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Training Courses Corey Alan Jackson from Range Time, Terre Haute Indiana. (Stolen Valor)

In a word, no. The LAW provides for innocent until proven guilty, but as bystanders we are able to call 'em as we see 'em.

With the same justification Willis and Yeager should be allowed to pick their alliances.

So I dropped my article, yesterday. I have no Idea when it will get published, but hopefully within the next couple days. Just wanted to give ya'll a head's up that it's in the pipeline, and when it goes live, or when I find out it's going live I'll let ya know.

Thank's for the help, and hopefully we can get the word out on these three to an even wider audience

...assuming that the intended audience needs and wants this 'enlightenment'.

There is fine line between upholding a code of honor and coming across as a self-righteous person who puts others down in an attempt to elevate his/her own status. This applies to every part of life including the military and is an ancient concept summarized in the bible with "He who is without sin cast the first stone".

Each and every person who previously ridiculed Yeager for his actions in combat did this in a blatantly obvious attempt to brag about his own fortitude by implicitly pretending that he/she would have been more brave, smarter, loyal, whatever. Even if we give the critics the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they really would make better choices in a similar but unrehearsed situation, the put down of another persons actions still comes across as an act of petty chest thumping. This is not how truly great men behave.

Also, after reading your impressive resume on SOFREP I am honestly wondering if the strategic curriculum of SF training ever covered the concept of "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience".
Absolutely and the right of private citizens to ridicule them for it.

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If we consider the public ridicule of others a 'right', then we should always be honest to ourselves why we ridicule others. Most of the time this is done in a vain attempt to publicly stroke our ego. Those who prefer personal growth, learn from the mistakes of others quietly.
With the same justification Willis and Yeager should be allowed to pick their alliances.

...assuming that the intended audience needs and wants this 'enlightenment'.

There is fine line between upholding a code of honor and coming across as a self-righteous person who puts others down in an attempt to elevate his/her own status. This applies to every part of life including the military and is an ancient concept summarized in the bible with "He who is without sin cast the first stone".

Each and every person who previously ridiculed Yeager for his actions in combat did this in a blatantly obvious attempt to brag about his own fortitude by implicitly pretending that he/she would have been more brave, smarter, loyal, whatever. Even if we give the critics the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they really would make better choices in a similar but unrehearsed situation, the put down of another persons actions still comes across as an act of petty chest thumping. This is not how truly great men behave.

Also, after reading your impressive resume on SOFREP I am honestly wondering if the strategic curriculum of SF training ever covered the concept of "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience".

Then what's the point in pointing out any cases of Stolen Valor? There is right and wrong, and yes the bible talks about who should cast the first stone. Jesus also points out the Pharisee as someone who is doing things for the wrong reason, and the Bible also says to confront someone in their sin (paraphrased). Someone has to judge otherwise what's the point of cops, lawyers or judges. I put the evidence out there and will let the public judge for themselves.

I'm not maliciously attacking them for no reason, they did wrong and need to be called on it. If they go and make a video attacking me it's just hurting them in the long run, because they will just create more publicity and more people will hear about it. They don't want more people to hear about it because the evidence is pretty damning.

I gave them all an opportunity to comment and clarify their statements, and as Snaquebite did with Tom Heben I told Cory what needed to be said. He chose not to and instead said he had made it "perfectly clear" with his video. Yeager blocked me from FB and never responded, and Willis said "I'll Pass".

Don't know what else I could have done, except to do nothing and let him get away with it.

If we consider the public ridicule of others a 'right', then we should always be honest to ourselves why we ridicule others. Most of the time this is done in a vain attempt to publicly stroke our ego. Those who prefer personal growth, learn from the mistakes of others quietly.

I haven't seen any ego stroking here. Not calling out liars implies acceptance. Your holier-than-thou attitude towards people calling them out more or less makes you as guilty of those you're critical of.

Think of the article as a "better business bureau" to keep people from being ripped off by those with poor moral character.

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Then what's the point in pointing out any cases of Stolen Valor? There is right and wrong, and yes the bible talks about who should cast the first stone. Jesus also points out the Pharisee as someone who is doing things for the wrong reason, and the Bible also says to confront someone in their sin (paraphrased). Someone has to judge otherwise what's the point of cops, lawyers or judges. I put the evidence out there and will let the public judge for themselves.


alpine44 said:
There is fine line between upholding a code of honor and coming across as a self-righteous person who puts others down in an attempt to elevate his/her own status.

Huh?? How is presenting facts, and even giving someone an opportunity to respond, doing the above?
It's 2014. We live in a dumbed-down world where if you present the facts, you are a "hater," and if you present your opinion, you are a "troll" … or vice/versa. It's akin to name-calling, which is what kids and stupid people do when they don't have a valid counter-argument.
This applies to every part of life including the military and is an ancient concept summarized in the bible with "He who is without sin cast the first stone".
You are the only one talking about stoning anyone. No one here wants to throw stones at him until he is DEAD, and that is what Jesus stopped. We just want to stop him from claiming military service/experience he does not have. If that crowd had been telling the woman that adultery was wrong and that she should stop doing it do you think Jesus would have stopped the crowd? I do not think so.
So Willis made another video, and claimed that in the last week, he has had 5,000 sales just from people linking to his website from SOFREP. He actually show's the page on his computer to prove this. Sure enough over 5K from SOFREP....the next morning I went back and looked at the video, holy shit I started laughing. It is a perfect example Willis telling half truths, using misdirection and outright lying. I had to post the following...

