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Rifle Scopes CQB Optic?

Re: CQB Optic?

go with the eotech, period. i had both an acog or an eotech on my weapon at different points during iraq. acogs are perfect for everything but CQB, which is why i would switch it depending on the location. the EOtech was perfect for any CQB application you may need. you wont need the magnifier for the distances you will be shooting at, so save your cash. IMO, aimpoints are garbage. when we got back from iraq, i sent my acog home, and they tried to give me a M68, but i told them to shove it up their ass. i would rather shoot broken iron sights out of a backwards weapon than shoot an aimpoint. i have had nothing but problems with them. i loved the EOtech so much that i bought a new one instead of having my acog sent back to me. i bought the 551 off of rossneder here on SH. the first time i got to bust out the new one was at the range yesterday for CQB drills.

so from the times i used it downrange and then the one time yesterday, i say hands down go with the EOtech for 75m and below
Re: CQB Optic?

I like the IOR 3x25 with CQB ret. (horse shoe center) The glass is very good and they always seem to be in focus, no matter what the distance.

As for EOTech, I too used to like them, until I got stuck in bright light and found I didn't have a sight anymore. They wash out to easy for my eye's. I switched to Aimpoint and have had no trouble sence. I think the newer ones work better than the older one's I had, but I have never tried one.
Re: CQB Optic?

Our duty guns all have EO's, but they tend to walk a little from time to time. Work great for entries though, only notice the walking when shooting beyond a hundred. Personally I like the Burris XTR 1-4x with the lit BDC reticle. Works great on my 3 gun AR. I'm just as fast as the EO at room distances and much more accurate when the range gets extended.
Re: CQB Optic?

Man, am I the only one who loves Aimpoints and thinks that Eotechs are fuzzy reticled, battery eating, plastic hunks of crap that die in slightest bit of rain?

I'd rather use irons than an eotech...
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JBW#3</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Other: USO SN-4
John III </div></div>

since i play at longer distances, I swapped my SN4 out to get an ST10, but the time I did spend with it has me a firm believer that its the best 1-4X out there, bar none!!
When the economy turns around a bit locally I will have another SN4!!!
Re: CQB Optic?


I was around when EOTechs first came out and were "experimental." Shot in training with two guys testing them. EVERY single day they were busy changing out the battery. One of them died in the middle of an exercise on the 4th day, on fresh batteries.

Move forward a few years, I was in an NRA LE class. Of the 14 rifles on the line, 5 were EOTs. In 5 days, three of them went down at one point or another.

Did a class with Pat Rogers and we had two EOTs. They both went down.

The only time I've seen EOTs excel is when shooting from a moving platform. That 45MOA reticle makes it very easy to engage man sized targets (vs. using a 4MOA dot).

OTOH, I've had one AIMPOINT for over ten years and it has never failed me. Not my favorite optic but right now it sits on my Benelli M4.

Yes, EOTs are fast, but it is not reliable in my book. They have improved greatly over the last 5 years. But everytime I teach with an EOT I train like it will fail cause it probably will.

Just my 2c worth.
Re: CQB Optic?

Anything battery operated can and will fail. I've been to classes where guys hated Aimpoints because they saw too many fail in combat. I've been to classes where guys hated EOTechs because they seen too many fail in combat. Are any of them lying? No. That is why you should have BUIS on an AR for serious use. People make it sound like if your Aimpoint/EOTech fails it is over and you are dead. Again, that is why we have the BUIS.

For the guys that think that the EOTechs are the only sights with issues, when Aimpoints first came out for the Military, they had the same problems that we hear about the EOTechs. Aimpoint, in time has fixed the issues and they are now very reliable, but nothing is 100%. EOTech is coming out with the XPS series, which I hope will take care of the issues with the EOTechs, but again, they won't be 100%. Nothing is 100%.
Re: CQB Optic?

Have to agree with Ramius, AIMPOINT.
Most all of the trainers like Rogers, Vickers, Harrington, Hackathorn and ECT. Will tell you AIMPOINT as well as they see far more EOTECHs crash and go down. These guys see way more red dot sights in front of them than all of us put together. I have both and while at time I like the 65MOA circle and 1 MOA dot of the EOTECH I am always replacing batteries in the damn things. I believe that the AIMPOINT is more robust and now with 50,000 hours of battery life it has to be the clear choice. I leave mine ON all the time whether they are in the safe or stuck in a case.

Agreed that BUIS are a must and believe that they should be in the up and ready position rather than folded down looking cool on your blaster.
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Salmonaxe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Man, am I the only one who loves Aimpoints and thinks that Eotechs are fuzzy reticled, battery eating, plastic hunks of crap that die in slightest bit of rain?

