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COVID Tyrants at Left-wing Atlantic Beg for Amnesty

Exactly. I remember these douchebags went full-blown authoritarian psycho. No amnesty, no forgiveness, no forgetting.
I think they thoroughly enjoyed it, did it maliciously. These are the same people who spent 4 years calling conservatives and Christians terrorists. These are the same people who have spent almost two years getting people who love America labeled as terrorists.

They would kill us in a heartbeat if they could get away with it.
I think they thoroughly enjoyed it, did it maliciously. These are the same people who spent 4 years calling conservatives and Christians terrorists. These are the same people who have spent almost two years getting people who love America labeled as terrorists.

They would kill us in a heartbeat if they could get away with it.
They have shown their hand, play your cards accordingly
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Why would anyone care what an economist funded by Zuckerberg, Kochs, Thiel and the Waltons has to say about infectious diseases.
Amnesty from what?

There are going to be no Nuremberg Trials... Maybe lawsuits against Big Pharma at some point. But the politicians who did this will have moved up or retired... and their BS will be whitewashed. The media? Who holds them accountable. The Big Tech censors and abettors? The ones that Musk doesn't fire will get their stock options and keep moving up in the executive ranks. Fauci? Gates? Soros? Yeah. They'll certainly have be held accountable.

Atlantic is just whining. As always. While the owner spent the "Pandemic" eating canapes and sushi from the deck of her mega-yacht as it cruised the Riviera looking for good parties for the glitterati to attend and tell themselves how important they are. While decrying the masses as useless eaters. That broad has never done one useful thing in her life... Who'es the useless eater now?

Amnesty... ah hah ah ahha... . They are just acting like victims again... victims of a backlash against their BS. That they'll never be held accountable for anyway. "Wah... we're victims because noone likes us..."

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Amnesty from what?

There are going to be no Nuremberg Trials... Maybe lawsuits against Big Pharma at some point. But the politicians who did this will have moved up or retired... and their BS will be whitewashed. The media? Who holds them accountable. The Big Tech censors and abettors? The ones that Musk doesn't fire will get their stock options and keep moving up in the executive ranks. Fauci? Gates? Soros? Yeah. They'll certainly have be held accountable.

Atlantic is just whining. As always. While the owner spent the "Pandemic" eating canapes and sushi from the deck of her mega-yacht as it cruised the Riviera looking for good parties for the glitterati to attend and tell themselves how important they are. While decrying the masses as useless eaters. That broad has never done one useful thing in her life... Who'es the useless eater now?

Amnesty... ah hah ah ahha... . They are just acting like victims again... victims of a backlash against their BS. That they'll never be held accountable for anyway. "Wah... we're victims because noone likes us..."

The people you described were free to impoverish, maim, and kill with impunity. Any retaliation from victims of their crimes would result in overwhelming police action. If the vigilante were to get away, he would be hunted by any man wearing a badge anywhere in the country. This is my issue with policing. They protect criminals to sustain the status quo.

Without this threat of violence, nothing you described above would be possible. The fucking covid lies and tyranny couldn’t have been possible. Your children would never have been masked and abused. Your loved ones wouldn’t have died scared and alone. Your business would have never been closed. Politicians and the media were coconspirators, but the actions of the police did this. The job of LEO is to stop grass roots change from happening and force change from the other direction. Your post describes how this works. Public safety my ass.
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I won't forgive them for for forcing me to get a vaccine to work. One of the reasons I changed jobs was to protest mandatory vaccine. However, the next job I went to forced me to prove I was vaccinated in order to start work.

No one forced you to choose anything. You complied when the price got high enough.
And thus we are where we are.

We got this country because men were willing to stay in the American army even though they had no food or clothes. The French term sans cullotes originated in Valley forge as a term describing those who still fought even though they had no pants.

And we will lose this country because men now want to comply with tyranny so that they get to be comfortable in their houses and jobs.

I didn't make that choice, and yes, I am now poor when once I was very well off.

I sleep very damn well at night.
How about you @psharon78 ?
And thus we are where we are.

We got this country because men were willing to stay in the American army even though they had no food or clothes. The French term sans cullotes originated in Valley forge as a term describing those who still fought even though they had no pants.

And we will lose this country because men now want to comply with tyranny so that they get to be comfortable in their houses and jobs.

I didn't make that choice, and yes, I am now poor when once I was very well off.

I sleep very damn well at night.
How about you @psharon78 ?
I commend you for your choice. Taking a couple of shots that have proven themselves to be pointless wasn't the hill I was willing to die on for my family.

I've got some bad news for you, we've already lost the country. We ran away from working in academia and the mainstream media and we now see the results. Teachers are educating our children about "systemic racism", gender dysphoria, and pushing communism. I don't have children, but where were the parents when it came to the education of their children. I grew up with my parents wanting to see my homework and be involved in our education. We've moved past a physical conflict in the country to a conflict of ideas, and libertarians, conservatives, classical liberals, have all ceded ground to the communist left and allowed their ideas to go unchallenged so we don't offend anybody.

