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(Concluded) Hellinois rifle hunt legal caliber recommendations


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 9, 2024

The dumb fucks at DNR deemed that these calibers should be legal to rifle hunt deer in the shitty state of Hellinois. None of the commonly used ones because they think those rounds will hit someone or something ten miles away. Deer hunting with rifle was made legal last year and then the dumb AWB was passed right after. I used a Marlin 512 Slugster for the last two seasons but plan on using a rifle this year.

Which calibers from that list would you consider good for a whitetail deer hunt and could you recommend some nice quality rifles that are chambered in your preferred caliber?
Since we're spending your money and not mine, I'd go with 500 NE.

That really is a strange list. And I don't mean just that it exists.
"Light; Shots in this category should be under 50 yards and may only wound".
Then why is it on the list!!!? Isn't that the whole point of having a list???

.50-70, good. .50-90, no good. Same with all the other .45-** options. What a weird collection of inappropriate choices and obsolete oddities. There are some great calibers and great choices on that list, but not an abundance of off the shelf rifle options in them.

If I were starting from scratch, and money wasn't a big concern, I'd track down a Ruger No.1 in .405 Winchester.
(If I had to go tomorrow, I'd grab my Ruger No.1 in .475 Linebaugh or Marlin .45-70.)
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I know a couple fellers who are quite pleased with their Ruger 450 Bushmaster bolt rifles.

I would look there or 45-70.
There is a really cool old timer style one in the PX.

Almost as old as @roostercogburn98
He remembers when dirt was new!!!
Whipper snapper needs to learn some manners
You could always go with the 450 Nitro Express from Holland and Holland,

A bunch of the cartridges listed only come in custom or antique lever-action or single shot which may limit you. Personally, for hunting I’d look at those cartridges on the list offered in the Winchester 1886, 1894, Henery Big Boy, or Marlin 336. But I already have the 1886 in 45-70 and the 1894 in 38-55. For a bolt….350 Legend, 450 Bushmaster. Very few are “Long Range” cartridges, even though I take the 45-70 out to 500m (it has a lot of drop!).
I forgot to mention, if you plan on shooting a steady diet of hunting loads in a lever gun; don’t get a toggle link action (Win 1866/73 pattern). The Marlin 1894 and Win 1892 pattern are gtg in pistol cartridges.
If you don't like big bullets and/or recoil, a .300BO would be the easy button choice. The right bullets, modern optics and range finders would give you more range than you should probably be shooting them at.

Or you could do, you know, do some more hunting before you pull the trigger. ;)
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I bought a CVA Scout TD in .300 BLK for this year. Actually headed downstairs now to start load dev of my hunting rounds. All my shots are generally under 100yds, and I wanted to trade in my slug gun with my kids getting closer to hunting age for reduced recoil. I’m looking forward to seeing how it performs.

I’m also thinking (with the news that T/C is coming back) it will eventually be passed down to my oldest and I’ll upgrade myself to a T/C Encore in .460 S&W Magnum. That will allow me to shoot .460, .454 Cassull, and .45 Colt for varying recoil (and fun) levels in the off-season.
If you don't like big bullets and/or recoil, a .300BO would be the easy button choice. The right bullets, modern optics and range finders would give you more range than you should probably be shooting them at.

Or you could do, you know, do some more hunting before you pull the trigger. ;)
I don’t mind the recoil. In fact, I really enjoyed shooting the 512 Slugster. But I want to switch to something else just for fun.
140 grain XTP-357 Mag from a 24" Winchester 1892 with a "rifle load" of Lil Gun. This loading is bad ass. Very accurate out to 150 yards and still within an 8" circle at 200 yards. Drops like a rock after that. This load hits 2400fps and has taken deer, black bear, coyote and numerous hogs.

The other is a 300 grain XTP-45 Colt from a 20" Henry pushed by a full power charge of Lil Gun. This load hits 1600fps with a 300 grain projectile and would be suitable for anything in North America inside 100 yards and medium game out to 200. My buddy used it on nice 6x6 elk in colorado at 55 yards and it went in the front shoulder and transected the entire animal and exited through the hip joint
Most available rifle would be a 300 black out or maybe 350 legend.