"The numbers look impressive,but are they true? He did not have over 5,000 sales from my article. My article came out around noon on 3 Sept, and this video was taken around 2 p.m. on the 5th. So basically he had 5,000 from SOFREP in 2 day's. But where he is outright lying, and using misdirection is those are not sales, they are just 5,000 people looking at his page, I repeat NOT SALES. in fact in that 7 day's he only had 958 total sales.

The day after my article came out he only had 59 total sales, and by 2 P.M he only had 30 sales 2 day's after the article. Those numbers are significantly lower than his 30 and 90 day average.

I'm thinking this is a case where he is protesting to much. I think him supporting Cory has and will continue to hurt his business and bottom line. It goes to show you, don't trust everything people say, do your own research and look at the numbers on your own to see who is right. Who has and continues to lie, and who is telling the truth"

If you want to see his ridiculous claim cut and paste the link below, and remove "dot" and replace with "."

https://www.youtube dot com/watch?v=4zZOFo6Xp3c
I'm sure he's too foolish to realize that people watching those videos, and clicking through to his page... aren't "fans" of his." Rather, they are watching for the same reason people rubber-neck when going by a car crash. They are just looking to see a fatality. I know I looked at his facebook page, and a few other video's on youtube... because before this I hadn't even heard of this idiot or his company. Watching other videos, seeing some douche bag with the token "tactical beard" run off at the mouth about his cars, knives, watches, and bitching about his paying customers doing this or that wrong... I know I'll never spend one red cent with them. Clearly he doesn't need the business... right?

His business WILL suffer because of all this. It can't turn out any other way.
I had no idea who any of these people were, until a friend linked me to Yeager and Willis's video supporting Cory. It was just incredible offensive to me, and pissed me off. So honestly Cory and Erika have these two knuckleheads to thank for my article. I swear I looked into it pretty hard only because of their video, and wrote the article after Cory's horrible apology video and his refusal to come clean.
@ Mr. Schofield, Cory Jackson is a crook. No matter how much evidence you show to this guy and this guy is like an asshole he has an excuse for everything. He has been called out in the past for his lies and instead of doing the right thing and taking responsibility for his lies. He will still continue to lie. I am shock by this guy and his clown show. What ever happen to integrity and doing the right thing?
FWIW, I am doing one last piece on this story. I am asking anyone who has anything to do to do with this story. Send me past screen shots of conversations with Mr. Jackson getting called out. Send me screen shots of past facebook, youtube, and instagram pictures where he has claimed military service and anything that would paint a good pictures for people to understand. My email is [email protected]. I am sick of hearing people calling me a hater or a troll. I have no fight with Mr. Yeager(contact- oh shit! Where is the nearest ditch at?) or Mr. John Willis (I am a felon but I have airsoft guns all around me. No Balls to put white powders in your videos). With that being said, I am working on one last piece and this will be the end of this subject. I would like for Mr. Cory Alan Jackson or Range time to contact me so I could give them the benefit of a doubt. I will paint this pictures from my side and theirs. Thank you for your time.

Grab your popcorn. This is bigger then what I thought it was.
When in doubt; follow the money. Instruction is a cash cow. Fundamentals are fundamental no matter where they come from. It's sad when money is more important than integrity.

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I'm glad this mega douche got called out. There are many great young men that courageously did what their nation asked, who now have nothing. For them a simple CIB means a lot. It might not be a prosecutable sv case but it's an easy way for us, as a community and nation, to show those guys some respect. Posers get called out and disgraced. Is it so bad for "former American infantryman" to mean something?
Add me to the list of people who wondered who this guy was and how he got so popular so fast. I remember watching a couple vids of his chick shooting only to check her out, LOL. I saw one where he was giving some sort of "advice" on safety with a close up camera angle of him keeping his finger on the trigger after turning the safety on. One of those rare occurrences where using a "safety" actually made the situation "safer"...

This guy smelled funny from the start, no surprise on the outcome...what a major league DOUCHE...
I'm not picking sides in this but I find it interesting that they show he qualified with the rifle and hand grenade but only did two weeks worth of active duty at 30th AG. You don't qualify on the rifle until about week six and hand grenades came after that when I went through Sand Hill, so how did he qualify while being AWOL?
I don't know how they did it where he is from but when I enlisted in the VAARNG on the delayed entry program I had to attend drills too but they never let us go to the ranges, just work on the basic military courtesies and stuff to prep us for going. Even when I got to 30th AG they didn't let us PT a lot or anything like that because they were afraid we'd break ourselves before getting to our companies to start basic. So it's just interesting that he was somehow able to qualify with those two weapons without actually being a qualified 11B soldier going by the documents before us is all I'm saying.