I'd rather use irons than an eotech... </div></div>

Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: crossgun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Have to agree with Ramius, AIMPOINT.
Most all of the trainers like Rogers, Vickers, Harrington, Hackathorn and ECT. Will tell you AIMPOINT as well as they see far more EOTECHs crash and go down. These guys see way more red dot sights in front of them than all of us put together. I have both and while at time I like the 65MOA circle and 1 MOA dot of the EOTECH I am always replacing batteries in the damn things. I believe that the AIMPOINT is more robust and now with 50,000 hours of battery life it has to be the clear choice. I leave mine ON all the time whether they are in the safe or stuck in a case.

Agreed that BUIS are a must and believe that they should be in the up and ready position rather than folded down looking cool on your blaster.

I agree that Aimpoints are more reliable than EOTechs. We use EOTechs at work and we have had no problems with them. I've had Aimpoints and EOTechs and I like them both equally well. I just actually ordered an Aimpoint M4s for my personal AR. If your EOTech is draining batteries, then you should send it back to EOTech, period. It shouldn't be draining batteries. We use the regular duracell alkaline batteries on ours and they don't drain the batteries and we just replace them twice a year.

This is what I was taught. Brand X could have a failure rate in 1 in 1 billion, if I'm that 1 in 1 billion person that the optic craps out on me when I need it, what good does that do for me? We can sit here all day and argue about statistics or tell stories of what broke in class. I'd rather talk about what to do if your optic goes down or if your AR malfunctions. That's why we train all the time with transitioning to the handgun if the AR malfunctions or switching to irons.
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: maxgusmc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My JPoint in combi with USO SN12R covers ranges from 0 to 800 yds. </div></div>

I have a Jpoint and a Burkett winged mount in the mail to me as we speak. A 1:00 mount will back my ST10 up very nicely I believe.

Q-are Jpoints faster closer or further out on the rifle? I was thinking closer, but then again they do great on pistols held at arm's length.....
Re: CQB Optic?

Other: Nightforce 1-4X, circle/dot reticle. secondary 10MOA holdoff aiming point, which works real well inside 25yds as a holdoff for mechanical offset for precision shots.
Re: CQB Optic?

I use the JPoint for <span style="text-decoration: underline">quick</span> close in target acquistion out to 50 yards or if it is moving out to 100 yards. Further than that I prefer taking an extra heart beat and using the scope.
Re: CQB Optic?

Interesting - nobody has said anything about a Leupold CQT 1X3. I have one on a 6.8mm and use it for hunting. It is a decent scope with decent glass. I find it picks up quickly and efficiently on deer. Most of the places that I hunt are short ranges - 100 yds and below and sometimes you have you have to pick them up quick or lose them in another heavy tree area. I could imagine it a decent scope for CQT. It is illuminated but also can be used without battery for those non-illuminated situations.
Re: CQB Optic?

I just saw the new Burris 3x32 prismatic sight. Looks interesting to me, a poor college kid.

Will it be IOR or Leupold grade? .....doubtful. But for my uses.... probably acceptable.
Re: CQB Optic?



I like a variable scope that goes down to very low power.

My eyes see a 1X red dot scope as a blur.

With a small amount of magnification, I can focus on the target and the reticle.

With 270 that weighs 8 pounds with 2X scope, I can keep my eye on the target [through the recoil period] at 600 yards to often see if it flinches when hit or where dirt flies up with a miss.
Re: CQB Optic?

Aimpoint T1 in a LaRue mount. Much lighter than an Eotech, stays on for years with its battery, and able to be magnified with a 3x or 4x magnifier for a very quick setup.

I also happen to like the Meopta K-dot 1-4x scope that I use on some of my gaming rifles. While it isn't as quick on 1x, it is very fast and able to quickly adjust to 4x with a quick throw lever. It is also a true 1x. That will get you out to 500 yards no problem with the flick of your wrist.

Re: CQB Optic?

+ 1 :paulosantos.....
I like many sights, Eotechs, Luepolds. I have 2 Eotechs in AA battery versions and I have had no battery issues. I definately agree with backing up with BUIS. I just recently picked up a Luepold Mark 4 1.5x5 30 mm with a lit reticle on a larue mount and I'm quite impressed with it. It may not be as fast as the Eotech or aimpoint at picking up the target but it ain't no slouch and if someone trained with it, I'm sure the targets would be hit quickly.....I'm impressed with it...Just dropping a thought.......SmokeRolls
Re: CQB Optic?

I've got an EOTech 516 I've been using for a while and love it, sold off the aimpoint which worked fine, I just prefer the EO.

Going in on a group buy to buy 2 more since my 516 is pretty beat the hell up, and a magnifier as well.
Re: CQB Optic?

