Re: concealed carry VS. open carry ????????
I always carry. It is pretty popular up here in WA actually. Hell, even my wife carries. We both conceal, open carry is too much trouble. You have to, well you SHOULD, keep a constant vigil on it if you open carry. Anyone can walk up and take it from behind. It amazes me how many open carry and wear non-retention rigs too. Such as open top holsters without even so much as a strap, and in crowded public places. Stupid. Only time I open carry is when I attend a protest, and that is usually with a retention holster and an unloaded pistol. Such as in that Starbucks incident that made it real big a year or so ago --cops got called on a guy for open carrying. They ran him off with threats. But they didn't run off the thirty or so that showed up the next week open carrying. So for protests, open carry is the way to go.
For real defensive carry, concealed is the way to go. Element of surprise, blending in, not attracting attention, all that goes in your favor. See, if you are confronted open carry, you have a bigger problem. That person likely saw your weapon prior to confronting you and they are either stupid or have a trick up their sleeve. Either way, that situation doesn't sound pleasant.
Open carry attracts people. Drunks wanting to start shit because "you think you are so badass you walk around armed" or cops that the sheeple called because you, openly armed, HAVE to be a terrorist, or you could simply just run across a dick cop that knows nothing about the law yet enforces it anyway. No shortage of those. Or kids that want to know all about you piece. Or department store clerks that ask you to leave because everyone knows open carry is illegal. Or any of the other numerous assholes you have to deal with that know shit about carry.
Yeah, unless you are protesting anti-gun shit, concealed is the way to go. If confrontation is what you are trying to avoid, then open carry is the last thing you want to do.