People have a tendency to vote and behave very differently when they know for a fact their kids are going to be forced to die for their mistakes.
Forcing everyone from Bill Gates to Billy the Homeless clown to own a piece of this thing would get America off their asses and transform our society in a positive fashion.
Each of the arguments presented against the idea are more less Egg and Chickenism. I stipulate that if mandatory service had been enshrined in the Constitution things would be different in our nation. The counter argument is that we live in a nation of corrupt government - which is true. We do now.
A corruption that exists because we didnt have mandatory service requirements.
Imagine a military industrial complex where every defense contractor executive and employee has kids in the military. Every pro-war lobbyist is about the feed their precious crotch fruit into the meat grinder. Every congressman and woman the same. Every voter.
And you still think our nation would look anything like this.
Anyone who understands freedom and has read history knows that everyone blathering on about how everybody should be forced to serve in the military (or is that just people born with penises?) is a fool who has no understanding of true individual freedom.
YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM if the government is allowed to forcibly enslave you or your children.
YOU WILL be at the mercy of the worst of the worst in short order.
ALL your pie in the sky how great things would be falls flat on it's face when you actually read history.
We had mandatory slavery at the government's behest here many times along with a huge propaganda campaign to tell folks why they must be slaves.
In every case, it was the poor and weak that mostly were enslaved and paid the cost for the wars the rich and elites wanted.
Sure some rich kids got sent... with their own body guards to "safe" areas to get their cred in...
I and many others who understand freedom and history would fight exceptionally hard against anyone that tried to introduce such a vile thing as compulsory joining the military.
It seems the "good folks" are pathologically inclined to forge the chains the tyrants will use to bind them.
The whole, "well if we make a good government then this won't be a problem getting bound by the chains we make for others" is an argument that shows a complete lack of understanding of history and human nature.
ALL governments NO MATTER how noble you try to make them at the beginning and how you try to make things perfectly balanced and protected will not eventually become corrupt, tyrannical and oppressive.
Just look at our country now, not even 300 years ago the most well educated men in the country who thought themselves the most virtuous who ever lived, studied 3000 years of human history and came up with what they felt sure was the best possible government that ever existed.
Then all the people fell to slavishly worshiping the glory of what they had created.
Then it all started falling on it's face in short order.
Go read what God told the prophet Samuel to tell the people of Israel when they demanded they have a "proper" King and government instead of a loose collection of elders, tribal elders, godly men, teachers, priests and the occasional prophet / divinely inspired hero.
God clearly told them, that you want earthly government and a figurehead, you will bitterly regret it.
But of course the people (just like now) were hard headed and wanted to feel "important".
You want some proper solutions?
teach kids in school how to handle weapons and basic military skills as well as basics of how your military is run and ranks and such, unless their parents have moral objections.
Scale down the armed forces significantly to the minimum needed for stable deterrence and keeping readiness going.
Eliminate the ability of the politicians to send the military abroad unless in exceptional cases of needing to do a rescue or stop a direct attack on our country that is about to be in progress.
None of this only men have to go die, women want to vote, women can go die, no special cutouts for gender.
If military force is needed it must be put to a vote and everybody must vote (unless they have moral objections to voting in all cases)
Those that vote yes, need to report for service promptly if the vote passes
Those that abstained or voted neither get called up IF things get bad enough that we run out of folks that voted yes
If we really screwed up and are losing and looking at our country being invaded, then those that voted no will have to pick up arms and fight or be willing to live under the government of others.