child or grandchild and you had no means to protect them.

My prayers go out to the victoms and their families. My damnation goes out to those who want to prevent us from protecting our families.

Sorry for the rant, its a pet peeve of mine.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: chka</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> A 3 month old was reported as the youngest victim and as reported by a witness, was shot point blank in the back. </div></div>

Luckily this was false and the 3 month old was hurt but has since been reunited with their family according to the doctor at the hospital where he was treated.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

If anything this should further aid in strengthening our right to CC. Time and time again you hear stories of people stuck in a situations that if they would have had a means to fight back the devastation could have at least been reduced if not avoided.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The NO CCW rule sure didn't prevent the bandit from carrying guns into the theater.

I never pay attention to those signs anyway. Concealed is concealed and (excluding federal buildings 'n such) all they can to if they find out you have a CW is ask you to leave. Which I would.


I don't even bother to look for signs giving or denying permission! With the exception of the listed prohibited places the worst that can happen to you is just that, they can ask you to leave. You have to wonder how different the outcome may have been if CCW were allowed or if an off duty LEO was there.

My thoughts and prayers to all involved in this senseless act of violence.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: N2DADARK</div><div class="ubbcode-body">HERES THE FUCKED UP THING!!!!!

Yahoo News,

"A San Diego woman identifying herself as James Holmes's mother spoke briefly with ABC News this morning.
She had awoken unaware of the news of the shooting and had not been contacted by authorities. She immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved.
"You have the right person," she said.
"I need to call the police," she added. "I need to fly out to Colorado."


I know, curbstomp the fucking squirt and get it over with already!

Or maybe he needed a few more hugs, how about that? My dad was all beatings and discipline. Sadistic beatings, I couldn't go to school for two weeks once because he was afraid he'd get locked up, where he belonged. And this was in the early '80's when people didn't give a shit about a few bruises and scars.

Were it not for the divorce and me ending up with my grandmother who raised me during the all important coming of age years, I could see myself having wound up like the douche that did this crime. See, I had so much discipline that I had no room for love, empathy, sympathy, you know, the stuff that not only gets you laid, but makes you a decent person to be around? Yeah, well, my grandmother single handedly unfucked what my father fucked up. Sure, my father got me into shooting at an early age and we had some good times, but were it not for her, I'd likely have ended up dead or in prison myself, turning all those years of discipline, angst and shooting skills, into one singular act of violence.

People say this country is "going down the tubes" all the time. They always have. I think every generation says that for different reasons, but what I AM noticing that isn't really up for discussion, is that we are, the nation as a whole, becoming more shallow (emotionally, logically, artistically, etc.) and more negative with each passing day. Our art and music sucks, our kids are stupid (but think they are brilliant compared to the rest of the world, no shit) we don't care about helping one another, our democracy is yielding to totalitarianism and we are extremely selfish. And if you happen to be have-not, well, shit is just even worse for you.

No wonder people are snapping. They feel backed in corner with no way out, they are watching the American Dream turn into an American Nightmare, ie, the country they were born in and taught to love is becoming something else, and some of these people shoulder a heavier burden than the rest of us, either perceived or real... how else could you perpetrate a crime such as this? Unless you are truly mentally unstable?

I think the answer is less discipline and just more care. These people don't need a "diet" from life, they need a more fulfilling life, whatever that is for them. If you have an estranged family member or a lonely friend, perhaps you should try and make it a point to spend more quality time with them. Don't try to "help" them, just have a good time. The good times are what we all live for, and well, if you aren't expecting any, then you may feel like you have nothing to lose. That young man obviously wasn't expecting any good times in the near future, no trips with his buddies, probably no girlfriend, you get the picture.

How about this weekend you dig up that funny friend or relative, the weird one you don't talk to much, and you two go on a hike or whatever and have a good time? Hell, who knows? You may change the world.

My heart goes out to those people in Colorado, they surely didn't deserve that.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: N2DADARK</div><div class="ubbcode-body">HERES THE FUCKED UP THING!!!!!

Yahoo News,

"A San Diego woman identifying herself as James Holmes's mother spoke briefly with ABC News this morning.
She had awoken unaware of the news of the shooting and had not been contacted by authorities. She immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved.
"You have the right person," she said.
"I need to call the police," she added. "I need to fly out to Colorado."


