Re: Controlling the Christmas shopping bully
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EventHorizon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's just all so silly. This 'duke it out' rubbish.
I played a lot of rugby, I was part of the 'forwards', that means I played most of the game with my face and then the fun stuff with the shaven headed brigade... I've taken hits, sucker punches and given a few as well. If I have a CCW on me and some dude punches me, he'll be seeing the business end of the gun and a one time invitation to calm the fuck down.
<span style="color: #FF6666">I find QQ's position to be baffling. In response to someone pulling a gun defending themselves you'd be ready to shoot them with YOUR CCW? And if they should miss in the course of defending themselves and hit you/loved one you'd open fire on them?... so what if YOU miss? You're open season by your own logic. Meanwhile the original attacker is thinking, "sweet, he shot the dude I attacked...!" yeah, a real win-win...
Just dumb. Why not pull your CCW and stop the assault before it escalates? It's to preserve life, not exact vengeance on the wrong guy. </div></div>
How are you baffled? If I, a family member or someone who I just happen to take a shining to is injured by an errant shot by someone who fired at someone else, I am going to be very motivated to get "satisfaction".
I am inclined to believe, as I suggested earlier, that a man has a duty to not be a pussy. The ark of this thread has covered every remote possibility amply: The MMA fighter, the one punch KO, the infirmed victim unable to defend himself, the completely surrounded CCW guy in the middle of Injun territory (this is paraphrasing for all those in literal-ville) and on and on... While I suggest another highly likely probability; that the dude in question may be like some of those I have seen and spoken to who don't train, rarely practice, have little grasp of physics and are indifferent to the consequences of FIRING ONE OR MORE BULLETS AT SOMEONE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY OTHER PEOPLE!
We all, (CCW license holders) have a duty to be cautious and use the utmost in good judgement. I admit that I am somewhat biased toward someone who would go to a black Friday sale in the first place: I think it's a scam and one needlessly exposes himself to crowds of people including too many who are rude, indifferent, assholes. Thus it becomes tantamount to entering an area of nuisance. Not literally but damn close.
I won't be caught dead in a Black Friday sale and I rarely go to malls. But I have attended gun shows where the cartoon-like CCW "classes" are conducted and the grueling two shots they must fire for qualification, in the trailer out behind the pavilion, is very reassuring...
Yes, you are right, I baffled myself: I should always conclude that anytime someone draws a weapon on another person, in a people packed environment; one where imbeciles and assholes are highly likely to be present, I will immediately conclude it was justified so long as he was not arrested immediately.
Additionally, I'm a member at two gun clubs which are both well staffed with range officers. Nevertheless, the stupid shit that occurs every day at the pistol ranges is stunning. I have no doubt some of these people shooting the target hangers, the partitions, the roof, sweeping their friends (And the rest of the line) with their loaded handguns, clearing their pistols while leaving the magazine in place, are also CCW license holders. This does not predispose me to a feeling of reasonable probability that a armed dude, drawing down on some asshole in a store, is my friend.
And I don't know how you could conclude any incongruity in my statement that if one of mine gets hurt in such a situation I will be making an accounting.
Anyone who hurts one of mine is my enemy regardless of their motivation.
Of course all of "mine" are law abiding, hardworking, well mannered, reasonable people
Merry Christmas!