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Hunting & Fishing Considering giving Coyote hunting a try


Full Member
Jan 11, 2008
I live near a farm in Pa and there are coyotes everywhere out here. One guy shot quite a few last year and in the evenings you can hear them quite often. I've never tried this so I was looking for some tips besides the obvious. Is the fox pro call worth buying? A friend of mine swears it works but I figured I'd see what guys are using. Best time of day to go??

Thanks for any advice,

Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

The FX 3 is kind of the cream of the crop. No, it's not the most expensive model, but does more than most people need, and it's a lot lighter than a Prairie Blaster, or whatever the hell they're called.

Also, last year they came out with the Spitfire model ($200 vs $400 FX 3). I've read mixed reviews online about them, but I personally know somebody who put it through the ringer last winter and had no issues with it.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

I should have read your entire first post before posting......You know, you can kill coyotes with $5-$10 hand calls too. A fancy electronic caller isn't a necessity to kill coyotes. I'd say pick up a couple different Crit-R-Calls, an instructional DVD, and use them for a year or so. There's A LOT more to coyote hunting than turing on the on switch.

Typically, my most productive time is right away in the early morning. I've never hunted at night yet, so I can't speak from experience on that.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

I try to gather up a bunch of different calls. You never know what works better in some areas till you try. Coyotes are smart and will remember if you always use the same call. Besides, its always fun to practice your calls in the living room and piss off your wife!
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cinch</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Besides, its always fun to practice your calls in the living room and piss off your wife! </div></div> and every pet within a 1/2 mile radius!!!

You might check the forums at Predator Master dot com, lots of calling info there to go along with the shootin info here. Good luck, calling is addicting.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

critter calls work really well along with the yote buster calls early in the mornin is a good time so is right before dark if your gonna try it at night practice up on shootin rabbits first just remember coyotes are born smart and just get smarter the longer they live happy huntin kill em all
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

A coyote is an Apache Indian reincarnate.

Just be sure you don't educate them - they never make the same mistake twice.

I like doing my own calling - seems the batteries in my electronic caller are always dead when it comes to heading out to the hunting grounds.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

For what its worth. When your calling expect to see one show up or you will get burned. The crows here in michigan tend to be drawn in as well. Try to ignore them(your getting two calls for the price of one! Bring a partner for another set of eyes. I have called them in at all hours (as late as noon). Distressed rabbit always works good(did last sunday). The fawn in distress will get them running in as well right now. The spitfire works great out to 100yds from my experience. A dog zeros right in to where it hears the call. A remote operated call gives you some advantage of not being seen as easily versus a mouth call. I have the zr2?? model or the one without the remote ($100 version ) Damn good unit so far. Rain, snow and tons of abuse still ticking. Beware this sport is extremely addictive!
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

I started out in early grade school with my dad teaching me to use hand calls, then i remember him purchasing a portable cassett tape call system, i believe it was an old Johnny Stewart, it worked, the technology got better now we have these digital calls, I got the Fox Pro Prarie Blaster, one of my best investments. I still carry hand calls and use them, just in case & not as often. If you want cheap go with a hand call for beginning, if you got the $$$ get the Electronic, either way its all about gettin out there and puttin the godhammer down on them dogs.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

Don't be afraid to experiment with non-coyote specific calls. I mistakenly purchased a moose call once and found that if I removed the bugle portion it led to some great yelping/puppy sounds.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

You can call em anytime of day or night. Some people say that the best calling is like hunting deer (at dusk and dawn). I personally have had good luck anytime except from about 1am-5am. They will come to most anything that sounds like an easy meal so try lots of stuff. If they have never been called it should be pretty easy at first. They will get educated so you might have to change up sounds eventually. This is why an electronic call comes in so handy. I use the Foxpro FX5 (it has 200 different sounds). A few of the sounds that work well for me are the cottontail distress, jackrabbit distress, woodpecker distress and coyote pup distress. I will often mix in the coyote pup distress between other calls. They are very keen animals so be sure to stay still, play your wind and be ready. I have found that a decoy will really increase your odds for success. I could go on and on so if you need more info feel free to pm with any other questions. The more you get out and hunt coyotes the more you will learn about em.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cinch</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I try to gather up a bunch of different calls. You never know what works better in some areas till you try. Coyotes are smart and will remember if you always use the same call. Besides, its always fun to practice your calls in the living room and piss off your wife! </div></div>

Better to do it at a friends house. His wife came out of the bedroom on the fight, cussed him out good and give me the nicest "Hi, Chris" as she went back in the bedroom. I thought it was funny as hell, he didn't.

