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Advanced Marksmanship crazy shots!!!! lets hear about them...

I went on a guided quail hunt and was riding in the back of the truck.
I spotted a big flock of quail and told the guide to pull over as I was loading ammo into my gun.
The guide said your not going to shoot those birds running down the road are you and I replied of course not I am going to wait until they stop.
It's an oldie but a goodie
Opening of early teal season in Texas years ago.
Was about mid afternoon my wife and I drove to a large stock tank and scared up some
ducks. I drove around the tank and parked under some thick trees.

As I was getting out a decoy bag heard a swish of wind overhead and grabbed the shotgun.
I stepped out from under the trees and 3 teal circled the tank.
Next pass I made my shot and all 3 fell, 2 dead and one criple.
Sent the lab.

The wife asked why we were putting up the gun and decoy bags, limit of 3.
She then asked why we had 2 bags of decoys, 100 rounds of duck shot and
5 duck calls, cammo netting and etc.?
I was on my way out to do a little target practice with my 338 a few years ago and on my way there i spotted a cyote moving off in the distance so i stoped did a quick range math with my reticle figured it would be around 1600 yards so i dialed up on the nightforce and added a couple because it was moving out waited for it to stop then fired 2 seconds later i was suprised when i hit and killed the dog cold
Not necessarily a crazy shot, but in a match last summer, we had a stage where there was a targets at 300, 400 , 500 and 600m where you needed to hit the closer one to move to the next. I ran through the first 3 and when it came time to shoot the 600m target there was a bird that had landed on the top of the target. I hit the 600m target and the bullet splash actually killed the bird that was sitting on the top of the target!

The one spotter watched it and actually called 2 impacts jokingly.
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This is a dumb one but the craziest I've made:

I was shooting manual trap with some friends. We started loading two clays.

I yell pull and one of the clays flys up immediately in to my sights, not more than 3-4 yards away, I pull the trigger, hit the clay and then I start looking for the second but there is nothing to see because the first shot broke them both.
This weekend I saw my buddy make a first round hit on a 16” plate at 1300 yards with a souped up M14 he’d never shot before with FGMM 308 168 ammo.

I got some rough elevation and wind data for the shot and called a two mill hold to the right for wind.


It was not the only hit we made on that plate with that rifle that day.
Had been out on my first trip coyote hunting. Was not calling in anything so I put the .204 away and pulled the 300 win mag in an XLR chassis out and set up my 10" plate. Was firing across a huge meadow at the plate hitting it at 915yrds with 210g Bergers. I had my fill of fun and was packing up and loading the truck up to drive down and get the steel plate and head home....low and behold a coyote is poking along the edge of the
meadow. I wait for him to wander along while I get the 300wm back out and laser him. Hes at 915.....oh joy of joys. At least I am 100% on my dope!

Lay the crosshairs on his head and slow squeeze BAM! Headshot he dropped like a lead balloon. At that range those 210g Bergers are still hauling like a freight train....that yotes eyes were all bugged out from the over pressure.
I was making pine cones dance from 50 yards on the backstop dirt berm at our 50 yard pistol range, with one of my 22 semi auto pistols one day...when one of my shots made the pinecone jump straight up in the air about 10 feet, and I hit it with a second shot while it was still in midair.
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One year ago I was going to shoot my RPR(243) at 610 yds. I painted a 24"x24" plate white with a 1.5"x1.5" black center square. There was no wind,dialed my DOPE and squeezed one off. I heard the impact but could not see a splash. I fired another, heard the impact but couldn't see a splash. I'm like WTF, checked the targets on either side in case I was shooting the wrong target. Fired a third shot with the same results, no splash visible. Drive to target and all 3 were centered in the small black square???. My best 3 shots ever.
I had a guy who wanted to buy my VERY accurate 6.5x284 on a Nesika action. GreTan build. He wanted it sighted in at 600 M for some match. He was to drive 6-7 hours and pick it up in person.
I sighted it in and put a target up the night prior to his arrival. Used a 36" square with a 2" black dot in center.
He arrived before dawn and we went out to the range. (At my house) and set it up. When it got light I fired 5 shots. Looking through the spotter he saw nothing. I knew it was sighted properly. A sparrow sat on the target frame. I said "see the sparrow" Sparrow exploded on first shot. Other five were in the 2" dot. Always missed that rifle.
Shot a match last year at Pigg River in VA.

Squeezed off a round and heard the RO yell "IMPA....OOOOOOOO!!! did you see that!?"

i didn't see it, because i wasn't quite good enough to really control the recoil and maintain my site picture to watch the impact, but apparently right after i squeezed the trigger, a bird landed on top of the target and when the bullet impacted - the bird exploded.

i wish i would have seen it with my own eyes.
Craziest/best shot I ever made was when I got a first round hit on a raccoon that was walking at 225 yards during about a 5-7mph crosswind..... using my 17hmr!! Thankfully I had a witness otherwise no one would have ever believed me.
And yes I was on a decent sized hill so i had enough elevation.
Not so much the shot, but the aftermath.

