Re: Combat Pawn
These goddamn shows are the knife in the back you all should have expected. They, every single one, portray owners and shooters AS the bag of dicks on the screen! Ie, NON-owners look at this shit and think, "Fuck, that guy lives right next door!"
The fact is, shooting on televisions is MORE boring than fucking golf on television. MORE SO! So of course you have to make shit up. Hell, sniper comps aren't even interesting unless they have ads and interviews to break up all the boring shit.
Honestly, I'd rather watch curling. That was actually pretty nice during the Olys. But these shooting shows, they do nothing to further the sport or to disally fears in the minds of the ignorant.
If anything, they throw me in the same bag with that douche "Rick", or whatever the hell his name is, that owns that apostasy "Gunsmoke".
Sweeping the damn parking lot. I'm sorry, you couldn't pay me enough to do that shit, especially in public and double especially in front of a camera --and this is coming from a guy who'll walk around the yard naked eating twinkies with his gut and dick hanging out. But you GOTTA draw the line somewhere, and that was it.
On the other hand, I just got a great idea. A "reality" show about mall ninja type mall cops. But you know, real ones. We could get a real mall on board, along with real undercover security guards just so they wouldn't be unprotected (whatever). Then we "hire" only real Gecko45's and let them run amock, literally run the show, literally unscripted. Episode one will, say, be about a lost child that results in a lockdown and tactical sweep of the toy sector, but a twist will reveal the child was actually jacking off in the bathroom stall to a stolen Maxim magazine and then the action really starts as the crime is uncovered and the suspect resists.