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Constitutional Carry Ruled Unconstitutional in Texas

I have taught well north of 5000 students at this point in weapons handling.

Dumfucks with guns are still dumbfucks with guns after training, and responsible intelligent people don't benefit nearly as much from it as you would think.

I'm against mandatory training to exercise a Constitutional right. I'm also entirely for mandatory military service at 18 complete with firearms training and the issue of a government rifle and pistol to take home at the end of it. If you fail military firearms training its considered a disqualifying offense WRT gun ownership.
Fuck that. Terrible idea. I would rather die than work for government in any capacity. My son and daughter know better as well. Some of us still have morals and integrity.
Fuck that. Terrible idea. I would rather die than work for government in any capacity. My son and daughter know better as well. Some of us still have morals and integrity.
If every American had been a member of the military and required to keep their weapons at the end of a 2 year initial youth tour, our society wouldn't look anything like it does today. Nothing at all.
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TX always hated real freedom (Waco much)

And they fully embrace qualified immunity (uvalde much)

Has always been the Middle East of the US

But hey y’all got little Texas stars on all your overpasses so that’s cool

You have to understand Texas was a really racist place back in the day
Wanting to keep their slaves was kind of a big reason for the Texas / Mexico war
Wanting to keep their slaves was why they were part of the losing side in the civil war ish.
Back in the 30s and 40s Texas was really proud of being racist
A few decades ago some rural towns pretty much still had the "don't let the sun set on your black ass in this town" signs.

That is the backdrop to all the gun prohibition laws and knife prohibition laws in Texas from the beginning.
The good white democrats didn't want any uppity black folks carrying pistols or knives to protect themselves as nothing ruins your Sunday church service like having to do a funeral for your local KKK member who was out for some good old lynching on Friday night and got himself killed by the intended victim.
They also didn't like that poor white trash republican black loving folks much either.

Texas was and very much still is all about the good old boys club.
The police and law enforcment work for the good old boys club "just following orders"

Things have gotten HUGELY better in Texas since the Republicans became the dominant political party, we got just about all our gun rights back and almost all our knife rights and are working on other civil liberties.

But old habits die hard and democrats are still democrats.

Also unfortunately, like many "law and order" places, the public still kind of has this problem with worshiping the police and law enforcment as some kind of saints and heroes and like "just obey" from a lot of the population.

BUT that's hardly unique to Texas, just look here on SH about how many chime in about "just obey" and "just do as you are told".

As such it is still hugely difficult if not impossible to get police or law enforcement held properly accountable for their actions.
Especially since the Texas court system is highly political and 100% the good old boy's club.
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If every American had been a member of the military and required to keep their weapons at the end of a 2 year initial youth tour, our society wouldn't look anything like it does today. Nothing at all.
This is a statists dream and would be even worse in my opinion. Government is and always has been a corrupt cesspool run by evil men. This will never change. Men should be repulsed by gov’t intervention. Patriotism and government aren’t similar in the least.

Why do you feel like forcing men to fight in foreign wars under false premises as a pawn for bankers, oligarchs, and/or globalists is a honorable thing that makes men better because of it? Unfortunately this is what the US military does and has for much of it’s existence. This among many other things needs to change as being a soldier that actually protects his borders and isn’t under the direction of tyrants that control it’s population with the blind loyalty of it’s police inside a marxist surveillance state very well could be an honorable and noble choice. We are far from there and can never get there by forcing men to empower a corrupt state.
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If every American had been a member of the military and required to keep their weapons at the end of a 2 year initial youth tour, our society wouldn't look anything like it does today. Nothing at all.

You have it backwards.
Unfortunately too many "good folks" like so many others think it would be great to have the government enslave everyone (or maybe just the ones born with penises) because "military good" bow down and worship as you lick the boots clean.

The original idea of the founding of this country was that there was NO actual standing military other than a very small group.

The Citizens were the armed contingent and if the country needed to be defended, the citizens would come volunteer to fight to protect their country / state / town etc.

Now things are very different. We have a massive Military Industrial Complex that is pretty much the plaything of the corrupt politicians and exists to serve the whims of the ruling class and the corporations and help the rich project power across the globe to keep getting richer.

What would this country look like if instead of the 2A being a right, it was a duty?
What if everyone who wasn't some kind of active conscientious objector was required to learn how to handle firearms at school or at home and required to keep arms and ammunition at ready access to protect themselves, their families, others and society?
People have a tendency to vote and behave very differently when they know for a fact their kids are going to be forced to die for their mistakes.

Forcing everyone from Bill Gates to Billy the Homeless clown to own a piece of this thing would get America off their asses and transform our society in a positive fashion.