I was with a couple shooting buddies at a private lease doing some prone shooting. This area had a massive problem with a certain species of bird (which was an overpopulated pest and caused a lot of issues around there) which was legal to shoot.

The bird was roughly 310 yards away, according to my range finder.

The other two guys both took shots at it using a 6.5 and 308, both missed. The bird couldn’t not have given a darn... it just stayed in its low perch. I dialed my 300 yd elevation and let one fly from my 223 Trainer.

Poof. No big deal. I shoot 3” plates a lot with this trainer at that range.

On the drive back (not ten minutes after we get on the road), another of these birds dive right into my windshield. Scared the ever living crap out of hit. Hit it going about 60 mph. It never moved as far as I could tell in my rear view.

That’s number two.

The next day (Monday), my wife sends me a photo while I’m at work. A dead bird (same species) is just laying right outside of our back door on the patio. It looks completely unharmed.

That’s three, for those keeping score at home.

On my way to the range the following weekend, ANOTHER of these d**n birds flies across the road. *THUMP* at about 55 mph.

That’s four in a week.

Maybe it’s a sign that I shouldn’t shoot those things any more... or a sign that we need to shoot a LOT more.
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It's December, someyear in the 1970s. I'm by myself hunting second-season doves. Bright, cold, and windy with the remains of a rare snowfall lingering in the shadows. Now, second-season doves are much bigger and heavier-feathered than the September birds, who here in NC are typically year's young - some barely out of the nest.

I'm sort of concealed beside a wide, flooded drainage ditch bisecting two cornfields, which had been disced. It's a good spot, but requires me to shoot carefully to insure birds will fall on my side of the ditch - it's a long walk to the bridge.

A single flies by left to right in front of me. Bang. Bang. Bang. Even with 1.25 ounces of 7.5s at 1220fps out of a full-choke barrel, the bird doesn't miss a wingbeat but leaves 3 puffs of feathers in its wake. Grumble. Second-season birds are armor-plated.

Minutes later, I turn and look behind. A pair is flying side by side down the wind, going really fast but straight. If they don't spook, they'll fly straight overhead. I'll have to shoot carefully to make sure a downed bird falls on my side of the ditch.

As the birds rocket over the ditch, I fire and one folds up and I see it's going just clear the ditch and fall very close by. I pivot and pick up the second. Just as I fire and see the second fold in a perfect double, the first - falling like a thrown rock - sucker-punches me in the back at the base of my neck, and lays me out in the mud.

A 5-ounce dove takes out a 175-pound hunter. Karma?
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I was probably 14 or 15 when some family friends of ours offered to take me duck hunting. One afternoon that week my mentor and I went out to a river bottom that he knew as a pretty good flyway. We set up and waited.

Coincidentally, it was also dove season, so we had plans to shoot just about anything that flew in close enough for a shot. A pair of them were coming up the river and lighted in a tree downstream of us.

I was to wait for a shot while my mentor went and flushed them toward me.

One flew my way and I raised the gun and fired, missing entirely. I lowered the gun thinking the dove had gotten away.

Then something in my mind said, "fuck it," and I threw the gun to my shoulder and launched a load of No. 6 steel duck shot at this dove. He dropped from the sky, dead before he hit the water. My mentor estimated that his lab swam out 90 yards to retrieve that bird.
This was my 3 shot group at 1763yds. I have 2 guys who were their to verify. I get it if no one believes me but it happened lol
It’s a 28”x28” plate, 6.5cm-140gr Hornady BTHP, 42.1gr H4350, 2830fps
Criterion barrel 26”


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badly hooked a drive at the golf course's driving range. it hit a one of the netting poles, ricocheted back over my head onto the roof of the pro shop, rolled down the roof above the door, bounced onto the sidewalk and several more times, finally landing on the driving mat at my feet.

like magic!
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This was my 3 shot group at 1763yds. I have 2 guys who were their to verify. I get it if no one believes me but it happened lol
It’s a 28”x28” plate, 6.5cm-140gr Hornady BTHP, 42.1gr H4350, 2830fps
Criterion barrel 26”