What the far leftists want, their wet dream, is to see physical violence perpetrated by anybody they can label as far right. The Jan 6 trespassers should have just been given a small fine. That's what happens to the far left anyway, if they even have to pay a fine at all. Instead, the Jan 6 trespassers are locked in solitary confinement. Taking back the country will be to change hearts and minds of our neighbors and voting them out. It will be to stop supporting companies that hate us. If you go to church, its standing up for biblical principles and against feminism in the church.
We ran away from working in academia and the mainstream media and we now see the results. Teachers are educating our children about "systemic racism", gender dysphoria, and pushing communism.
I was watching some commentator video recently that brought up this point briefly and I think it's a good one.

STEM and vocational are preached from the traditional and conservative mindset, and the classic education that involves the arts/humanities, reading the classical works of the Enlightenment thinkers, philosophies, music, entertainment, etc. are typically shunned as "worthless." As a result, that crazy side took over entertainment, media and academia and grossly infused the craziness into the youth and cultural development of youthful minds.

Now, here we are. I think there is a lesson to be learned.
Taking back the country will be to change hearts and minds of our neighbors and voting them out. It will be to stop supporting companies that hate us. If you go to church, its standing up for biblical principles and against feminism in the church.
Did you see the recent speech? Do you really think we will ever see a "free and fair election"? Have you watched the news? Do you see what is going on in regards to mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, and poll-watchers? And that's even before the computerization gets involved.
Did you see the recent speech? Do you really think we will ever see a "free and fair election"? Have you watched the news? Do you see what is going on in regards to mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, and poll-watchers? And that's even before the computerization gets involved.
The latest elections from 2021 prove that mail-in ballots, poll-watchers, etc only get you so much. If the elections were as rigged as some would think, Govenor Youngkin of Virginia would never have been elected. It's not enough for you to vote. Bring your friends to vote, get your family to vote.
And thus we are where we are.

We got this country because men were willing to stay in the American army even though they had no food or clothes. The French term sans cullotes originated in Valley forge as a term describing those who still fought even though they had no pants.

And we will lose this country because men now want to comply with tyranny so that they get to be comfortable in their houses and jobs.

I didn't make that choice, and yes, I am now poor when once I was very well off.

I sleep very damn well at night.
How about you @psharon78 ?
What happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence?

This is the Price They Paid

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

*** Those are the men who 'really' built America. ***

I will add a personal comment... which is that these men pledged their fortunes and their lives to the concept that was to become the United States. Hundreds of thousands did not. Only about 3 percent of the country... fought for Independence. Almost as many Royalists fought against them. 90 percent sat on their asses and did nothing.

The difference today is that there are not tens or hundreds of thousands who are committed to our nation. There are millions. Maybe not tens of millions. But millions. And most of them just want to be left alone to raise their families, get ahead, help their children get further than they did... they are the men who just want to be left alone. To pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness.

Once they are 'not' left alone... they will have nothing to lose. Nothing to hold them back. And the fury of a man who wanted to be left alone... and has had his world destroyed... is like nothing anyone can imagine. The man whose land and soil are his... the man protecting his family. The man who had things 'to lose' and lost them... because of others.

If these folks ever reach a point where they flip from 'being left alone' to 'I want payback... ' it will make Chickamauga look like Romper Room.

The "Mrs. Kravitz and Karen" types of the world don't understand this. And if they ever have to face the sleeping dragon... well, noone wants that. Especially not those of us who just want to be left alone.

There's another common theme with those that gave in to the clotshots. Pretty much 99% or more of them are debt slaves. Gotta keep that job to pay the debts.

Imagine how much power the populace would have if just 50% were debt free. Being debt free with 3-6 months of emergency cash on hand could have enabled those in such a position to call the bluff on any employer pushing the poison. Just imagine the power of 50% of the workforce just walking away from their jobs until employers came to their senses or went bankrupt.

Simply put, debt makes people slaves. Better do what the master says or they will destroy you.
A turnaround in thought from The Atlantic on COVID, less than two weeks before a midterm election, is no coincidence. They are recognizing the backlash they're taking right now, especially in light of recent announcements of severe education retraction among our country's children, that they REALLY fucked up. NEA and AFT teacher unions pushed the continued closures in any state tinted the slightest bit of blue in the name of "safety" when really all they wanted was a payout, and now the parents and general public is fucking pissed.

This is nothing more than gaslighting in the form of "We didn't know better". The fuck they didn't, they knew exactly what they were doing then and have zero regret about it now. The data has always been out there, and they were the ones who chose to ignore it to keep their grip on the people while spending on their own liberal projects in the thirteen figure range at our expense for decades to come.

They can try to rewrite history, it will even work for a lot of stupid people who will actually think "Huh, they just didn't know any better", but those of us who actually paid attention, read the studies, and know the limitations of government under the Constitution aren't buying it for a second.

