I'll do my usual cop shill, since I am tired of the full story not being told and I just no longer give a shit to you anarchist assholes.
Dude was under arrest for drunk driving.
Every dickhead in America now screams "I can't breathe" when under arrest. (If you can talk, you can breathe...first aid 101)
If it was your kid he ran over, you'd have your panties in a wad about drunk drivers.
He fucked around. He found out. Toss his ass again, fucking drunk
The video is not complete. When did he face get all bloodied? When was he slammed up against the car? When was his keck broken? The cut outs appear to be at the critical junctures where he sustains all the critical injuries. To shield the cop? To paint the drunk in a more sympathetic light? The second makes more sense given that at the end we are meant to feel sorry for him. That said...
He's cuffed from the beginning of the video! Every ounce of damage is done to him while he's cuffed. How can you defend that, even if he is "resisting", he's already IN CUFFS!!! You want to defend the cop? How do you think this would have gone down if he was black? That cop would already be in prison.
My guess is that most of the spinal damage happened AFTER he started saying he couldn't feel his legs. On what fucking planet do the hero cops not call EMS? On what planet do you not put someone in a C collar when they say they can't feel their extremities. The retard cops don't know what they're doing. They are incredibly poorly trained, and their feigned professionalism verbally doesn't make up for their completely unprofessional conduct once they drunk is in their custody.
Tell me, how is that cop not completely liable for first breaking his neck, and then intentionally denying him medical attention, throwing him in a cruiser and going to the hospital? That's policy and prodedure? Not to call an ambulance because the MD cop doesn't believe the prisoner has a CNS injury?
Fuck that video and fuck those cops. We really don't know what happened because it's edited, but even with the critical moments edited out those fucking idiots sould have called EMS, who would an put a C collar on him before they did anything else, because they're not untrained morons like those cops.
Not saying the idiot didn't deserve rough treatment, but once he said he couldn't feel his legs all the permanent damage is on the negligent and stupid cops. At a minimum they ought to be disbarred from police work, and the city 100% liable for this now invalid.
From what I see this is my conclusion, but I would really like to see an unedited video, because there are people who resist in cuffs...does that old drunk guy strike you as someone who could mount an attack in cuffs? With a broken neck? Show the unedited video so we can have a mroe informed opinion. My guess is that the unedited part will not be helpful to the injured guy, just like they edited out George Floyd's thirteen minute fight with the cops while he was on enough fentanyl to kill a horse.