Based on the hits, they stayed stable it appears. Highly environmentally dependent there too - my calculation shows 947 fps remaining @ 70 degrees F, standard pressure.
I did a head shot on the neighbors cat at about 100 yards.....glock 22 The guy next to me said "never" and I pulled it off, never told him it was 80% luck.
Was on my belly in a dried lake bed calling turkey with a brand new Beretta AX400. Saw a big tom moving from a distance but couldnt see as he approached. I could hear him gobbling getting closer. Inched up a bit so my barrel would just clear the hump between me and him. Sounded like he was all of 15 feet away so got ready with a cluck. Made the cluck, see the head pop up over the hump at damn near point blank distance and fire. Got up and over and looked- 3 toms all with 10" beards on 1 shot and all head shots- they must have been lined up perfectly! I panicked till I realized I had all my tags still on me. Season over on one shot lol.
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Many years ago I picked up my first nice bolt action rifle. It's remington 700 law enforcement edition of sorts, 308, bull barrel.... anyways I'm in CA so it means after I bought it l, it was 10 days of waiting. The FFL was going to have a class at an indoor range halfway through and said he can bring it so that I can 'fondle it' again. I bought match ammo and figured I would put couple rounds down range (indoor range that allows rifles.

To my surprise there were no sights on the gun - it was setup to put a rail on it with a scope.

Anyways I really wanted to shoot it.... so I chambered a round, looked down range, figured out how to aim along the barrel so that I wouldn't skip on the concrete and tried to be aimed down the center of the lane.

Well... centered I was.... I shot the target carrier right smack down the middle..... cost me IIRC $65 for the damage to the carrier.... the best and worst shot of mine at the same time.
Two for one deal...
Killed both using a single 140 ELD-M, one was a headshot and the other was a neckshot. Although I don't consider this to be anything crazy, it is the least normal thing I've done as of recently lol.


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Several years ago i had a .25-06 that was a flat out laser beam. A couple of buddies show up at the hunting camp and set a shoot and see target with the stickers on the corners for covering up bullet holes. They check their rifles and cover the holes with the stickers as they went along.
I grabbed the 06 up and said lemme shoot a couple and check mine. They got on either side of me watching through their scopes.
Shot 1 miss, 2 miss, 3 miss,4 miss they said. I backed off the gun and they start giving me shit about the misses.
Told them to look at the missing stickers spots in the corners of the target. Enough said
A few years back I was leaving my hunting lease in Texas and saw a coyote on the horizon trotting away from me. Quickly got out of the truck grabbed my Remington 700 243. When I got out the coyote saw me and start trotting from left to right while looking at me. I laid the rifle across the back of the bed of the truck and lead the coyote about a body length (mind you this is before I really got into precision rifle so this was a guess on my lead/hold). Squeeze the trigger dead coyote, this was such a lucky shot range was at 300 yards, luck pays off.
when I was a teenager, I shot a bowling ball that a friend of mine had found somewhere, using a 44 magnum. the bullet ricocheted back, nailing me in the leg and barely missing the head of my dick. It felt like I had been cracked in the leg by a baseball bat, and left a huge bruise. Cant imagine what it would have done to the family jewels. Crazy. I'll never do that again.
On mobile
Inherited a few guns, one was a 270, atleast a 30+ year old gun, I remember my uncle's shooting Gators in the head at over 100 yards in th front pond off my grandparents stocked bass pond, well this gun sat in a closet for atleast 10 years unfired before I got it, took it behind my brother's house to shoot it, dint even bother to clean it as it seemed to still be oiled up. Seen a egret out on the water, brother lives behind a old sand plant, we have a metal swing by the lake input rifle in the gusset and did a dead hold, bullet impact was about half way into the water, I held over until the reticle starts to thickin, this is a hold tasco scope, and shot. Bird dropped dead, dint believe it, we rode boat over there to confirm it, I wanted to know how far it was so I pulled up Google maps, it was 0.3m (528 yds) still don't believe I made that shot
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I remember one day my youngest brother came over and I was out shooting my 22lr at some steel. He seemed interested so I put 5 more rounds in the mag and handed it to him. It was sighted for The 8" gong at ~170 yards. He leaned against the hood of the truck and popped off 5 rounds as fast as he could work the bolt. Pop, ping, pop, ping, pop, ping, pop, ping, pop, ping. He handed the rifle back to me as I stood there with my mouth gaping. I asked him how he did and he said it looked like a grape sized group. I doubted that because he didn't even have time to aim. We walked out and inspected the target. Dang sure enough there was a group just off center of the plate about the size of a grape! You could see all 5 impacts. He cant hit a barn with his ar's, but he can shoot a bolt gun like nobody's business.
I was on my way out to do a little target practice with my 338 a few years ago and on my way there i spotted a cyote moving off in the distance so i stoped did a quick range math with my reticle figured it would be around 1600 yards so i dialed up on the nightforce and added a couple because it was moving out waited for it to stop then fired 2 seconds later i was suprised when i hit and killed the dog cold
Awesome !
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Annie Oakley style over the shoulder using a mirror hitting an 8inc square steel at 25yd. This was with my Beretta 92 I've had 17 years or so that I call the wife.

I also can hit a 4x8 sheet of plywood at 200yd with my snubnose 38. ?