For “nice quality” I’d probably go for a more classic rifle from before the war in whatever it was and hand load it.
It does for IL but you can also modify common firearms to make them single shot such as utilizing magazine blanks. Not sure how to disable the magazine tube on a lever action but I’m sure someone here can come up with ideas.
Same as a shotgun, cut a length of dowel to fit between the magazine cap and follower and slide it inside the spring. I did this to a Winchester 1887 Shotgun to need the capacity requirement for upland bird hunting.
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Back before I escaped Illinois and moved to Missouri I hunted with a 6.5 inch 480 ruger raging bull . It's a bit much for white tails . The 300 blackout shooting barnes 110 ttsx bullets knocks the crap out of deer . I have killed 4 deer with the 190 grain hornady sub-x but that would be pointless in Illinois My father and one of my brothers still live in Illinois .
300BO with 110gr TAC TX is a perfect whitetail deer cartridge. You should be able to get a Howa Mini or Ruger American in this cartridge. As far as SS, maybe a TC Encore would be a decent investment
I live in Illinois and purchased a stainless CVA Scout in 44 Magnum. Use Hornady 240 XTP with H110 powder. Very handy size when climbing a ladder stand.
On that list I have used a Marlin 1894 in 44 magnum with LFN cast bullets. Did a job on the deer at short to medium range. Deer did not go far, left good blood trails. Recommended for under 100 yards. Also shot one with myu Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter. That little fellow hit the ground dead.

I have also killed deer with a 300 Blackout using a Ruger Ranch. Use 110’s or 124’s designed for the Blackout. Don’t expect bang flop kills. Mine ran a good ways, (a hundred yards). Bullet passed though so easily I thought I had missed.

Longer? A 45-70 or the 444. But you really need to reload. Lots of rifle options on the 45-70. For a real killer, go with a custom using a Siamese Mauser action. Handloaded,, You are talking about power not that far from a 458 Winchester. Can use any style bullet and get ready for a bang. Be careful on your build weight, we are talking a heavy hit on both ends. Not a 416, 458 or 500 recoil, but you’ll won’t be spotting your misses on the PRS range with it.
The Fuddiest of Fudd loads for hunting? Got dayum the people working for the state are tarded.

357 mag is marginal LOL. 500 NE is dangerous “downrange”. Good lord.
.357 is a nation killer compared to the 30 carbine. The .357 will kill, but it takes a good hand and a good bullet. The only bullet I would recommend is the 173 grain Kieth. The 30 carbine is a nice plinking round int he Ruger Blackhawk. It’s also a fun “little” plinking round in the M1 Carbine. But a recommended deer killer?

I suppose the 500 Nitro Express is included because the wise illnoise fathers think their foolish little nimrods might be threatened by a charging antlered doe protecting her fawn and will need the firepower to handle such a dangerous animal. Has anyone priced a nice 500NE Double Rifle? I saw one , a Merkel, 15 years ago, used in Cabela’s for $10,000.
.357 is a nation killer compared to the 30 carbine. The .357 will kill, but it takes a good hand and a good bullet. The only bullet I would recommend is the 173 grain Kieth. The 30 carbine is a nice plinking round int he Ruger Blackhawk. It’s also a fun “little” plinking round in the M1 Carbine. But a recommended deer killer?

I suppose the 500 Nitro Express is included because the wise illnoise fathers think their foolish little nimrods might be threatened by a charging antlered doe protecting her fawn and will need the firepower to handle such a dangerous animal. Has anyone priced a nice 500NE Double Rifle? I saw one , a Merkel, 15 years ago, used in Cabela’s for $10,000.
The link I provided above had “fill out the for for price” 🤣 Some of their effective distances and ratings are way off. This is from using those cartridges (mostly Cowboy/vintage).
Not sure if it’s legal, and it ain’t really my cup of tea, but I’d look into one of the current custom Smokeless Muzzleloaders. Even if it wasn’t legal for ML season, you may be able to use it during rifle. A friend has one and its performance is nothing short of amazing. It will beat any and all of the above listed cartridges.

If I wanted to shoot something further than the ranges afforded by the “legal” cartridges, that is the route I’d go.

Beat the unknowing commies at their own game.
45 Colt. The under-rated underdog. Forget loadings for the iron framed peacemakers of the 1870’s Model P’s (the Peacemaker or original model of the Single Action Army). Go to a large frame Ruger, or a 45 Colt five shot cylinder in a Freedom Arms Model 83. Go with a Heavy hard cast bullet, I use a 270 Grain Keith, blunt and heavy. Pack er full of WW296 or H110 (same thing, different name) and nothing that walks on this continent can stand up to it. (For load data, give me a PM, lots of published data. it’s a good one….If you handload it.