Predator Masters, Greybeard Outdoors and you can find good calling
sounds at a lot of places on the web. Including some bunny hugger sites.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

Good luck.

Something to think about everyone and thier Grandmother is a Coyote Hunter. Hopefully you will get lucky and get one right off the bat. Some guys spend a year or two years before they ever call one in. Just because you see lots of tracks don't mean it's going to be easy. Don't spend a bunch of money on gear until you figure out if this is something you want to continue doing. The Companys that sell Coyote equipment are no different than a Gun Manufacturer or Car Dealer. They all have the latest and greatest of what you need. You don't need to be Tacticool to call Coyotes in and they are not Mythical Creatures as some would have you believe.

It also takes lots of area to call in. 3 sets on the ten acre farm is a waste after the first call.

Out West I will travel on my 4 wheeler 50 to 80 miles a day making calls with 1 1/2 miles to 3 miles between sets.

Good Luck
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

The Foxpro Fury is my go to call. handles all the Mark II sounds that are superior in sound to the regular library. Not to mention the Fury and CS24 have better sound the the older versions.

they will all work, but some are far better. every advantage you can have is a good one when going against Wiley.

always carry hand calls too. Coyotes are like fish, you gotta try the right one to get them to bite !

as far as tips, there are lots of great DVD's out there on calling. buy one, watch it, makes the sounds they are and go give er a try !
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Amacron</div><div class="ubbcode-body">what is best time of year to hunt them? </div></div>
That is something of a 'loaded' question...
I'm not doing any sort of nuisnace control and NY actually has a coyote season, so I start here in October and usually stop around beginning of March...

If you wait to hunt coyotes til early fall, this year's pups will be self sufficient by then and usually are pretty willing to take a bullet for ya, if you play your cards right...
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

The best / Easiest time of the year to hunt them will be in September to October if you don't mind shooting a bunch of half grown pups.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

+1 Anytime you can get out is the best time! Yes, the younger they are, the dumber they are. Use different tactics for different seasons.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

I shoot em for the price of their hides.(unless it's a contest)

So i lay off of em from about mid february to mid october.(weather dependant).....

If not year round fun can be had! But as said above it's easiest when the pups are dumb in october.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I shoot em for the price of their hides.(unless it's a contest)

So i lay off of em from about mid february to mid october.(weather dependant)..... </div></div>

Same here, I like to get em prime, and use some of the $$$ for reloading supp. unless we have a couple problem dogs when calvin comes around.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sendero_man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">year around here... gotta keep the landowners happy !
</div></div>Your welcome here in Billings. Come on up. Have afew Ranch's to hunt on here. Big Timber and Denton MT. All private and total run of them..Spring is a free for all during calving season..
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

I'm interested in doing this as well. What do you do with the kill? Is the fur useful as a traded product? If so, who buys it and do you need to sell in a minimum quantity? Are there any preferences in adult vs young in regards to the fur?
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

Young or old is all the same to my fur buyer.They just have to be prime.

Just make sure your bullet selection is a good one.Buyers give less money for pelts that are shot to hell.

As far as the carcass goes,it's discarded in the field.But i sell prolly about 95% on my hides green(on the carcass).My buyer actualy prefers em this way,cause then he knows they're properly fleshed and cared for.
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Young or old is all the same to my fur buyer.They just have to be prime.

Just make sure your bullet selection is a good one.Buyers give less money for pelts that are shot to hell.

As far as the carcass goes,it's discarded in the field.But i sell prolly about 95% on my hides green(on the carcass).My buyer actualy prefers em this way,cause then he knows they're properly fleshed and cared for. </div></div>

Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Young or old is all the same to my fur buyer.They just have to be prime.

Just make sure your bullet selection is a good one.Buyers give less money for pelts that are shot to hell.

As far as the carcass goes,it's discarded in the field.But i sell prolly about 95% on my hides green(on the carcass).My buyer actualy prefers em this way,cause then he knows they're properly fleshed and cared for. </div></div>

Excuse my ignorance.
How would one find a fur buyer?
Re: Considering giving Coyote hunting a try

You might try looking for the magazine" Fur Fish&Game".The classifieds there are usualy loaded with buyers.Maybe you'll find one close to your AO?

I'm fortunate enough that my buyer has a route that makes two stops very close to my home.