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Hunting & Fishing coyotes w/mange?


Full Member
Oct 12, 2009
New York
Can coyotes get mange? I observed two through a spotting scope and could see patches of fur missing but wasn't bare in those patches had much shoter hair growing in there, any one have any pictures?
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Yes, coyotes can get mange. If you do a google search for "coyotes with mange" and look at images there is plenty of pictures and information about it.

What you are describing almost sounds like they are shedding their winter coats.

Many people have seen them and they were once thought to be a chupacabra.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

A chupacabra is a deamon in some belief and others have called it a dog with hollow teeth that can suck blood. I believe it means goat sucker in spanish but I MAY BE WRONG. They suck goats blood I guess. Sucks fer the goats
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Although I'm a vet, it doesn't make me a veternerian. I think all dogs have mange. There immunes system usually keeps it under controll. When there immunes system get week the mange takes over.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

I missed one with a muzzleloader last year that another guy shot later in the year. Sucker was nearly bald with patches of hair behind his ears and on his nose. My bosses kid caught a manged female last week in a foot hold. She was missing hair down the backs of the legs around the tail and on the belly. Mange isn't that uncommon in coyotes and fox.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

wash hands, burn carcass, bury remains. Mange is nasty, and yes, people can get the itchies and heeby jeebies from it too. it will transfer to the pet at home REAL quick. wash hands. S.S.S.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

I have shot a few coyotes that were so ate up with mange they died with a sigh of relief.

Hispanics know what a chupacabra is.

Gringos confuse mangey dogs or coyotes for one.

Course no matter the backround mothers can always use a mis-shappened creature to modify their children's behavior.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Coyotes with mange die from exposure (cold not fame) in winter months...

Shooting one with mange probably does them a BIG favor instead of freezing to death. As said above...no touchie touch...especially if your balls already itch alot.

But only up here.

Down south infection usually gets em if they scratch enough to open up the skin, but they can go quite a while being quite infected.

Coyotes are one of the main carriers of sarcoptic mange in the US.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

I have killed lots of coyotes with mange. I have even killed several that have recovered completely from it. I have taken several pairs were one will be almost hairless and the other will have new hair growing back in where it feel out. In the winter their hide gets thick like leather, some of the toughest coyotes I have even seen were completely hairless. Mange is harder on the younger coyotes, but unfortunately it doesn't kill that many. However it is very hard on Wolves and Red Fox. A coyote is one animal built for survival, they are carriers for bubonic plague but are immune to it. It is a bad idea to handle one with mange, a friend of mine has had it twice and my dogs have picked it up several times from coyotes.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: notquiteright</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have shot a few coyotes that were so ate up with mange they died with a sigh of relief.

Hispanics know what a chupacabra is.

Gringos confuse mangey dogs or coyotes for one.

Course no matter the backround mothers can always use a mis-shappened creature to modify their children's behavior. </div></div>
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Have to reply to this now... I got one alittle before noon today that was just walking through the cows... he should have walked faster!! Here in swkan i have seen them so bad they look like a rat, no hair at all. Had one few years back that was in the front yard at night. Dad turned on the porch light and he just stood there. We got the Roberts out of the rack and he was still there, saying please don't leave me like this, so dad put him down. When we hauled him off in the morn he smelt like he'd been dead for weeks, nasty.... after that night i go out of my way to put one down that has the mange. That is no way go....
Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JasonB</div><div class="ubbcode-body">wash hands, burn carcass, bury remains. Mange is nasty, and yes, people can get the itchies and heeby jeebies from it too. it will transfer to the pet at home REAL quick. wash hands. S.S.S. </div></div>

That's exactly what I was going to recommend - it will transfer to domesticated animals & be miserable for your dog...

It is not part of their "natural" immune system, you are thinking of certain yeasts, like most of us have some "malasezzia furfur" - what causes dandruff, seb. dermatitis & tinea versicolor when out of control.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Just exaclty how does it transfer? And no i dont plan on ever touching one with out gloves but knowing more about it never hurts espically from those that have that first hand experience
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Its caused by the mite <span style="font-style: italic">Sarcoptes scabiei canis</span>

If you handle infected animals you run the risk of mites and/or their eggs getting on you.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Thanks all for the informative post, happy i read this before the weekend a few folks and myself have been hunting yote and it never crossed my mind that them missing hair was such a HUGE deal. Any crazy rabbit or javelina diseases we should worry about?
Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: A.O.R.G.S-RemiG</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Any crazy rabbit or javelina diseases we should worry about? </div></div>

Rabbits get tularemia.

Do javelina get trichinosis? Either way, I wouldn't worry about either of em.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

My last dog had the mange bad.
I dont know how the thing made it through the night. I got him at ~10am and it was -15*F out. When I went over to him you could see his ribs, hips, ect. Pretty sure I did him a favor.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

Coyotes are tough SOB's!

Ive shot a few at downright COLD temps for extended periods, -30 and lower. No tails, no mane, no hair left on hips.....and they were still trucking. They were pretty sick, but they were alive.

No wonder they are found coast to coast, north to south, and expanding range and numbers every year. Tough!

Maybe thats why I like em so much. No matter what mother nature and man throws at em, they just keep on keeping on.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

I have a question about mange yotes as well. If you're trying to avoid making contact with them then how do you get rid of the bodies? My common sense says that a mange that doesn't get taken care of after the shot will infect any other yotes/various other animals that come across the diseased carcass. But if you do take care of cleaning up then you run the ristk of contracting it yourself and transferring it over to houshold animals and loved ones right? And if you burn the body does that leave any mange particulate in the air or does it get killed off instead? I guess what i'm getting at is how would you properly handle a mange yote after putting the poor creature out of its misery?

Re: coyotes w/mange?

I leave em lay, the mange epidemic here has for the most part run its course. Occasionally we run into an area with it, but its somewhat of a rarity (most years). But than again, up here mangy ones dont last long once the snow flies.

If your concerned about removing them, id handle them in "non-infected" areas, or with gloves(if the tail is mangy, dont go rubbing and stroking it, etc). Wash your hands and/or shower well as soon as possible after handling infected animals.

Ive handled lots of infected ones and the only real precaution ive used it not getting grabby with infected areas of the animal.

If you can, burying infected carcasses in a fashion where they wouldnt get dug up would be ideal.
Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fred_C_Dobbs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Chupacabra is my first wife.

I shit you not. </div></div>


Re: coyotes w/mange?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: eric0311</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just exaclty how does it transfer? And no i dont plan on ever touching one with out gloves but knowing more about it never hurts espically from those that have that first hand experience </div></div>
from dog to dog: if they come into contact with each other, and the mite can live for a while inside/around the den so other dogs and pups that enter don't last that long, if i could get my hands on a mangy female with pups during the summer (find a den) i would give it a healthy dose of ivermec, i usually give my doberman and rotty a nice dose to keep em clean, once in a while we get to see a 75lb dog test a scrappy 35lb yote.