DS-12: Try to buy the kit together Eotech with the 3X or 4X magnifier together or you will be hurt in your pocket. Buying the magnifier seperately can be outrageous. A person can buy both with a fixed or flip to side magnifier for around $1000.00. I have heard that the 4X magnifier is not as easy to find due to supplier issues. You may have better luck finding the 3X kit. Good luck with the optics. SmokeRolls
Re: CQB Optic?

I had a reflex site on my rifle for all of 1 day.

Got one of them because 10 years ago it was the shit.

Set it up, went to a kill house, turned on my 100lu flashlight and the sight disappeared (washed out).

I trashed it that afternoon.
Re: CQB Optic?

I voted Aimpoint, simply for battery life. Always with BUIS, because it is man-made. I have an Eotech (N size batteries) that kills batteries in 2 weeks like clock work whether it has been turned on or not. Eotech told me to take the batteries out and leave it overnight to "reset the electronics." No joy.
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SniperCJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Other: Nightforce 1-4X, circle/dot reticle. secondary 10MOA holdoff aiming point, which works real well inside 25yds as a holdoff for mechanical offset for precision shots. </div></div>
Yes- or the cheaper version I use is a Burris XTR 1-4x24 with the 5.56 BDC reticle. Works for me!
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">:shane45</div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For me the Reflex washed out WAY to easy in many situation.</div></div>

Just curious what kind of situations. Work situations or just shooting for fun? I've heard they have issues when the optic is looking at light environment from dark ie from dark cave. I was thinking about trying one of these but want to know it's faults.
Re: CQB Optic?

No mention of the Tasco PDP2? Way back when we started putting optics on open IPSC guns, everything broke but these. They were the cheapest but most durable red dot out there. Not sure what their quality is like now but over the years we have destroyed just about every type of optic going. Aimpoints are way better now and the EOtechs are more solid too. I remember when the EOtech/Bushnell first came out. It was supposed to be the most durable, vibration tested, bulletproof scope out there....we broke them in short order. The C-more's work very well now too, though I don't think I'd mount a plastic one on a hard use rifle...maybe one of the new aluminum bodied ones...
Re: CQB Optic?

It would likely have been fine for just fun. But from indoors looking outdoors was a problem for sure. And this is a situation that would seem common to me. Taking out the little ARD helped a bit but not enough. If they would just add a little led diode to the fiber so you can switch it on for situations, it would be great, but I guess they call that the tri power right.
Re: CQB Optic?

I have had two aimpoints go wacko on me so I switched to Eotech and have never had the problem mentioned above. I also have a good friend who always swore on aimpoint until the same thing happend and he switched also. Aimpoint has a great repair deal but if it goes tits up when needed it could cost you your life.
Get a Eotech not Aimpoint!
Re: CQB Optic?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Salmonaxe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Man, am I the only one who loves Aimpoints and thinks that Eotechs are fuzzy reticled, battery eating, plastic hunks of crap that die in slightest bit of rain?

I'd rather use irons than an eotech... </div></div>
No, you're not the only one.

I think the Aimpoint is better when you are shooting at longer distances. With the M4, you can turn the brightness up to get a nice 4MOA dot or turn it down to get a small precise dot. I also like the tube design for shooting in bright daylight. Mounted further forward, the aimpoint does not obscure your view more than any other sight.

The EO has a nice open sight and its understandable why people like that. However, the Aimpoint design just looks more durable...and is based on much of the feedback from AR15.com.

Oh, and did we mention that battery life is measured in YEARS with aimpoints???
Re: CQB Optic?

I've had an EOTech on my AR, and I currently have an Aimpoint. I took the EOTech through 2 carbine classes, and it was a good sight. I have the Aimpoint now, but it's just a personal preference thing. They are both great sights. That said, I've heard more stories of EOTechs giving up the ghost than Aimpoints.
Re: CQB Optic?

I've used Aimpoints & EoTechs, but ended up falling head over heals for the Trijicon TRI-POWER.


Uses cheveron for reticle which results in very fast aquisition and at the same time allows for greater precision due to the target not becoming obscured.

Only draw back would be if you used NVGs.
They are NVG compatable, but people have had trouble with low level light coming out of the top of the fiber optic dome.
The GENIII version comes with a good cover for the top.
Re: CQB Optic?

I use an Eotech 553. I believe this is the best and most durable option for cqb and movement to contact.

I also like acogs; however, you want to make sure your rifle matches the bdc calibration of the scope (m193 w/ 22" barrel). I do not believe acogs are effective in cqb applications.

I think you have to decide what the primary application for you and your rifle will be -- perimeter or entry.