To hate cross fit, would mean i envy them. I dont.
Point out what wrong thing i said about crossfit please. I gave a fair analysis from my point of view.
You say you do crossfit type workouts? Dont you mean circuit training? Or is crossfit somehow reinventing the wheel?
There have been strong, athletic, fast, explosive type people breaking world records long before crossfit came along. And there will continue to be so long after crossfit fad disappears. When crossfitters start breaking world records maybe ill give some recognition. Oh wait they created their own sport to prove how "fit" they are. Face palm....
Pros and cons of crossfit:
Gets people motivated to get off their ass and move around
Group settings for reinforced motivation
Says how it trains all the systems of training combined into one. 98% of people who step in a gym dont know what they are trying to accomplish.
Claims that you would be much better doing crossfit compared to traditional training.
Crossfit events tend to pack a full house audience. Look at crossfit comp vs powerlifting for instance.
Crossfit women tend to be sexy looking.
Crossfit is the new term for circuit training. Just with marketing behind it )
(that can be said I guess, I never really circuit trained
Membership fees are ridiculous for no dam reason
If you go to a good gym, you are getting a lot of quality coaching and one on one attention. I see value in that
Certified crossfit trainers ( two day course to become certified) are certified to teach you bullshit. Most fit guys who go into crossfit came from a traditional training first.
Agree, the 2 day is just a starting point for most coaches
Groups settings. Are you that weak minded that you need confirmation from other people?
Really? I guess it's a matter of opinion. I think most people prefer to work out and/or compete with their peers
Claims to produce the fittest people. No scientific data to prove anything over traditional training, but their is a ton of science to back up traditional training. Biathlon athletes are the fittest guys around Without crossfit.
No, what crossfit claim is to prepare you for life through functional movements. By not specializing it prepares you far a lot more situations that a runner, swimmer, biathlete, ect. The claim I relate is that a crossfitter can do most things adequately but most athlete that specialize cannot across the same broad domain. I believe it.
Founder of crossfit is a fat guy. And a fraud.
I don't care who founded it, or what he does.
Crossfit is a new way of circuit training but with big marketing to get your money.
Withn what it cost, marketing wouldn't keep people there. Whatever you want to call it, it works
No sense of progression
explin and I'll address it
To many injuries.
Compared too?
Olympic lifts done for time. Complete crap form. If it worked Olympic lifters would train like this but they don't cause once again its crap
I do agree that form goes out the window at times and you have to police yourself, just like you do in the life every day. Olympic lifters don't train that way because they are not concerned with speed, simply max weight moved, while rested
Fancy names for exercises that already have a name. For instance a clean into a push press is considered a thruster in crossfit lingo. Pretty stupid if you ask me.
New Crossfit men look like sissies unless coming from traditional weight training background.
Pregnant women doing crossfit leading to higher miscarriages.
Havent researched it but I havent seen it at my gym. Maybe poor coaching, bad advice, or not very smart ladies
Silly men hanging their babies on their back or chest while doing crossfit as if this is cool. Once again you look stupid
agree, never seen that in my gym either
The list goes one.