To surmise the argument happening right now.
Group 1-The numbers are fucked because X,Y,Z,A,M,N,H,J,L, and the rest of the alphabet. And here is the why and how.
Group 2-You are wrong, the vax works exceedingly well just look at these numbers, in this specific state in the U.S. The debate is over. Honk honk mother fucker.
This thread wasn't even about how the vaccine doesn't seem to be working at all. This thread was about how counting any one who is quarantined as a positive case is retarded, and the implications on cases in the vaxed vs un-vaxed from counting said cases, while only quarantining the un-vaxed. They know basically the only people who have been shown to spread asymptomatically are the vaxed. They know the vaxed catch and spread too. They know there are viable safe therapeutics. Yet they double down over and over.