COVID quarantine, implications on numbers


Ham Fisted Gorilla
Full Member
Feb 17, 2014
In Colorado people who have had one of the shots, are no longer asked to quarantine when exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID. This despite knowing that vaccinated people both catch and spread COVID just like the "unvaxed."

The implications on the numbers are going to run deeper than is immediately obvious. The first big number change this type of policy will cause, will be the number of cases in the "unvaccinated" will be exponentially higher than the vaccinated. All people who are quarantined are counted as presumed positive COVID cases until they test negative. They are also tabulated as such in county case counts. Therefore in any state not quarantining the "vaccinated" there will be exponentially higher numbers of COVID cases for the un-vaxed.

We are once again playing the game here, where 1 student tests positive, and 70 students get the Q. This is going to make youth cases of COVID look higher when represented as a percent of total cases. They can't get the shot, so they will have to quarantine, and be counted as cases until they test negative. This goes hand in hand with the big push to force the shot on kids.

It will also cause shut downs low vax areas, by forcing actual healthy people into quarantine. In the mean time there will be just as many or more sick people in high vax areas, but they will not be shut down, or effected as much because they aren't quarantining everyone.

"Break through cases so common, they should not be called breakthrough cases anymore."

If you use your critical thinking skills, you will see how what is happening, makes the numbers you are touting fucky.

Colorado is doing the same as Minnesota on Q and count. Therefore we have similar numbers. vaxed vs unvaxxed. The numbers are a result of policy through. Not objective science.
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Yo, Brandon

We done with your drama.

No mo over-cycled PCR tests.

No mo "died with Covid" fuckery.

We all die someday. Even you diaper-wearing, corrupt mutherfogger.

Wuflu didn do nuffin to overall mortality.

This Broadway show over. Shove it.

No green passports, yellow stars, or black boots to keep us on this clown plantation.

We done.

Let's go Brandon
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That is true. And no one is saying otherwise. But to say it's the end of the discussion is disingenuous at best.
A true statement of proven fact is not disingenuous. The evidence that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals can catch and spread Covid is irrefutable. To this is in fact, end of discussion.
My county updates Chinese covid stats every week.

They have been reporting cases for vaccinated and unvaccinated separately for about 2.5 to 3 months.

Fist week, about 5% of the cases were with people vaccinated.

Latest report from this week puts that number at 22%.

Suspect it will continue to follow an upward trend until they stop reporting separately.

Guess one might say that it makes a case for a 3rd booster shot for everyone....
Everything about the deadliest virus to ever exist has been co-opted by power mad people desperate to maintain their seat at the government trough and positions of self appointed authority. All of the numbers have been a psy-op campaign on a global level. Facts have been created, data has been manipulated, and many people have joined the fear religion desperate for acceptance and inclusion. Story lines and science are changed everyday to fit an ever changing narrative and I'm convinced that out of work soap opera writers are helping craft the ridiculous bullshit being fed to us. I'm also pretty sure Jeffrey Skilling was put in charge of the calculating and reporting CV19 cases and deaths. Smoke, mirrors and bullshit.
The CDC does not consider fully vaccinated people to be 'close contacts', and has not for months now.

The more people are vaccinated, the higher the percentage of confirmed positives will be vaccinated.

IMO cases are a bullshit metric that today are only used for sensationalism and fear. The metrics that really actually matter are hospitalization and death, and statistics from across the country are clear that unvaccinated people have a MUCH greater incidence of both. Of course that doesn't mean vaccinated people can't have severe breakthrough infections leading to hospitalization or death, but the incidence of severe breakthroughs is MUCH lower than incidence of severe unvaccinated infection, and severe breakthroughs occur in predominately elderly individuals.
The CDC does not consider fully vaccinated people to be 'close contacts', and has not for months now.

The more people are vaccinated, the higher the percentage of confirmed positives will be vaccinated.

IMO cases are a bullshit metric that today are only used for sensationalism and fear. The metrics that really actually matter are hospitalization and death, and statistics from across the country are clear that unvaccinated people have a MUCH greater incidence of both. Of course that doesn't mean vaccinated people can't have severe breakthrough infections leading to hospitalization or death, but the incidence of severe breakthroughs is MUCH lower than incidence of severe unvaccinated infection, and severe breakthroughs occur in predominately elderly individuals.
Even the hospitalizations and death numbers are BS. Paying medical corporations for positive cases and deaths leads to fuckery.
In Colorado people who have had one of the shots, are no longer asked to quarantine when exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID. This despite knowing that vaccinated people both catch and spread COVID just like the "unvaxed."