Each of the arguments presented against the idea are more less Egg and Chickenism. I stipulate that if mandatory service had been enshrined in the Constitution things would be different in our nation. The counter argument is that we live in a nation of corrupt government - which is true. We do now.

A corruption that exists because we didnt have mandatory service requirements.

Imagine a military industrial complex where every defense contractor executive and employee has kids in the military. Every pro-war lobbyist is about the feed their precious crotch fruit into the meat grinder. Every congressman and woman the same. Every voter.

And you still think our nation would look anything like this.
People have a tendency to vote and behave very differently when they know for a fact their kids are going to be forced to die for their mistakes.

Forcing everyone from Bill Gates to Billy the Homeless clown to own a piece of this thing would get America off their asses and transform our society in a positive fashion.

Each of the arguments presented against the idea are more less Egg and Chickenism. I stipulate that if mandatory service had been enshrined in the Constitution things would be different in our nation. The counter argument is that we live in a nation of corrupt government - which is true. We do now.

A corruption that exists because we didnt have mandatory service requirements.

Imagine a military industrial complex where every defense contractor executive and employee has kids in the military. Every pro-war lobbyist is about the feed their precious crotch fruit into the meat grinder. Every congressman and woman the same. Every voter.

And you still think our nation would look anything like this.

Anyone who understands freedom and has read history knows that everyone blathering on about how everybody should be forced to serve in the military (or is that just people born with penises?) is a fool who has no understanding of true individual freedom.

YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM if the government is allowed to forcibly enslave you or your children.
YOU WILL be at the mercy of the worst of the worst in short order.

ALL your pie in the sky how great things would be falls flat on it's face when you actually read history.
We had mandatory slavery at the government's behest here many times along with a huge propaganda campaign to tell folks why they must be slaves.
In every case, it was the poor and weak that mostly were enslaved and paid the cost for the wars the rich and elites wanted.
Sure some rich kids got sent... with their own body guards to "safe" areas to get their cred in...

I and many others who understand freedom and history would fight exceptionally hard against anyone that tried to introduce such a vile thing as compulsory joining the military.

It seems the "good folks" are pathologically inclined to forge the chains the tyrants will use to bind them.

The whole, "well if we make a good government then this won't be a problem getting bound by the chains we make for others" is an argument that shows a complete lack of understanding of history and human nature.

ALL governments NO MATTER how noble you try to make them at the beginning and how you try to make things perfectly balanced and protected will not eventually become corrupt, tyrannical and oppressive.

Just look at our country now, not even 300 years ago the most well educated men in the country who thought themselves the most virtuous who ever lived, studied 3000 years of human history and came up with what they felt sure was the best possible government that ever existed.
Then all the people fell to slavishly worshiping the glory of what they had created.
Then it all started falling on it's face in short order.

Go read what God told the prophet Samuel to tell the people of Israel when they demanded they have a "proper" King and government instead of a loose collection of elders, tribal elders, godly men, teachers, priests and the occasional prophet / divinely inspired hero.
God clearly told them, that you want earthly government and a figurehead, you will bitterly regret it.
But of course the people (just like now) were hard headed and wanted to feel "important".

You want some proper solutions?
teach kids in school how to handle weapons and basic military skills as well as basics of how your military is run and ranks and such, unless their parents have moral objections.
Scale down the armed forces significantly to the minimum needed for stable deterrence and keeping readiness going.
Eliminate the ability of the politicians to send the military abroad unless in exceptional cases of needing to do a rescue or stop a direct attack on our country that is about to be in progress.
None of this only men have to go die, women want to vote, women can go die, no special cutouts for gender.
If military force is needed it must be put to a vote and everybody must vote (unless they have moral objections to voting in all cases)
Those that vote yes, need to report for service promptly if the vote passes
Those that abstained or voted neither get called up IF things get bad enough that we run out of folks that voted yes
If we really screwed up and are losing and looking at our country being invaded, then those that voted no will have to pick up arms and fight or be willing to live under the government of others.
Every town should have a training field with voluntary weekly meetings which any citizen can attend and get instruction and training.

"England established the first medieval archery law in 1252, requiring all men between the ages of 15 and 60 to be trained in archery. This was not just a kind of physical training, but it also successfully defended the English troops in wars."
People have a tendency to vote and behave very differently when they know for a fact their kids are going to be forced to die for their mistakes.

Forcing everyone from Bill Gates to Billy the Homeless clown to own a piece of this thing would get America off their asses and transform our society in a positive fashion.

Each of the arguments presented against the idea are more less Egg and Chickenism. I stipulate that if mandatory service had been enshrined in the Constitution things would be different in our nation. The counter argument is that we live in a nation of corrupt government - which is true. We do now.

A corruption that exists because we didnt have mandatory service requirements.

