Hunting & Fishing coyote hunting question


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Feb 4, 2009
liberty indiana
ive been coyote hunting for about 10 yrs. i only go 5-10 times a year. i have never called in a coyote. NEVER, in the beginning it was challenging coyote hunting because i wsn't very good. now its starting to piss me off.

there are coyotes where i hunt. i kill a average of 5 a year from my porch on our farm where i hunt.

im using a cheapo 20 dollar electric call. would a better call like a fox pro make a diffrence. or in you folks opinion do i have other issues. i know this is hard to answer without knowing how i hunt
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

im using a cheapo 20 dollar electric call. would a better call like a fox pro make a diffrence. or in you folks opinion do i have other issues. i know this is hard to answer without knowing how i hunt</div></div>

Trust me, it could be a multitude of things but I would start with upgrading your caller.
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SMACK</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

im using a cheapo 20 dollar electric call. would a better call like a fox pro make a diffrence. or in you folks opinion do i have other issues. i know this is hard to answer without knowing how i hunt</div></div>

Trust me, it could be a multitude of things but I would start with upgrading your caller. </div></div>

thats where im leaning. i know this is a near imposible question. im not the best hunter in the world but im not this bad. i kill a few deer a year and pass tons of deer. but these coyotes have me flusterated
Re: coyote hunting question

if you want to hunt a predator, just think like one... get to your set quietly, don't skyline, know the wind, glass befor and after you call, move your eyes to scan your surroundings, the more you move your head the more movement... and the list goes on.
Re: coyote hunting question

Wind is a big key, you must play it right. Also I'm not sure, but I've been out hunting with some people and they slam the car doors... big no no
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: skinney</div><div class="ubbcode-body">if you want to hunt a predator, just think like one... get to your set quietly, don't skyline, know the wind, glass befor and after you call, move your eyes to scan your surroundings, the more you move your head the more movement... and the list goes on. </div></div>

Pretty good chunk of advise,right there!

As far as your caller goes......Ever thought/tried a mouth call? They're very simple to operate.
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: (pink)MiST</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wind is a big key, you must play it right. Also I'm not sure, but I've been out hunting with some people and they slam the car doors... big no no </div></div>

i walk out my door so i know the car door is not it. the area i see them the most from is only 1/2 mile from my house
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
skinney said:
Pretty good chunk of advise,right there!

As far as your caller goes......Ever thought/tried a mouth call? They're very simple to operate. </div></div>

i figured a electronic was better than me. am i right
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
skinney said:
Pretty good chunk of advise,right there!

As far as your caller goes......Ever thought/tried a mouth call? They're very simple to operate. </div></div>

i figured a electronic was better than me. am i right </div></div>

not all the time, some of those electronic ones sound bad, foxpro is obviously the gold standard. good success can be had with any rabbit distress call though.
Re: coyote hunting question

Try changing your tactics.Hunting from one location,or the same locations for 10yrs only educated the dogs on where not to spend their time.Especially after they get shot at.Try spot lighting and hunting over fresh gut piles.Go to different areas and try some locator calls.Dogs move to where the food is.Five a year aint bad for the amount of time you spend hunting them.Now that the sun sets earlier,a decent night scope,caller and a different location sounds like the ticket for you.That means your going to have to spend some $$ on new toy's for yourself.Tis the season.....
Good Luck,
Re: coyote hunting question

the 5 a year is not hunting coyotes, its looking out my reloading room window and saying "there is a coyote" and stepping outside and shooting it. most of the time its knawing on a calf we had die. i put all our dead animals a few hundred yds from the house where i can watch them.

i think ill grab some mouth calls and give that a shot. if that doesn't work ill get a foxpro, if that doesn't work ill tap out and keep hunting bait piles
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: long range dogr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
skinney said:
Pretty good chunk of advise,right there!

As far as your caller goes......Ever thought/tried a mouth call? They're very simple to operate. </div></div>

i figured a electronic was better than me. am i right </div></div>

E-callers have there good and bad sides.Biggest negative is that,everybody who bought that same brand of call,all sound alike.Now i'm not gonna presume to know how pressured the yotes are in your neck of the woods.But here theres a metric shit ton of hunters.So i always try to use something different.

Biggest piece of advise i have on using a mouth call,is try to mix it up!Don't be afraid to try your own calling methods!
Re: coyote hunting question

Lot of good advice you got here from all the fellows.
I was up in Indiana last Nov. and called 5 yotes in at one stand. They all came in together in a pack. Kinda rare for that to happen in Indiana.
Just remember camo, wind, and location.
Good Luck!
Re: coyote hunting question

Look at a fox pro spitfire. you can pick one up for about $200. They are worth every penny. You can also use a cheap decoy. This will help beginers alot. It helps focus the coyotes vision on something other than you. then go out as often as you can. Learn to play the wind and practice, practice, practice.
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">no pressure what so ever where i hunt coyotes. i dont know of anyone else in my county who calls yotes. there are a few trappers and everyone will shoot coyotes on site </div></div>

There are several members & staff of this predator hunting forum that hail from Indiana. Give a look see & try to hook up with one. If you are having a hard time making headway, shoot me a PM & I'll get you hooked up with THE MAN in Indiana...

Best way to learn how to kill 'em where ya live is to go hunting with someone who knows how to get the job done! You'll learn more in a couple stands with an accomplished caller than you would in 5 yrs trying to figure it out for yourself!

Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: knockemdown</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">no pressure what so ever where i hunt coyotes. i dont know of anyone else in my county who calls yotes. there are a few trappers and everyone will shoot coyotes on site </div></div>

There are several members & staff of this predator hunting forum that hail from Indiana. Give a look see & try to hook up with one. If you are having a hard time making headway, shoot me a PM & I'll get you hooked up with THE MAN in Indiana...