I agree that it's weird that she knew it was him before she actually knew, obviously there were flags. However, this kid is a 24yr old was a PhD student at a local medical school with a undergrad in bio. (which is Doogie Houser stuff) but dropped out ~6 months so he had the brains and the self-discipline to get to a terminal degree at 24 <--!!

His pic:

Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Dems have been waiting for this to happen, be prepared for more gun control BS. </div></div>

Yup, even the Bamster made a remark already saying how the "Federal" govt will ride in for the rescue. And the staged audience applauded and cheered.

Democrat/ America= oxymoron if one has been paying attention for the last 40+ years.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

This is a very sad thing and a stark reminder as to why carrying concealed whenever possible is a good idea. I am going to this movie tomorrow about 15 minutes from where the shooting happened. I just heard that the shooter was wearing body armor which makes me wonder if it would have been a better idea to try to just get myself and family out with or without suppressing fire.

With a full-size handgun it would still have been hard to go against a guy already shooting, in a cloud of tear gas who had a long-gun. With the little .380 I often carry to places where I want to REALLY be concealed, I would not have been confident in a precise shot beyond seven yards, especially in those conditions. Really makes you think when it's this close to home. A friend of a friend missed the movie in that theater because of a headache...
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jcfd2201</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
kraigWY said:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The NO CCW rule sure didn't prevent the bandit from carrying guns into the theater.

I never pay attention to those signs anyway. Concealed is concealed and (excluding federal buildings 'n such) all they can to if they find out you have a CW is ask you to leave. Which I would.


I don't even bother to look for signs giving or denying permission! With the exception of the listed prohibited places the worst that can happen to you is just that, they can ask you to leave. You have to wonder how different the outcome may have been if CCW were allowed or if an off duty LEO was there.

My thoughts and prayers to all involved in this senseless act of violence. </div></div>

Be careful doing that in TX, it's a Class A Misdemeanor (fine up to $4000 and/or jail up to 1 year) if you carry in a place where it is posted prohibited.

Now back on subject. This is a horrible tragedy and my prayers go out to the families.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: yerbyray</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 427Cobra</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Dems have been waiting for this to happen, be prepared for more gun control BS.

God Bless those who lost there lives.</div></div>

I'm a democrat and I can't say that I have been waiting for this. Would it offend you if I said all republicans were waiting for another Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing?

Knee jerk reactions just add fuel to the opposition flames. </div></div>

You are both correct.

Prayers to the families affected by this - little did i know my cousin was one of the teachers at Columbine.

But I have no doubt something will be coming down the pipe.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VA Gentleman</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
On a side note: Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...

Is this confirmed?

If yes, other than my prayers for all of those affected by this idiot, this follows the logic that these mass shootings all take place where good citizens and patriots would have likely prevented some or most of the devastation to human life. </div></div>

All of the Century theaters in CO have this policy, it's a "franchise policy" and you're not allowed to CCW into any of them around the state and probably the nation. Our local gun group RMGO calls these places 'criminal safe zones'.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VA Gentleman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
High Binder said:
On a side note: Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...

Is this confirmed?

If yes, other than my prayers for all of those affected by this idiot, this follows the logic that these mass shootings all take place where good citizens and patriots would have likely prevented some or most of the devastation to human life. </div></div>

Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Thoughts and prayers to all involved.

Congrats to the police/EMS as it sounds like a fast and well coordinated response by multiple agencies within minutes on the local news here.

As for the fight about it all, Greg L said it well. A strong and responsible response from the shooting community is important here, anything extreme will just fan the flames
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

A tad off topic, but I've been reading other forums and reports and more and more I see reports of people, upon seeing a NO CCW policy, have started campains, of calling the business and telling them that the refuse to use that business.

I've read several reports that policies have been changed.

That's what we need to do, upon seeing such sign, POLITELY voice your concerns and inform the manager that you as well as your friends will not do business in such places.

Certainly cant hurt nothing. We know bandits to horor such signs.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: txgw</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jcfd2201</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
kraigWY said:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The NO CCW rule sure didn't prevent the bandit from carrying guns into the theater.

I never pay attention to those signs anyway. Concealed is concealed and (excluding federal buildings 'n such) all they can to if they find out you have a CW is ask you to leave. Which I would.


I don't even bother to look for signs giving or denying permission! With the exception of the listed prohibited places the worst that can happen to you is just that, they can ask you to leave. You have to wonder how different the outcome may have been if CCW were allowed or if an off duty LEO was there.