If by “vaccinated” you are referring to the standard definition of “at least 2 weeks past receiving the second dose, unless it’s a one dose vaccination” then this statement is false. Vaccinated individuals do not “spread Covid just like the unvaxxed”. Otherwise, after only one shot I’m not aware of that data.
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Are you recommending we ditch our for profit healthcare system, Commie?
Simply stating that when Uncle Sugar financially incentivizes certain targeted reporting, all of that data is corrupted. The lines between government and corporations have been blurred to the point that their relationship in completely incestuous. Those two are the real commies. We are the peasants that exist for their folly.
Well in March of 2020 I called it a hoax and manipulation of a virus and we had a nice long thread about how this was a man-made virus deliberately created by Democrats and their communist allies to destroy the Trump presidency before the election. The numbers are 100% manipulated and mostly false and most of the "science" is contrived and/or fake intended to scare people into submission to their communist/democrat overlords.

My opinion has not changed.

They have yet to produce anything remotely scientific that explains how shitty cotton cloth, never washed and worn poorly filters virus from the air.
Still waiting to hear why medicines that work in poorer countries and are 100% effective at reducing deaths and length of illness, like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are useless when used in western socialist countries like America? How does a medicine that won its inventor a Nobel prize a mere six years ago suddenly become "horse dewormer"?

How did they cure the flu? In 2020-21 flu season not one single person in the entire western world died of the flu.

How did the flu come back this year? After they "cured the flu" now for 2022 they are demanding we get flu shots.

More people under 18 were murdered in Chicago than died from the covid in the entire United States of America and we shut down every school in the nation. Why?

Why does a virus created in a Chinese germ warfare lab with money provided by Dr. Fauci and American leftists become impossible to figure out it's origins?

Why are we listening to a man, Dr. Fauci, who's early theories on AIDS and it's spread were completely wrong and led to tens of thousands of deaths and tens of millions of dollars wasted on useless precautions. This man literally throws shit against the wall and sees what will stick for his medical predictions. Masks, no masks, two masks or maybe three masks will work. Take a vaccine, still wear masks, or maybe two masks. Seriously??

How many tens of thousands of people have been killed because leftist political hacks have inserted the leftist hatred for Trump into medicine?

How many people have been killed by this vaccine, the numbers are in the tens of thousands if examined closely? Why is the left so averse to the truth?

When this illness started MSNBC was celebrating the impending deaths of millions of elderly white people, they were literally giddy on TV every night. When Trump caught covid, they laughed and clapped themselves on the back, same with Boris Johnson in Britain. They were dancing on CNN when Josh Rogan was ill.............................................heartbroken when he lived. Why is that acceptable?

This entire two years of bullshit.
When it comes down to it people really don't know what the fuck is going on with anything. You receive your information from the media which everyone should know is fake news. The media gets their information from the government which is run by the snakes of our society trying to take all your money the last time I checked. Keep your heads down grazing and don't worry your not lost ,the Shepard will lead you to the slaughter house.
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the vaccinated are the spreaders.


they have quit pretending it works and now claim getting the coof after the clotshots is good!

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The CDC does not consider fully vaccinated people to be 'close contacts', and has not for months now.

The more people are vaccinated, the higher the percentage of confirmed positives will be vaccinated.

IMO cases are a bullshit metric that today are only used for sensationalism and fear. The metrics that really actually matter are hospitalization and death, and statistics from across the country are clear that unvaccinated people have a MUCH greater incidence of both. Of course that doesn't mean vaccinated people can't have severe breakthrough infections leading to hospitalization or death, but the incidence of severe breakthroughs is MUCH lower than incidence of severe unvaccinated infection, and severe breakthroughs occur in predominately elderly individuals.

Agree, however...

At this point I'd suspect that in my county, the vaccine rates are increasing at a much lower rate than the "confirmed" infections among the vaccinated.

Granted, my county is fairly small at about 65k people. Those who are going to get the vaccine likely have already...
Study that says masks do not work but wear them anyway are typical of leftist horseshit science. Yeah if you are a slobbering mouth breather a mask will catch your droll and spit and stop you from spewing on people, otherwise they are mostly crap.

Like the armband swastikas' worn by Democrats in the 1930's and 40's, a mask is a quick way to tell your supporters and sheeple at a glance.

