Custom Powder Funnel


Aug 9, 2019
A friend of mine was expressing his frustration with having to get his powder funnel just right.

I thought, "I can 3D print a custom funnel for a specific gauge/cartridge that won't require a perfectly aligned funnel. Then you'll also know the powder is going straight into the case and not bouncing off of the top of the neck."

So this is what I put together. The attached file (in the zip) is what I printed the 223 funnel from. If you have a 3D printer, you should be able to throw that file into your slicer and do the same. Depending on your print settings, it may not come out perfectly though. I'm fine-tuning the 30 cal funnel still; it has a bit too much "snap" onto the neck which makes it not so smooth to remove.



  • 22 cal powder
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Every plastic funnel I've ever tried lets powder stick to it. Then you have to tap on it every time to get it all in the case. Satern funnels solved that problem and I've never looked back. I'd have to think hard about what the cost is of the 3d printed one versus a proven $12-15 option. Kudos for stepping up though!
You can overcome the problem in the video by social distancing the cases which will allow you to control the snout of the funnel with your opposite hand while you pour.
Every plastic funnel I've ever tried lets powder stick to it. Then you have to tap on it every time to get it all in the case. Satern funnels solved that problem and I've never looked back. I'd have to think hard about what the cost is of the 3d printed one versus a proven $12-15 option. Kudos for stepping up though!

Yeah, I mean I already have a printer at my disposal which makes doing it a little easier and figured anyone else with one could do the same. For no more than the material costs, it's a pretty cheap print.

I did pour some powder through since the video. It stuck towards the top of the funnel where it was moving slowly but came off with a couple taps. The lower part where the powder moved more quickly didn't stick the powder.
You can overcome the problem in the video by social distancing the cases which will allow you to control the snout of the funnel with your opposite hand while you pour.


No virus on my cases!

My friend's complaint was that even with holding his funnel, the smaller calibers still had to be perfectly aligned. That's how in the one part of the video you can see the top ring of the brass through the red funnel but not in the blue funnel.
How about a kitchen funnel jammed into an RTV gasket maker nozzle? Works great!
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