My thoughts and prayers to all involved in this senseless act of violence. </div></div>

Be careful doing that in TX, it's a Class A Misdemeanor (fine up to $4000 and/or jail up to 1 year) if you carry in a place where it is posted prohibited.

Now back on subject. This is a horrible tragedy and my prayers go out to the families. </div></div>

In Texas only a 30.06 sign or 51% in drinking establishment can stop carry other than the obvious government buildings.

This is a horrible tragedy, prayers to everyone effect by this event.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Sounds like the shooter was a med student that had dropped out about six months ago. He had two Glock .40's, an AR-15 and a shotgun in the theater. One of the handguns might have been in the car, but he shot 71 people per police, 12 of whome have passed. Bastard.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy.

OT: Why is there so much strangeness surrounding this particular Batman movie? I mean the Rotten Tomatoes website had to stop taking comments because they received so many death threats against critics of the movie and now this mass shooting. I don't remember anything like this for the previous Batman movies and I personally don't remember anything like what I mentioned happening with the movies being made from Marvel properties.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Trajic yes.

unfortunately the usual "ban guns" sign will go on.

there should be the unusual "give guns" sign going on....chances are if there were more carriers with courage in the audience, perhaps a few less would have fallen.

after all, though he was wearing a vest, this guy wasn't wearing any "face armor".
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VA Gentleman</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
On a side note: Most of the theaters around here advertize that they don't allow CCW (this one included) so...

Is this confirmed?

If yes, other than my prayers for all of those affected by this idiot, this follows the logic that these mass shootings all take place where good citizens and patriots would have likely prevented some or most of the devastation to human life. </div></div>

All of the Century theaters in CO have this policy, it's a "franchise policy" and you're not allowed to CCW into any of them around the state and probably the nation. Our local gun group RMGO calls these places 'criminal safe zones'.</div></div>

Thanks guys... I figured it was posted and "policy", just wanted to make sure. I can see RMGO's point of view as Criminal Safe Zones...

I sure hope common sense prevails for any future events like this and I definitely pray for the families and the victims.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: verdugo60</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I just heard that the shooter was wearing body armor which makes me wonder if it would have been a better idea to try to just get myself and family out with or without suppressing fire.

With a full-size handgun it would still have been hard to go against a guy already shooting, in a cloud of tear gas who had a long-gun. With the little .380 I often carry to places where I want to REALLY be concealed, I would not have been confident in a precise shot beyond seven yards, especially in those conditions.</div></div>
I actually just got done with a discussion about this point. (I was discussing, the other guy was arguing haha) I'm with you, run away. Granted, there's too many variables for us to "what if", where you were in the theater, where he was, etc, fleeing might not have been a valid option. I'm fairly certain though that I would NOT have been able to make that shot under those conditions (Not that my j-frame would have done shit to him even if I did make it). Time to Forrest Gump it the hell outta there.

Makes me think of the opening scene from 'Lethal Weapon 4'... have somebody run a distraction route in their underwear so you can take your time for the face shot!
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Now the Ar-15 hype begains taken from yahoo news

"Holmes was apprehended within minutes of the 12:39 a.m. shooting at his car behind the theater, where police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons, <span style="font-weight: bold">including a AR-15 assault rifle, which can hold upwards of 100 rounds</span>, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a .40 Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle. Agents from the federal bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms are tracing the weapons."
Now the Assault rifle ban has a new war cry. And in 7 days the UN Arms Treaty may take place. I Feel bad for the dead and injured but just because one wack job got nuts doesn't mean I want a ban.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

this was not too far from my place, I was actually at the range last night (earlier obviously). My local range is practically accross the street from the incident location. I wish I could have done something, a good friend of mine is going to be getting a lot of comments today since he's been on the news all day as one of the responding officers.

So far from what I know the guns came from Bass Pro and Gander Mountain. That sucks but at least it's not a small business.
Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

If I'm a voice of reason, maybe it's time to start warming up another one in the wings, because I don't have a lot more of that left in me.

Either we have a Second Amendment here in this country or we don't. Time to get off your ass, America, and decide.

I know which side I'm on.

Re: Colorado shooting at batman premire

Who the hell brings a 3 month old child to a midnight showing of a movie?

The movie had probably already been ruined before the shooting had even started.