While this is classic baiting, it is also a symptom of the "rhetoric" we are getting from the left. I get daily political adds about how the Republicans are planning to steal the election. (Ol Brandon even gave a speech on it!) 6 Reps get shot by a Bernie Fanboy *Yawn*. Random idiot attacks Husband of Speaker
They also crouch their rhetoric as the victims, when they (dems--guardian is pretty left wing) have been willing participants all this time and while they say "Watch for Repubs to jail Dems and Moderate Rempubs" I remind you the current witchhunt is Jan 6 and Trump (As if Hillary didn't have the whole state secrets on her unsecured hard drive....). Notice the subtle race card--we're gonna start lynching again--bombing synagogues and black churches! Cause deep down we are all racists!
You know all those places in Ohio, Rural Illinois,Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado that had a deep history of slavery /sarcasm
Me thinks they doth protest too much.
Meanwhile swear allegience to the current ideology or lose your job, your home, your reputation.