Yea, you And the rest of your Aunt Tiffa faggots pretty much blew your own fucking commie toes off by trying to tear down THE EMANCIPATION STATUE in Lincoln Park, commissioned and paid for by FREED SLAVES! Puts the lie to the faggots comming in here and telling us what to believe and which symbols are ok. Fucking FREDERIC DOUGLAS, who you probably have never heard of, because you are functionally retarded and have never had any history, spoke at the dedication. There was a controversy because some Freemen wanted to spend the money on schools, but Douglas believed it was more Important to pay homage to The Great Emancipator, which the little fucking babies of the radical left now tell us depicts white supremacy.
I hope you keep going with your little revolution. See you soon sweetie pie, because I‘m your fucking huckleberry. Trained by my Uncle Stupid to be a commie, fucking, killing machine. Till then.