Best way to learn how to kill 'em where ya live is to go hunting with someone who knows how to get the job done! You'll learn more in a couple stands with an accomplished caller than you would in 5 yrs trying to figure it out for yourself!


I agree completely with the above!!! Foxpro calls and other digital calls work great. You can download a lot of calls from predator hunting forums and mouth calls work, the biggest advice is sit still, use cover, call for a little while and then be QUIET for a while... change up your calls. I start out loud and quiet down a little. I really like my foxpro but know a few guys that use iPod's (or simular) and a good clear speaker. It is less expensive than a foxpro but does not have a remote. If you get a Foxpro get at least the FX3 where you can change the sounds... Don't set up in the same areas all of the time either. 20 min a stand is what I usually figure on... maybe a little more or a little less. Search predator forums and those guys will have a ton of advice for you. Good luck.
Re: coyote hunting question

biggest thing that got me at first was over hunting areas. you know they are there, next is playing the wind, selecting your stands in advantagious spots and sneaking in. letting things settle down before you call.
Re: coyote hunting question

If you've been calling for ten years and have yet to call in a coyote, an e-call isn't going to help.

E-calls are hugely overrated (yes, there are some nice things about them, but there are FEW things an e-call can do that one cannot do with a good open reed mouth call).

Most calling sets get busted LONG before you even make a peep. Coyotes are highly intelligent animals and dont screw up to many times in their life (the ones that do get weeded out pretty fast).

Take a closer look at how your approaching the hunt. Approaching your stands, movement, wind, how your getting out (if I dont see a coyote on a set, I still try to sneak out,....ive seen too many dogs sit in heavy cover without revealing themselves and watch guys walk away). You could be the best deer hunter in the world, but coyotes will make you look like a fool, ten times smarter and harder to hunt than a stupid old deer.

Actually, the "cheapo" e-call may be your problem. Most of the cheapos Ive seen sound like horse crap. Spend $10, get yourself a crit-r-call standard open reed, spend five minutes learning how to use it, and go call in a coyote.
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cjones</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Look at a fox pro spitfire. you can pick one up for about $200. They are worth every penny. You can also use a cheap decoy. This will help beginers alot. It helps focus the coyotes vision on something other than you. then go out as often as you can. Learn to play the wind and practice, practice, practice. </div></div>

Agree totally... Motion decoys make a HUGE difference..
Re: coyote hunting question

thanks for all the advise guys. the problem with my area of hunting is its extreamly thick so its near impossible to get in without making a sound, then it opens up to huge fields. my thinking is i go threw the thick stuff and set up on the edge of the fields. im calling coyotes that are 700yds away so i would not think they would hear me. of cource im busting coyotes out of the thick area so its a catch 22. i think im going to try mouth calls the rest of the winter. i figure it will cost me less than 50 bucks and if that doesn't work ill buy a foxpro.
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thanks for all the advise guys. the problem with my area of hunting is its extreamly thick so its near impossible to get in without making a sound, then it opens up to huge fields. my thinking is i go threw the thick stuff and set up on the edge of the fields. im calling coyotes that are 700yds away so i would not think they would hear me. of cource im busting coyotes out of the thick area so its a catch 22. i think im going to try mouth calls the rest of the winter. i figure it will cost me less than 50 bucks and if that doesn't work ill buy a foxpro. </div></div>

They hear you.
It doesnt take long for them to become call shy.
Spend more time in the area so they get acclimated to your scent.
Dont hunt them,just go out and sit and glass them three or four times a week,
from a couple 3 or 4 different spots for a week or two.

Some dog toy squeakers make for a good cheap call too.
One can get good at making little mouse squeaks with that pretty quick.
Watch your wind. Learn to shoot longer yardage.

Worst thing you can do is miss a shot on a called in yote.

I like to pick on them one at a time vs pack blasting.

Odds are good,you're not gonna get the whole pack and any runners just got educated on your scent,call style and you now have 100x the work to get a callshy/gunshy yote.

Just because they are a nuisance dont ever think they are stupid.
They are a very challenging animal to hunt.

Good Luck
Re: coyote hunting question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thanks for all the advise guys. the problem with my area of hunting is its extreamly thick so its near impossible to get in without making a sound, then it opens up to huge fields. my thinking is i go threw the thick stuff and set up on the edge of the fields. im calling coyotes that are 700yds away so i would not think they would hear me. of cource im busting coyotes out of the thick area so its a catch 22. i think im going to try mouth calls the rest of the winter. i figure it will cost me less than 50 bucks and if that doesn't work ill buy a foxpro. </div></div>

They can hear you. If they can hear me lip squeeking at a quarter mile, they can hear a full blown call at 700 yards. Their ability to hear a long ways away, and absolutely pinpoint where sound is coming from is uncanny.

When in doubt, start soft, you can always get louder later in the set.

If your calling thicker cover, to much volume could hurt you also. If someone comes into your bedroom when your sleeping and starts screaming and hollering at the top of their lungs, your likely to come unglued. But if someone just comes in and whispers to ya, probably not gonna scare you to bad.
Re: coyote hunting question

Ill also say I absolutely hate hate HATE calling big, expansive cover.

Large tracts of woods, cattails, or (cringe) standing corn.

Getting a coyote out of BIG cover is very tough once he's bedded down. If I have to call big cover, I make sure to do it first thing in the morning, or last thing in the evening, try to get em when they're already on their feet and somewhat active.
Re: coyote hunting question

Hunted yotes for 15-20 years now and went thru the whole electronic call phase etc. Last 3 years I have spent my money on custom made hand calls vs. the mass produced hand an ecalls. I am able to go to areas that have been hunted/trapped very hard and produce yotes.