Study shows masks actually carry disease.

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Study that says masks do not work but wear them anyway are typical of leftist horseshit science. Yeah if you are a slobbering mouth breather a mask will catch your droll and spit and stop you from spewing on people, otherwise they are mostly crap.

Like the armband swastikas' worn by Democrats in the 1930's and 40's, a mask is a quick way to tell your supporters and sheeple at a glance.

Study shows masks actually carry disease.

Study that says masks do not work but wear them anyway are typical of leftist horseshit science. Yeah if you are a slobbering mouth breather a mask will catch your droll and spit and stop you from spewing on people, otherwise they are mostly crap.

Like the armband swastikas' worn by Democrats in the 1930's and 40's, a mask is a quick way to tell your supporters and sheeple at a glance.

Study shows masks actually carry disease.


If cloth and paper mask can stop the virus then why do labs wear positive pressure suits, seems like a waste of money for the labs.

SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted by exposure to infectious respiratory fluids

The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory fluids carrying infectious virus. Exposure occurs in three principal ways: (1) inhalation of very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles, (2) deposition of respiratory droplets and particles on exposed mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, or eye by direct splashes and sprays, and (3) touching mucous membranes with hands that have been soiled either directly by virus-containing respiratory fluids or indirectly by touching surfaces with virus on them.

People release respiratory fluids during exhalation (e.g., quiet breathing, speaking, singing, exercise, coughing, sneezing) in the form of droplets across a spectrum of sizes. These droplets carry virus and transmit infection.

  • The largest droplets settle out of the air rapidly, within seconds to minutes.
  • The smallest very fine droplets, and aerosol particles formed when these fine droplets rapidly dry, are small enough that they can remain suspended in the air for minutes to hours.
why do you believe them when they lie constantly? are you one of them?

Agree, however...

At this point I'd suspect that in my county, the vaccine rates are increasing at a much lower rate than the "confirmed" infections among the vaccinated.

Granted, my county is fairly small at about 65k people. Those who are going to get the vaccine likely have already...
Every number you see is glorified bovine excrement. If you start with tainted numbers your are not getting valid conclusions. Geeks call this GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out.
  • Case count is inflated due to test protocols. Research how PCR works and how cycle count influences the result. There are scores of labs that have 90-100% positives from drive-in test sites. That is incompatible with the biological reality of host-pathogen interactions.

  • Death count is massively inflated due to lumping everyone who died from other stuff while testing positive (according to what?) together with those who actually died causally from covid. My hometown in Germany lists these two categories separately. We had 204 real covid deaths for ~520,000 inhabitants from March 2020 to March 2021. That's a 0.04% mortality rate. The regular flu of 2018 killed more people in the same town.

  • Vax-induced complications and deaths are undercounted because you are not considered vaccinated until several days after the first shot or after the second one, depending on the vax. If you get a "rare condition" or croak before, you are considered un-vaccinated. There is also a severe under-reporting bias even if your new condition or sudden expiration is classified correctly.
Garbage in, garbage out on all fronts.

However, it is safe to conclude at this point that the heavy-handed lock downs have caused more medical and economic harm than good. The jury is still out on the vaccines. I expect that the positive effects, i.e. reducing disease fatalities and costs, will be small or nil. I would not be surprised if the 'cure' turns out to be worse than the disease. It would not be the first time that happens.
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Do you not believe that covid is spread on droplets and particles through the air? If the Government told you water was wet I bet you'd be one thirsty MF'r.
my question wasn't about your useless post with known information.
what sort of fucking retard doesn't know that spit can contain the virus (if you are actually infected)?
are you a fucking retard?
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Says the guy who thinks masks and vaccines don't work :ROFLMAO:
vaccines work, but these are not vaccines.
a real vaccine causes your body to make antibodies that target a specific virus or viruses.
mRNA does no such thing, and instead it fools your body into creating a component of the virus itself.
completely different, but i don't expect a fucking retard to understand that.
I’ve been to places that were suffering from outbreaks of mass hysteria.

Anyone with some medical training will tell you one of the important parts of dealing with these incidents is you don’t give in to the mass hysteria, it’s not good for anyone.

