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Custom 300 WM build

So many options.

What is the weight goal for that hunting rifle?

I did a 7RM for my brother on an Origin with a 5.5 contour Krieger at 24". In a Grayboe Terrain (not my favorite) with pirated old 700 bottom metal it came in at about 11.5 lbs with optic.
Hunting rig:
Any 700 clone or the R700 tuned up
Do not use DBM. You will save some weight, reduce noise while walking, won't ever unseat the mag on brush, won't ever forget the magazine back home. BDL type or ADL.
Go with the real long Wyatts internal magazine box.
Brux, Bartlein, Kreiger, no particular order. 9 to 10 twist. 26" long finished, threaded for brake or suppressor.
Decide which bullet to use, I like the 210 Berger VLD. Load up some dummy rounds that just barely fit that magazine. Take them to the barrel cutter and tell him you want the ogive to barely touch the lands.
Buy 250 cases, 1000 bullets, 1000 primers and enough H1000 to load 1000 rounds.
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Zermatt + proof

I find it a super versatile cartridge - with the correct throat. Could be a hot 308 or a light RUM depending on how you load it - from 150 class zingers to 200+ class heavy hitters, and even long range solids (with a higher twist rate).
You can find 300WINMAG in the smallest of Alaskan villages. Probably not 300PRC or 30 Nosler or 300RUM. 300WINMAG is a great choice for a hunting rig simply because it is so widely available.
You could just pack your ammo in the same case as your rifle so it doesn’t get forgotten… still a big fan of the 300 winny for hunting though

Something like this? Greyboe outlander is only 33oz. The rifle has a #5 contour, so the barrel is a little on the heavry side. It weighs 175oz with bipod sling and a full magazine. I proabaly could have saved another pound or two with a sporter weight barrel. I coukd save a few OZ on the one peice nightforcs base. The scope is 15oz and I think the bipod is around 10oz.
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