There's no amnesty for deliberate liars and cheats. They need to roll up the latest issue of the Atlantic and shove it up their ass, as it's the only place it ever belongs.
A turnaround in thought from The Atlantic on COVID, less than two weeks before a midterm election, is no coincidence. They are recognizing the backlash they're taking right now, especially in light of recent announcements of severe education retraction among our country's children, that they REALLY fucked up. NEA and AFT teacher unions pushed the continued closures in any state tinted the slightest bit of blue in the name of "safety" when really all they wanted was a payout, and now the parents and general public is fucking pissed.

This is nothing more than gaslighting in the form of "We didn't know better". The fuck they didn't, they knew exactly what they were doing then and have zero regret about it now. The data has always been out there, and they were the ones who chose to ignore it to keep their grip on the people while spending on their own liberal projects in the thirteen figure range at our expense for decades to come.

They can try to rewrite history, it will even work for a lot of stupid people who will actually think "Huh, they just didn't know any better", but those of us who actually paid attention, read the studies, and know the limitations of government under the Constitution aren't buying it for a second.

There's no amnesty for deliberate liars and cheats. They need to roll up the latest issue of the Atlantic and shove it up their ass, as it's the only place it ever belongs.
They say history is written by the victors but I heard a different take on it. History is written by the survivors. And many of the jabbed will not survive.
I'm not sure how to say "fuck you, you fucking fucks" in a strong enough manner to really convey my feelings on "Amnesty." Somehow "no refunds" just doesn't do it.
There aren’t enough expletives and they aren’t strong enough to express my undying contempt for these fucking blood soaked monsters(I’m not using that phrase hyperbolically either).
Agreed. No refunds. The post I responded to had mentioned them trying to rewrite history. The screenshot I posted was to say that there may not be enough of them left to rewrite it. Thus history being written by us. The survivors. We will never let them forget.


The history, if I get to write it, will be short and brutal. It will read:

And thus we are where we are.

We got this country because men were willing to stay in the American army even though they had no food or clothes. The French term sans cullotes originated in Valley forge as a term describing those who still fought even though they had no pants.

And we will lose this country because men now want to comply with tyranny so that they get to be comfortable in their houses and jobs.

I didn't make that choice, and yes, I am now poor when once I was very well off.

I sleep very damn well at night.
How about you @psharon78 ?

IMHO that is very easy to do if you don't have a family you need to take care of.

Men, real MEN did what the other guy did.....he did what he had to do to take care of his family, he got the shot so his child could have food in their belly and a roof over their head.

I imagine it was a hard pill to swallow.

I did not take the shot, even with a very close possibility of loosing my very well paying job....well for a .gov employee at the county level. However I am not in the same spot as a great many americans. My house is paid for, my cars are paid for, I have zero CC debt. We could survive on one check, the wifes check, and if push came to shove could go a few years on savings. Not everyone can do that. It is a choice people make.

I am not going to get into peoples spending habits, and that want for a new car, or that trip to Fiji. But now that I am at the end of the road in my working life........I will get to enjoy myself.
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"Amnesty" is a cheap word they are using for "let bygones be bygones". There is zero repentance in that article, just excuses. Repentance requires ownership and maturity while excuses put blame on others. Excuses are what children do, and they invariably put their hand back in the cookie jar at the first opportunity. This should not be forgotten. Something else designed to instill fear and increase societal control will come along and the moral high ground will be taken again, claiming everyone that disagrees with them are either racists or radicals. And they will clamor for legislation to cement their position into law - we came damn close to that with Covid and I will submit that it was about halfway accomplished by utilizing the private sector to enact employment mandates. When I view it through this lense it tells me all I need to know about what they will support next, and it isn't the Constitution or the US. The number of news outlets that took money to promote the vax and other Covid narratives is ridiculous, and I fully expect they will do it again.

They haven't changed their beliefs; they just don't want to be treated the way they treated everyone who resisted the madness.

One of the most worthwhile uses of your time I have seen in quite a while.

Ryan Cole MD is a prominent and well-trained pathologist, not embalmer, but I remember seeing him with an embalmer doing an interview.

The most shocking thing I heard was that this guy was in a conference with Pfizer reps and that 7 out of 10 jabbed children will be sterile. 70%!!
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  • Wow
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"Amnesty" is a cheap word they are using for "let bygones be bygones". There is zero repentance in that article, just excuses. Repentance requires ownership and maturity while excuses put blame on others. Excuses are what children do, and they invariably put their hand back in the cookie jar at the first opportunity. This should not be forgotten.

This is a sign. These monsters are scared, and they should be. They are the child predator that just walked into the prison for the first time. They have heard the stories of what happens to monsters like them in places like this and they are wondering how long they will last. They are being greeted by terrifying hard men that are telling them exactly what is going to happen to them. For now, they have not fully accepted that they are responsible for their actions but once the payback begins...the repentance will follow.