Imagine a military industrial complex where every defense contractor executive and employee has kids in the military. Every pro-war lobbyist is about the feed their precious crotch fruit into the meat grinder. Every congressman and woman the same. Every voter.

And you still think our nation would look anything like this.

What was Sparta? Longest lived Republic in history.

Cant say I disagree.

Every Swiss kid learns about Rutli.
What was Sparta? Longest lived Republic in history.
Not exactly a true "Republic" but rather a highly oppressive totalitarian state built on the foundation of brutal slavery and rape.
You wouldn't like living in sparta if you weren't one of the "betters", Or if you didn't like butt sex with young boys.
Their slavery system would make slavery here in the USA look practically wonderful by comparison.

It's easy to have a large percentage of your population in the military when all the work of your society is being done by kidnapped slaves who you kill off if they get a bit sick, weak or old.
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Not exactly a true "Republic" but rather a highly oppressive totalitarian state built on the foundation of brutal slavery and rape.
You wouldn't like living in sparta if you weren't one of the "betters", Or if you didn't like butt sex with young boys.
Their slavery system would make slavery here in the USA look practically wonderful by comparison.

It's easy to have a large percentage of your population in the military when all the work of your society is being done by kidnapped slaves who you kill off if they get a bit sick, weak or old.

Someone is wearing rose colored glasses. It took Christ to change the ethics of the times and he was a long ways aways.

And what state back then was not highly repressive? Who did not have slavery? Athens? Ask Melos about that. Athens got to write the history of Sparta and they were not very kind due to losing the Civil War to them. Sort of like the Southern apologists writing about Lincoln being the Devil's Spawn.

Sparta's army was composed of 85% Helots. They formed the Spartan rank at Plataea and also managed the log trains. Does it make sense that the Spartans would hand over logistics and have armed slaves behind them in battle? I think most of the horrible things we hear about Sparta are the kettle calling the pot blacker.

Of course, Sparta was so bad that all the Greek City States sent their most promising kids to Sparta for formal education. I'm sure those kids were whipped and butt fucked daily. It was not until Greece adopted Spartan education methods, much of its organization, and training that they found an Epimondas who bested them. Its not accident that he came from Thebes which was a vassal of Sparta.

The legend (if you believe) is that Helots made the decision to revolt and killed a lot of Spartans who previously had a light hand. That collective trauma changed things. Quite understandable. But then most city states lived in the same fear. And its a good away to build asabiya.
Of course, Sparta was so bad that all the Greek City States sent their most promising kids to Sparta for formal education. I'm sure those kids were whipped and butt fucked daily.

The Elites of one brutal regime sending their favourite kids to be trained in schools run by another bunch of even worse tyrants has really nothing to do with disproving the well known fact that as much as folks today love to glorify Sparta, it was NOT a great place to live if you weren't elite.
And yep the young boys were probably getting rogered both at their local schools and the expensive schools they got sent to in other cities.

And yes, pretty much pick almost any spot, anytime in history and life there has a very good chance of sucking badly compared to life here in the USA today.

Lots of folks fall for the "Noble Savage" myth and don't take into account how wretched things really were for all but the elites.
The Elites of one brutal regime sending their favourite kids to be trained in schools run by another bunch of even worse tyrants has really nothing to do with disproving the well known fact that as much as folks today love to glorify Sparta, it was NOT a great place to live if you weren't elite.
And yep the young boys were probably getting rogered both at their local schools and the expensive schools they got sent to in other cities.

And yes, pretty much pick almost any spot, anytime in history and life there has a very good chance of sucking badly compared to life here in the USA today.

Lots of folks fall for the "Noble Savage" myth and don't take into account how wretched things really were for all but the elites.

Do you read Greek or Latin? Taken any classics courses at the University level? Translated anything?

You deal in Myths. You said before that the entire Spartan Army was all Spartan. It certainly was not. It was mostly Helot. Herodutus and others went out of their way to describe that 7/8 of the Spartan Army was Helot.

Your description of brutal regime is mostly false. Most Greek city states were anything but that for most of their histories. And Sparta used compassion and shelter to win battles and Helots as much as it used its Army. The story of Brasidas is an example but their are a lot of other examples.

Greece for much of its history looked like most of rural America in the early 1800s. The early universities in the US were where the elite and the emerging middle class sent their kids for education. Sparta had phenomenal education for many many years and that education process was the foundation for their success. As was Sparta's economic power - which came from its social structure of mostly retired Army men marrying, settling down, and being provided benefits to start a farm or business. Helot and Spartan. And the linking of Greece to Sparta via its opennnes to educate all Greeks.

Tyrants were far and few between and mostly tied to mobs from the cities themselves. Those mobs often ran into the spears of the Phalanxes made up of mostly rural farmers with their own arms.