Hunting & Fishing Coyote hunting advice needed

Well all there is then is to get in there and call. Sit in there for 30-40 minutes while you call intermitintly. Keep your head on a swivel and watch your wind in and out. Grab some cheap calls and give it a whirl. Morning and evening is the best times due to activity.

Either that or pick up some traps or snares and work the field edges, water holes and game trails, or fence lines. You can talk to a local trapper for advice by contacting your states trappers association.

I dont know if its legal in your area, but in AZ it is. You can go to wallyworld and pick up the bargain bin chicken (a couple pounds for like two bucks). Tie it up on a tree branch with some fishing line, start calling, and just watch the chicken. The coyote's may come in smelling that.
I believe its legal to do that Exo. I headed out this afternoon it was a nice day.. 60ish somewhat cool/breezy, got all set up and comfortable. laid there about 30 minutes all of a sudden everything gets dark and KABOOM lightning strikes fairly far away followed by thunder and a down pour like no other. Within 2 minutes I was drenched, 10 minutes later when I got back inside everything was completely soaked.. took hours for the canvas on my drag bag to dry. That was miserable.
Hunting them will not reduce numbers very fast if at all. Two things to consider 1. Trap 2. If you do hunt them bring a shotgun with you and hunt close cover be ready for multiples. I took 10 in three and half hours including four singles on one stand a couple moths ago (i've taken five at one stand before but two were doubles), all with a 12 ga. #4 buck. Also in any relatively populated area shotguns pose less threat to others.
Well no luck yet. But I didn't really have the chance to go out lately.. I'm headed out tonight though. Yesterday afternoon I found what looked like a few fresh carcasses laying around so I know they're still out there
I have, but not as often as I would've liked to. I'm planning to hit that in the morning, or at least attempt to. the grass is a good 3-4 feet tall in that area as well as heavy brush. It's somewhat difficult to get a good vantage point. I'm tempted to go out there one day and clear a shooting lane or two..