Been to a few places early on like that, I ignored and went on about my day, all turned out just fine
Riding my bike through the middle of shithole nowhere Uvalde, Texas. Decided to stop for lunch at Wendy’s and the faggots who work there won’t let you eat inside of the goddamn restaurant. I asked the little faggot boy working the drive thru why the fuck I’m not allowed inside, of course it’s because of the fake virus.
Texas ain’t the free world everyone believes it is.
Riding my bike through the middle of shithole nowhere Uvalde, Texas. Decided to stop for lunch at Wendy’s and the faggots who work there won’t let you eat inside of the goddamn restaurant. I asked the little faggot boy working the drive thru why the fuck I’m not allowed inside, of course it’s because of the fake virus.
Texas ain’t the free world everyone believes it is.
Too close to San Antonio...
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Thou art dumb.
Why didn't masks stop the Flu in 1918-1920 then? Do you understand that just because the virus is in a water droplet, doesn't mean it can't be dislodged or filtered out of that droplet, right? That is kind of the base principle of filtering water. Anything smaller than the filter passes through with the water. Anything bigger gets stuck in the filer. Thou aren't retarded, are you?
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SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted by exposure to infectious respiratory fluids

The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory fluids carrying infectious virus. Exposure occurs in three principal ways: (1) inhalation of very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles, (2) deposition of respiratory droplets and particles on exposed mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, or eye by direct splashes and sprays, and (3) touching mucous membranes with hands that have been soiled either directly by virus-containing respiratory fluids or indirectly by touching surfaces with virus on them.

People release respiratory fluids during exhalation (e.g., quiet breathing, speaking, singing, exercise, coughing, sneezing) in the form of droplets across a spectrum of sizes. These droplets carry virus and transmit infection.

  • The largest droplets settle out of the air rapidly, within seconds to minutes.
  • The smallest very fine droplets, and aerosol particles formed when these fine droplets rapidly dry, are small enough that they can remain suspended in the air for minutes to hours.
If that is the principal form of transmission, and masks work, why didn't masks stop the virus?

Masked states 27 cases pre 100k

unmasked states 17 cases per 100k
This was not simply a question of “mask or no mask,” but of design, construction, supply, and use. The wearer needed to use a well-designed mask properly, and change masks frequently. Therefore, most of the expert complaints about masks around the Spanish Flu pandemic in the US seemed to be about the users and reliable access to steady supplies of properly constructed masks, not the concept of wearing a mask.

Indeed, that’s what the research team led by Howard Markel found when the Pentagon asked them to study the Spanish Flu pandemic. In 2007, they published their report on non-pharmaceutical interventions during epidemics and found that there was a “layered” effect of protection by using multiple techniques together: school closure, bans on public gathering, isolation and quarantine of the infected, limited closure of businesses, transportation restrictions, public risk communications, hygiene education, and wearing of masks.

So the key historical question here is not whether or not masks were useless. The broader, more troubling historical pattern that Erika Mailman revealed in her article is clear: the problem of public trust in public health. Some Americans, then as now, do not like being told what to do.

lol, what they actually found was most people probably died from pneumonia, possibly from wearing dirty masks, and they were unable to determine how many of the dead actually had the flu (other than some preserved army cadavers).
My, my, Freedo must have been banned and come back again with another account. Talk about misrepresentation of information. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Well actually make did work in 1918 when over 5% of the population died presumably from the flu. We aren't even scratching 1% with Cumo slaughtering nursing homes full of people, and phony death reporting. As Freedo's daddy would say "come on maaaan."
Not serious sources. Typical garbage. If you were going to waste our time just stick to the Twitter screep caps.

Studies Show More COVID-19 Cases in Areas Without School Masking Policies​

Today, CDC released three studies in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that highlight the importance of using layered prevention strategies including universal masking to stop the spread and minimize disruptions to school operations for safe in-person education. These studies found that school districts without a universal masking policy in place were more likely to have COVID-19 outbreaks. Nationwide, counties without masking requirements saw the number of pediatric COVID-19 cases increase nearly twice as quickly during this same period.

Our time. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You don't have to waste any time. You can feel free to move along and spread propaganda else where. I can assure you, you are not us, and I am not wasting our time. You are wasting your time.
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vaccines work, but these are not vaccines.
a real vaccine causes your body to make antibodies that target a specific virus or viruses.
mRNA does no such thing, and instead it fools your body into creating a component of the virus itself.
completely different, but i don't expect a fucking retard to understand that.
This is untrue. Not sure where you get that bogus info.
mRNA vaccines induce the release of neutralizing antibodies, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. There’s a ton of studies on this. Some even show cytokines like interferon gamma.